On the weekend, Xu Mengnan got up from the bed early and went to Qin Qiao's room, as for what happened, Luo Geng they didn't know, but they heard Qin Qiao's wailing sound from next door.

"Let's go."

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu are also ready to go out, the location of the hot spring hotel is not too far, but it is also about an hour by car.


Chi Xiaoyu nodded, she had been looking forward to today last night, and it was very tempting for her to be able to hang out

with Luo Geng, because she could try all kinds of

different things with Luo Geng for the first time, and in the things she wrote that she wanted to do with Luo Geng, she hadn't done anything else for a long time, obviously there were so many things that Luo Geng hadn't done, but she couldn't see progress at all.

The two took a car to the location of the hotel, which is very famous in Cheng'an and is one of the must-see places to visit Cheng'an.

Therefore, it is very popular, and there are many tourists who come here.

"In this way, Lao Jia's gift really has a heart, but I don't know if what he said was true or false."

Luo Geng looked at the huge hotel in front of him with guests coming in and out, it was very lively, looked at the coupon in his hand, and couldn't help sighing.

However, Luo Geng did not rule out that Jia Mo got it out of his own pocket, and he said it so lightly in order to reassure himself.

"I must want you to take more care of Sister Qiaoqiao, after all, her personality... It's really the kind that worries people. Chi

Xiaoyu thought of Qin Qiao before, although he was also very good to himself, but his personality was not very good to say, saying that it was good is straightforward, saying that it is difficult is to speak without going through the brain, big grin

, although it is much better now, but occasionally he will say something that makes people feel unhappy.

"But it seems that she has met someone who can cure her, and I don't know if they are playing well now, maybe it has been Xu Mengnan dragging the half-dead Qin Qiao away."

Luo Geng chuckled, Xu Mengnan is very sticky

to Qin Qiao, sometimes it makes her feel bored, but even if Qin Qiao's temper is not good, there is no way to Xu Mengnan's good temper, because she is not like a leather ball, she can bounce back when she shoots, even if Qin Qiao says it, Xu Mengnan will not take it to heart, nor will she fight back, and her temper is very good.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu walked into the hotel, and with the welcome lady, they guided them to the bar.

Luo Geng took out the two coupons, handed them to the front desk lady, and asked, "Hello, can I use this?" The

front desk lady took it, glanced at it and said: "Yes, but the hot spring pool is a public area, and with other guests, the room is also an ordinary standard room, only breakfast." "

Public area..." Luo Geng frowned slightly, men and women mixed together, although they were all wearing yukata, but Luo Geng was afraid that it would inevitably be a little unhygienic.

It's good to say that after all, it's a man, but Chi Xiaoyu is a girl, and her body is different from herself, maybe she will be cross-infected.

"I should be able to add some money to upgrade myself, right?"

"Yes, we have a 998 yuan package, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the room is a luxury suite, because our hotel currently does not have a personal hot spring pool, so the best is only the kind of hot spring pool that is separate for men and women, and you don't need to wear yukata."

"Okay, so be it."

Luo Geng nodded, took out his wallet, and made up the difference, since it was hard to come out to play once, there was no need to be so stingy.

After the processing, the front desk lady handed the room card to Luo Geng.

"The room is on the third floor and the second floor is the restaurant."


Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's hand, left here, went to the third floor, found

the room, and put all the luggage he brought inside.

The suite has a bedroom, living room, dining room, and a large bed in the bedroom, enough to sleep four or five people.

"It's still early, let's go to the restaurant to eat, and we need to eat something before soaking in the hot spring."

Luo Geng looked at the time, and it was only about eleven o'clock in the morning.


The two went to the restaurant on the second floor, at this time there were many people in the restaurant, very noisy, especially there were loud noises and the sound of children crying, which made Luo Geng a little irritable

, but the rest day is like this, there are many people who come to this kind of place

, so Luo Geng they have no choice, can only let people send food to the room, go back to the room to eat.

After eating, they rested for more than an hour, and after one o'clock in the afternoon, the two changed their yukata clothes in their rooms and prepared to go to the hot spring.

"Be careful not to get dizzy, come out if you feel dizzy, and then go back to your room."

Luo Geng stood in front of the male pool and instructed Chi Xiaoyu, just like an adult instructing a child.

Although Chi Xiaoyu felt a little strange, it also made her like it.

"Got it."

The two enter the men's pool and the women's pool respectively, and although it is not a separate hot spring pool, there are very few people, because most people still go to the public pool.

You also have to wear a yukata at the public pool, you don't need it here.

Luo Geng took off his yukata, locked his things, and walked into the misty hot spring.


He exhaled relaxedly, as if to spit out all his exhaustion

, there were not many people in the hot spring, only three or five people, all quietly closing their eyes and resting, enjoying the comfort, and there was no movement.

"This should be, there is no peeping hole or anything, right?"

Luo Geng opened his eyes and looked at the wall between men and women

, he admitted that he was a little devilish, the same as the last time he imagined a working maid, after all, as long as it is a trip to the hot spring in the comics, either the man mistakenly entered the female pool and was scolded and perverted out, or the woman walked into the male pool by mistake, screaming

, or else, it was a voyeuristic link that could not be moved, either eavesdropping on the wall, or looking for a hole where you could peep.

But imagination is imagination after all, and Luo Geng can't really think that such a thing will happen, after all

, if anyone dares to peek at Chi Xiaoyu, then he swears that he will absolutely gouge out that guy's eyes!

Luo Geng closed his eyes and continued to rest, but at this time,

he heard someone next to him muttering something:

"Alas... Tired to death, why not pick the moon dark and windy night and bury him? Go back and say to his family... Did he have a girlfriend and elope? "

What the hell..." Luo Geng opened his eyes wide, staring in the direction of the person muttering over there

, he swore that he didn't mean to eavesdrop, the point was that this was too explosive, moreover, he listened to this person's voice, it seemed a little familiar.

When Luo Geng looked at that person, he also happened to look over and glanced at Luo Geng.


..." "Are you..."

Luo Geng pointed at him, no wonder he sounded familiar, wasn't this a more normal friend next to that perverted weirdo...

"You're calling... Fan Junzhe, I remember correctly. "

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