"Maybe oh, when did I lie to you, there are many men who like it!"

An Ying raised his eyebrows, and with a "you know" expression, Chi Xiaoyu's cheeks became even more rosy.

"But... An

Ying snapped his fingers and said,

"Oh! Are you trying to say that you don't know how to buy it? It's okay, next time we go shopping, I'll take you to buy it!

Chi Xiaoyu bit her lip, she was really a little overwhelmed by An Ying's words,

"No! Ah... Gee, let's talk about it next time!

"Then I'll take you and don't refuse!"

After teasing Chi Xiaoyu, An Ying leaned on the edge with satisfaction, comfortably enjoying the hot spring, but Chi Xiaoyu's

heart was no longer calm, she sank her body, only showing her head, not knowing what she was thinking....

Several people fell into a quiet moment, enjoying a moment of tranquility and letting the comfortable hot springs wash their impetuous hearts.

It wasn't until several people had some hotheads that they were ready to go out and end such a time.

"Luo Geng, let's go out too, it's not good to be stunned for a while."

Fan Junzhe stood up and was ready to beckon Luo Geng to go out together

, Luo Geng opened his eyes, nodded, and responded: "Oh, good."

He was about to stand

up and leave, and when he stood up, Fan Junzhe frowned slightly, and his eyes inadvertently glanced at Luo Geng's private location!

"Huh? Well?! This... This is?! Fan

Junzhe suddenly widened his eyes, and his expression was shocked, and his heart was even more shocked!

Subsequently, he didn't know why, and subconsciously blocked himself with a towel!

"Python... Python..."

"Huh? What did you say? Luo Geng blinked and asked suspiciously.

"It's okay... Nothing, nothing... That, are you really yellow? No... Something else? "

Huh? What do you mean?

"Didn't... That is, a little doubtful, your race..." The

corner of Fan Junzhe's mouth twitched, this is really more people than people, angry to death

, I didn't expect that on handsome but handsome, on the rich no one has money, the result is on the body, but also not as good as the body of others!

Luo Geng and Fan Junzhe came out in their yukata robes, and just happened to bump into Chi Xiaoyu and An Ying who came out at the same time.

"Hi." An Ying greeted

Luo Geng, and he also responded politely, but when Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu, he found that her face was red,

so he asked with some worry: "What's wrong?" Did it soak for a long time?

Luo Geng touched Chi Xiaoyu's brain door with his hand and found that it was also very hot.

"Nope... No, it's okay. Chi Xiaoyu shook her head, she didn't soak in the hot spring, but spent time alone with An Ying for a while, she seemed to know a lot of things that she had never understood before...

I don't know if it's an increase in knowledge or a rise in posture.

"Then let's go back and rest." Luo Geng put his arm around Chi Xiaoyu's shoulders and held her in his arms, her eyes widened and her heart beat faster!

She didn't know why, this was not the first time Luo Geng hugged herself, why did she have such a reaction?

Could it be that he heard what Luo Geng just said to go back and take a rest?

What did you just think in your head?

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu blamed all this on An Ying, if she hadn't told herself so much, she wouldn't have become like this now...

"Go back and "rest" ah, uh-huh, okay, okay! An Ying really lived up to Chi Xiaoyu's expectations, looked at the two and smiled mysteriously, and nodded repeatedly.

Luo Geng suddenly thought of something and said: "Since you can meet here, it's quite a coincidence, by the way, do you want to come to our room at night to play?" "

Huh? Are we all together? I didn't expect it, Luo Geng, I didn't expect you to actually like 4..."

Fan Junzhe quickly covered An Ying's mouth, his eyes widened, and he was extremely afraid, for fear that she would say something again!

He stared at An Ying deadly, and his eyes seemed to say, "I beg you not to say anything strange again!" "。

He now has the feeling that he used to stay by Wan Qi's side, and he is afraid that the other party will say something blindly

, but one of them is very strange, and the other is very astringent!

Fan Junzhe smiled awkwardly and said, "Ahaha, okay, isn't it good to drink some wine after soaking in the hot spring?" Do you drink?

Luo Geng didn't know what the situation was, but he nodded and said softly: "Uh, if you have beer, it's okay..." "

Uh-huh, well, we'll go to you guys with snacks and beer in the evening, An Ying should have Chi Xiaoyu's phone, right, then contact again, then we'll go first, bye."

Fan Junzhe seemed to be in a hurry to leave, and after speaking, he dragged An Ying away.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu looked at each other, a little unclear about what happened.

Luo Geng just thought that Chi Xiaoyu had friends to go out with and go shopping, and at that time he realized that he didn't seem to have any friends....

Wen Shao is not there, and he doesn't want to take the initiative to know anyone and make friends with

, after all, he feels that the first is Chi Xiaoyu and his family, the second is himself, the third is work, and friends are almost not ranked.

But just now, when he and Fan Junzhe were in the hot spring, they chatted more speculatively,

which made Luo Geng feel that he was at least a normal person and might be able to make friends.

The two returned to the room, Luo Geng lay comfortably on the bed, stretched a lazy waist, and let out a roar.

Chi Xiaoyu, on the other hand, was standing aside, grabbing the corner of his bathrobe with his hand, staring at Luo Geng on the bed, and his heart was a little tangled....

She wondered if Luo Geng liked those or not...

If she can do what she likes, it is also what Chi Xiaoyu wants

, but she doesn't know how to ask, how to open her mouth naturally like An Ying? It was too hard for her!

"Should I ask Sister An Ying to help? If it were her... Maybe I can ask it..." Chi

Xiaoyu thought secretly, now she admires An Ying very much, obviously they are all girls, she is only two years older than herself, why are her thoughts so different...

There is a feeling that the education that the two received is not a version, just like the young basic version that Chi Xiaoyu received, and An Ying received the Great God Deluxe Advanced Version!

"That... I went to call Sister An Ying and told them the location of our room.

"Well, good." Luo Geng nodded, did not suspect anything, and

then Chi Xiaoyu went out to call.

Luo Geng lay on the bed and closed his eyes to rest, and fell asleep after a while.

Until the sun went down and it turned dark outside, Luo Geng was woken up by a knock on the door!

"Bang bang—" "


Luo Geng opened her eyes and saw Chi Xiaoyu sitting on the side

, and after she heard a knock on the door, she stood up and opened the door.

The door was opened, and it was An Ying and Fan Junzhe standing outside the door, Fan Junzhe was carrying a lot of snacks, as well as

beer, An Ying held a bottle of beer in his hand, walked directly into the room

, saw Luo Geng who was still sleepy on the bed, pointed at him with the bottle, and said with a smile:

"Cheer up, the most exciting truth or dare in history is about to begin!"

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