"Old Jia? What are you doing here?

Luo Geng stood at the door, opened the door of the studio, and found that standing outside the door was Jia Mo, who was still holding a letter in his hand.

"I'm here to deliver something, Teacher Luo."

Jia Mo walked into the house, glanced at Qin Qiao, who was still working, and then handed the letter in his hand to Luo Geng.

"This is?"

Luo Geng took it, glanced at it suspiciously, and then opened the envelope.

"It seems that it was sent by the Cheng'an Manga Artists Association, because I don't know your address, so I sent it to the publishing house."

"Oh... Cartoonists Association.

Luo Geng nodded, and saw that the letter was indeed an invitation letter from the Cartoonists Association, inviting him to join the association.

He also joined the cartoonists' association in his previous life, and often had to attend seminars and participate in various activities, but it was also beneficial, equivalent to joining the mainstream and adding a mainstream label to the work.

Non-mainstream things will become more and more difficult to follow in the future.

"I see."

Luo Geng put away the letter, and there was an application form attached to it, which should be filled out and sent back, and then Luo Geng's documents would be mailed back.

"And this..."

Jia Mo took out two more coupons from his pocket and handed them to Luo Geng.

"What is this again?"

Jia Mo smiled slightly and said:

"This is the welfare issued by our president, the lottery, the ticket for one night a day at the hot spring hotel, I won the lottery, but the two are obviously for two people to go, and I don't have a girlfriend... So I thought, I might as well give it to Teacher Luo as a gift. Hearing

this, Qin Qiao directly turned his head and wailed: "Huh?!" Cousin, you're too partial, why don't you give it to me..."

Don't mess around! Concentrate on your work! Jia Mo glared at her, thinking that isn't this still for you?!

It's his cousin, he should always take care of it, and she happens to be not the one who knows how to be human, and she will inevitably make Luo Geng unhappy at work

, this is not that he often apologizes to Luo Geng behind his back and says good things, often gives a gift or something, otherwise how to keep her job?

Two coupons may only be a few hundred yuan, but it is mainly a favor for gifts.

"Really? Lao Jia, I have a heart, thank you.

Luo Geng looked at the two coupons in his hand, nodded and smiled, of course he also understood what Jia Mo meant, so he was already very tolerant and caring for Qin Qiao, and the salary was not less, and the bonus was not a lot.

However, Luo Geng still didn't expect Jia Mo to be so attentive, originally thought that Jia Mo would be dissatisfied with himself

, after all, this work will not bring him any performance, after all, he published his own book, not serialized in the publishing house, he couldn't get any performance commission.

But now it seems that he is a bit of a villain, a gentleman's belly.

"Then my things have been delivered, I'll go first."

Jia Mo said goodbye to Luo Geng with a smile, left here, and closed the door.

After Jia Mo left, Luo Geng looked at the two coupons in his hand and sat on the sofa to study them.

On the other side of the work area, Xu Mengnan whispered next to Chi Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, it seems that you are going to the hot spring..."

Not necessarily, Luo Geng is very busy, maybe he doesn't have time. Chi

Xiaoyu said so, but she was already looking forward to it in her heart, she wanted to go with Luo

Geng and play together, but because of work, Luo Geng couldn't squeeze out any time, and she usually had to go to class, so she was already very busy.

So she was also mentally prepared, even if she couldn't go, she couldn't show loss and disappointment.

"Laughing rain..."

At this time, Luo Geng gently called Chi Xiaoyu, and

she immediately turned her head, looked at Luo Geng, and responded: "What's wrong..."

"Do you have time this weekend? This one... Go?

Luo Geng shook the coupon in his hand and invited Chi

Xiaoyu, he asked Chi Xiaoyu if he had time, but also wanted to know if she would go out with friends on the weekend or something

, he just studied this coupon and found that it could not be used next weekend, it expired, so he could only go this weekend.

"Look... Teacher Luo must also very much want to go with you. As if he had seen through everything, Xu Mengnan patted Chi Xiaoyu's shoulder.

"Well... All right.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and agreed to Luo Geng, her expression couldn't see anything, but don't mention how happy she was in her heart,

being able to hang out with Luo Geng was of course the thing she hoped for the most.

So there is no such thing as no time, even if there is no time, squeeze out time, and push everything away.

"Oh, by the way, you also have a day off this weekend, you've been working for a long time, and you haven't had a good day off."

Luo Geng stood up and said to Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan.

Although Qin Qiao had a break before, she didn't take a break, because even if she rested, she didn't know what to do, and there was no one to accompany her to go shopping and play with her, so she continued to work,

and Luo Geng also turned that rest into her salary and paid her normally.

Now it's different, Luo Geng heard that Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan often go shopping after work

, and when he comes to the studio the next day, he can still see the pile of snacks and some garbage, and occasionally hear their subtle conversations at night.

"Good, good!"

Xu Mengnan nodded happily and repeatedly, then looked at Qin Qiao and asked, "Teacher Qin, I heard that there is a comic exhibition in Annan this weekend, let's go together!" "

Although she has no salary, she can rest as much as she wants

, but Qin Qiao is not, she wants to find Qin Qiao to go out to play, and she must wait for her to rest or leave work."

"Cheng Annan... But this is the north of the city, it takes a long time to sit by car... Moreover, I finally have to contact comics for a day off..." Qin

Qiao looked at Xu Mengnan who was expecting on the side, she really didn't expect that she really loved comics, at least more than herself

, for her, although she also likes comics, but the most important thing is to make a living, earning money shopping is her ideal.

"Go, go, please, I'll invite you to dinner in the evening..." Xu

Mengnan grabbed Qin Qiao's arm, wrapped her around her and begged, making her a little uncomfortable, and could only agree

, "Ah, good, good, I'll accompany you, okay..." Although

Qin Qiao said that she likes to be clingy, but it's not so sticky...

What she wants is the kind of feeling that thinks about herself in everything, does not ignore herself, and likes to participate in her own space although she has each other's own space, not

this feeling of sticking to herself like a child....

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu looked at each other and smiled, looking at the way the two of them got along, there was really a feeling that a girlfriend was coquettish to her boyfriend, and then although the boyfriend was reluctantly embarrassed, he still had to accept the feeling.

Qin Qiao secretly thought in her heart, if it is such a clingy look to have a boyfriend in the future, then she still doesn't want to have a boyfriend....

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