"Truth be told... Big adventure? Luo

Geng now felt a little trance, not waking up is a little, and An Ying said inexplicable words.

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu and found that she lowered her head and didn't say anything, and he unconsciously seemed to be on some thief's ship.

After a while, the four of them sat around the table, with snacks on the table and beer in front of each person.

"Okay, then I'll talk about the rules."

An Ying glanced around, currently Chi Xiaoyu's state is unknown, Fan Junzhe is helpless, as if forced to participate, Luo Geng's state is confused, and he still can't figure it out.

An Ying was very satisfied with this situation.

"The rules are very simple, Truth or Dare has been played, rock-paper-scissors, the punishment for losing, in addition to choosing Truth or Dare and Truth or Dare, you must also punish alcohol."

"Wait, let me ask first, how big is the scale? Wouldn't be excessive, would it? Luo Geng raised his hand and asked suspiciously.

If this is something very excessive, then he can't do it, he can't say that he can't afford to play.

"Don't worry, Scale.... Belch... It should, probably, you can accept it. An Ying nodded, and his words were vaguely confused, and Luo Geng had a question mark and a sense of foreboding.

"There shouldn't be any undressing requirements."

Luo Geng said and covered his and Chi Xiaoyu's bodies with his own hands.

And after hearing Luo Geng say this, An Ying and Fan Junzhe said in unison: "Absolutely impossible!"

"Although my figure is not bad, but Chi Xiaoyu's figure is so good, even I can't help but look at it twice more and take off my clothes?" Isn't this self-inflicted?

"Let Luo Geng undress? Let that big python appear? Come on! There is no harm without comparison, I can't let this happen..." An

Ying and Fan Junzhe are each pregnant with ghosts, but the goal is the same, that is, the game of undressing is impossible.

That's a big disservice to them....

"Okay, then let's start the game, remember, the game must be serious to be interesting, the truth cannot be lied, the adventure cannot be unexecuted, otherwise the penalty is ten times the wine."

An Ying moved his joints, as if he had to warm up before guessing the boxing.

The other three nodded, had no objection, stretched out their hands, and prepared to play the game.

"Rocks, scissors, cloth!"

The four stretched out their hands together, and as a result, in the first round, Chi Xiaoyu stood out and lost.

"Xiaoyu, choose the truth, or the big adventure?" An Ying smiled kindly, but in Chi Xiaoyu's eyes, that smile seemed to contain a potential threat.

"Let's tell the truth..." Chi Xiaoyu drank a glass of wine and chose to tell the truth.

An Ying looked at Luo Geng and asked, "How about it, do you come to ask, or let me ask?" "

Come on."

An Ying nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked,

"Okay, then sister Xiaoyu, excuse me, before you met Luo Geng, you had a few people you liked, what was their name!"

"Huh?" Luo Geng's eyes opened, hearing this question, his heart couldn't help but tremble

, he recalled, it seems that he really never asked Chi Xiaoyu this question, did not ask her about her before

, although she said that she liked herself since junior high school, but who didn't like many people when they were young?

Fan Junzhe frowned slightly, and whispered in An Ying's ear: "Hey, the fiancé is still here, you ask this question?" Isn't it?

An Ying glanced at him and said, "Then I'll ask you this question later, okay?" "

Not good..."

Several people looked at Chi Xiaoyu, waiting for her to give an answer, and Chi Xiaoyu did not hesitate, so he spoke:

"My first and last favorite person is Luo Geng, and my first love is also Luo Geng, and there will be no one else."

"Oh~" An Ying and Fan Junzhe seemed to be from the atmosphere group, their mouths were in the shape of "O", their hands were clapping, and they looked like they were coaxing.

And after Luo Geng heard it, he was a little overwhelmed in his heart....

Because he didn't know anything before, the first one he liked was Qi Qianru, not her...

Although it was impossible for Chi Xiaoyu to account for these things, Luo Geng thought that his dullness might have hurt Chi Xiaoyu for a long time...

"Next game!"

"Rocks, scissors, cloth!"

In the second game, Luo Geng and Fan Junzhe lost together!

Because they don't need to decide the only loser in the end, as long as they lose, they will be punished, so the two of them will be punished together.

The two looked at the cloth that the stone they stretched out lost to the two girls, and their hearts were a little worried.

Fan Junzhe thought of what An Ying had just said, and asked himself that question later!

He didn't want that to happen, after all, in front of his current girlfriend, it was too embarrassing to say that he used to like someone!

And Luo Geng is the same, he doesn't want to say anything about the person he used to like.

"I choose the big adventure!"

"Me too."

So, the two chose the big adventure without hesitation.

An Ying looked at Chi Xiaoyu, pointed at Luo Geng and asked, "Are you going to punish him?"

Chi Xiaoyu bit her lip lightly, she originally thought that if Luo Geng chose to be honest, she could ask something she wanted to know, but now that she was taking a big risk, she didn't know what punishment to make.

And she didn't want to punish Luo Geng or something....

"No, come on, Sister An Ying."

Therefore, Chi Xiaoyu handed over Luo Geng's fate to An Ying, because she knew that An Ying would not say anything excessive.

Luo Geng lowered his voice and asked in Fan Junzhe's ear, "What punishment do you think your girlfriend will say?"

Fan Junzhe shook his head and responded, "I don't know, as long as it's not for us both to kiss or something..."

An Ying thought for a while and said:

"Then... Luo Geng, you pinch Fan Junzhe's feet! "

Huh?!" The two exclaimed and looked at An Ying with a shocked expression.

What kind of adventure is this? Who is this punishing?

"Of course, you have to use all your strength, how much strength and how much force!" An Ying pointed at Luo Geng and added.

"Understand, come on, buddy, lie down."

Luo Geng stood up, pointed to the sofa on the side, looked at Fan Junzhe and said.

The corner of Fan Junzhe's mouth twitched, although he was the one who was pinched, but I don't know why there was always a bad premonition....

He carefully stood up and lay down on the sofa, resting his feet on it.

Luo Geng sat on the small stool, moved his arm, and said with a smile: "Hello sir, technician No. 38 is happy to serve you."

"Just show mercy to your subordinates, and if I foam at the mouth for a while, help me call 120."

Fan Junzhe covered his eyes, afraid to watch what would happen next, but he also knew that he might be tortured immediately.

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