"I understand acupuncture points, I'll tell you where to pinch!"

An Ying came to Luo Geng's side with great interest, looked at the soles of Fan Junzhe's feet, and smiled badly.


An Ying pointed to the center of Fan Junzhe's foot, which was the acupuncture point of the kidney!


Luo Geng stretched out his hand and pressed the soles of Fan Junzhe's feet, and then bent his fingers and slammed his joints against that acupuncture point!

"Ah! Groove! Fan

Junzhe exclaimed violently, his hands directly slammed into the sofa

, if Luo Geng hadn't pressed his foot tightly, he would have withdrawn his foot long ago!

An Ying looked at Fan Junzhe with a smile and asked,

"What's wrong?" Does it hurt? It hurts a lot, which means that your place is not very good. "

My mother, it hurts me, where is this?"

An Ying was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and said, "This... Belch... It's a liver, are you a bad liver?

"Really? Gee, so to speak, I don't seem to have a good liver, this also hurts too much, let's change places..." Fan

Junzhe quickly waved his hand, he really couldn't bear it at all, if he attacked this place again, then he was really easy to foam at the mouth.

"Then press here next."

An Ying pointed to the real "liver" acupuncture point on the soles of Fan Junzhe's feet, Luo Geng nodded, hooked his lips and smiled meaningfully: "Understood!" Then

, Luo Geng exerted his strength to eat milk and forcefully pushed against that acupuncture point!

"Shhh! - Which is it?

Fan Junzhe hissed, gasped, and looked at An Ying and asked.

An Ying's lips raised a slight smile and said:

"This, it's a kidney!"

"Hard, why doesn't it hurt, it's a little comfortable."

Fan Junzhe lay down completely, closed his eyes, and had an expression of enjoyment, as if it was not him who gasped just now.

"Then I can use my strength."

Luo Geng had a "this is what you said" expression, and then used the joint to fiercely press the acupuncture point of the liver.

Fan Junzheding's body shook, but he just closed his eyes, pursed his mouth, and didn't say a word.

"Ahem, force, onslaught! Oh no way, I may be strong in this organ!

Fan Junzhe gritted his back teeth and spoke, but in fact, his right hand quietly pinched his thigh.

The face slowly turned red, but he didn't say a word about the pain.

After a few minutes, Luo Geng saw that Fan Junzhe's eyes were a little red, so he stopped and said; "Okay?"

"Hmm! Well, even if you finish the punishment!

An Ying nodded in satisfaction and returned to his seat.

Luo Geng gave Fan Junzhe a thumbs up, smiled mysteriously, and said: "Okay, buddy, the kidneys are quite hard, press for such a long time without saying a word."

"Of course... Ahem... I'm an invulnerable kidney! I'm covered in the strongest organ! Fan

Junzhe felt that the soles of his feet were numb, he couldn't feel the presence of the soles of his feet, and it took a lot of effort to even stand up.

Fan Junzhe shook his head and said

, "But, the first one to pinch is the liver... It hurts so much! I lean, is my liver papery? How fragile this is, I was so convinced, I almost felt like I was going to die. "

Poof!" An Yingjiao burst out laughing, pointed at him and said, "Yes, that's too fragile, you have to take good care of it." "

Wash your hands."

Luo Geng smacked his tongue and ran to the bathroom, this punishment was actually fine for him, but Fan Junzhe was really painful.

"Okay, it's the next round!"

In the next round, Fan Junzhe lost again, only this time he was alone.

"I choose to tell the truth..."

Fan Junzhe drank a glass of wine and shook his head slightly, he would rather say something embarrassing than experience that pain again.

"Xiaoyu, you come and ask him." An Ying thought that he had always been punishing and asking questions, so he wanted to involve Chi Xiaoyu.

And Chi Xiaoyu didn't know what to ask, she and Fan Junzhe didn't intersect, she really wanted to ask Luo Geng the truth...

"That... In order of annoyance, rank the girls you know, ah, college only.

Fan Junzhe blinked and muttered, "Huh? My university... I don't know any girls, I know

the four of you..." An Ying nodded and said, "That's okay, then give the four of us an order of annoyance." "


Fan Junzhe glanced at An Ying, and then at Luo Geng, do you want to rank the four girls of them, or in order of annoyance? Isn't this offending?

"The least annoying thing must be An Ying..." "

Your girlfriend, it's reasonable." Luo Geng nodded and said in approval.

"And then... Chi Xiaoyu. Fan Junzhe pointed to Chi Xiaoyu, after all, people are sitting here, and it is more appropriate to be behind his girlfriend.

"And then there is... That girl named Xu Mengnan.

"Oh! You hate little Lulu the most! An Ying hooked his lips and smiled meaningfully, as if he had heard the answer he wanted to hear the most, and patted him on the shoulder.

"What's the most annoying... It's just a sequence among the four of you, in fact, I don't know the three of them very well, hate something.... I can't talk about it..." Fan

Junzhe knew that this was a set that An Ying had given him, waiting for him to drill in.

However, even if An Ying exposed his purpose, he would not stop there, directly poked his head, looked at Fan Junzhe with interest, and asked:

"Then what do you hate about her the most?"

"Eh, my problem is over..."

Where An Ying can manage such rules, they have already been put into the set, of course, to hear interesting things.

"This... She... It's a bit of a sense of distance from you, and I feel like I don't want to make friends with me.

"I feel the same way."

Luo Geng nodded on the side, then stretched out his hand, and the two clapped in tacit agreement.

"So you want to make friends with her?"

Fan Junzhe quickly shook his head and said: "No, I don't need to make any friends with other girls..."

An Ying showed a bad smile and whispered in Fan Junzhe's ear:

"Oh~, then are you afraid that she will snatch me away from you?"

"Yes! That's right! Fan

Junzhe directly gave up on himself, and he found that in the face of An Ying's teasing attack, it was the best way not to retreat and advance!

The more embarrassed you are, the more you hit her heart!

So he directly clapped his big hand, nodded and acknowledged, frank and serious.

Even Luo Geng couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and praise his courage to move forward.

"Ah, it's like this~, then I'll compensate you okay..."

An Ying gently bit his thin lips, close to Fan Junzhe's ear, whispered something in his ear

, the voice was very small, Luo Geng they couldn't hear it at all.

However, the next thing I saw Fan Junzhe with a straight chest, the momentum slowly dissipated, and his black eyes suddenly flashed a trace of panic.

An Ying stepped back after speaking, looking at him and throwing a wink, with a thousand amorousness.

Fan Junzhe's throat moved, and he sighed helplessly,

"Muggle... Defeated again..."

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