The game is still going on, but Chi Xiaoyu's luck is a little worse, and more than half of the ten games are lost by Chi Xiaoyu.

And An Ying couldn't ask anything interesting, because if you want to gossip, Chi Xiaoyu has nothing to gossip about, and the questions about feelings are only related to Luo Geng.

Even if she didn't ask anything, Chi Xiaoyu was a little drunk because of drinking one after

another, she wouldn't drink herself, she had already forced her body to help Luo Geng block the wine before, and now even if it was beer, but drinking so quickly, so much, it was a little difficult to overcome.

"Ahhh... I lost. This

time it was Luo Geng who lost, and he really didn't want to play any more big adventures, so after drinking a glass of wine, he said: "This time I choose to tell the truth..."

The first time I choose to be honest, then I have to think about something interesting.

An Ying raised her eyebrows, looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and found that her eyes were already a little lazy, and from time to time she would lean on Luo Geng's shoulder.

An Ying raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice:

"Have you ever thought of letting Xiaoyu wear some clothes that make your blood flow, that... It's more exciting. "


Luo Geng didn't react for a while, his head didn't follow, but then, something came to his mind,

"Blood spurting... Are you interceding... Ahem!

Luo Geng immediately braked, his eyes unconsciously glanced at Chi Xiaoyu on the side

, but found that she didn't seem to care, just stared at the wine glass on the table, and then leaned on his shoulder.

Luo Geng looked at An Ying, who had a bad smile, and looked at Fan Junzhe on the side, he also had a helpless expression like "I can't help you".

"This... Be sure to answer..."

"Of course, the game is just fun if you dare to say it." An Ying nodded, supporting his chin with his hands, as if he was already waiting for Luo Geng to say it.

"This... Yes, there were..."

"So you like it!"

"Stop! I've answered the question you asked, so let's start the next round.

Luo Geng stopped An Ying, and he now regretted choosing something true, it was better to let him choose something big adventure or something.

He glanced at Chi Xiaoyu again, and found that she still didn't react, as if she was really drunk....

Originally thought that if he said such words, Chi Xiaoyu would definitely have some reaction.

"Good, good, next round."

Helping Chi Xiaoyu ask the answer she wanted to know, An Ying looked at Chi Xiaoyu and blinked, but she didn't seem to have accepted her code.

In the next game, Chi Xiaoyu lost again.

"I'll drink it for her."

Luo Geng picked up Chi Xiaoyu's wine glass and drank it all, because he could see that Chi Xiaoyu really couldn't drink anymore.

"Xiaoyu, do you want to tell the truth, or do you want to take a big adventure?"

"Big adventure..." Chi Xiaoyu said softly, his eyes confused.

"So... Then..."

An Ying looked at Chi Xiaoyu's appearance, thoughtful, she glanced at Luo Geng again and smiled slightly.

Then, she pointed to Luo Geng and said, "Then you kiss Luo Geng, okay?" Oh, hold on for more than a minute."

"Good.." Chi Xiaoyu nodded and agreed without thinking, and then turned his head to look at

Luo Geng, constantly approaching him, "Wait..." Before Luo Geng could say anything, Chi Xiaoyu had already blocked Luo Geng's mouth with his thin lips.

An Ying patted Fan Junzhe, he understood, and the two stood up and tiptoed towards the door.

An Ying's hand was on the switch and said softly: "Bye bye, good night-"

Then turned off the lights in the house, the two walked out, closed the door

, leaving Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, in this dark room, kissing each other, the relationship continued to heat up....

The next day

, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were about to leave the hotel and check out, and when they were at the front desk, they met Fan Junzhe and An Ying, who also checked out.

"Xiaoyu, did you rest well last night?"

An Ying patted Chi Xiaoyu's shoulder, raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Uh..." Chi

Xiaoyu's face couldn't help but blush, she didn't expect that after drinking too much, it would be like that...

However, Luo Geng looked more refreshed and seemed to be very energetic.

"Okay, let's go."

Fan Junzhe took An Ying's hand, ready to take her away before she said something dangerous.

After saying goodbye to Luo Geng and them, the two left.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, on the other hand, went out to take a taxi, returned home, and put their luggage back.

"You can sleep again, you got up a little early this morning, and you don't have any energy at noon."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu, who was still a little confused, after all, she drank a lot of wine last night, and she didn't sleep well...

So it seems that since the morning, I am still a little dizzy, and my head is a little swollen.

"Well, good..." Chi

Xiaoyu did not shirk, but turned his head and went into the room to catch up on sleep, while Luo Geng came to the studio next door.


As soon as he entered the studio, Luo Geng saw Qin Qiao lying on the table decadently, exuding an exhausted aura, and he couldn't even hold the brush he was holding in his hand.

"What's wrong with this?"

Luo Geng frowned slightly, walked over, and asked Xu Mengnan who was helping to work on the side.

"Probably, a little tired..." Xu Mengnan smiled awkwardly and replied softly.

And after Qin Qiao heard it, he slowly raised his head and stared at Xu Mengnan in disbelief,

"A little tired?"

"Teacher Luo, do you know how capable this kid was yesterday? From 8 am to 8 pm! I haven't rested! He didn't let me sleep well at night, and ran to my room to pull me to read comics together!

Qin Qiao told about his pain, Luo Geng looked at the dark circles of her two eyes, and knew that she had not slept well, and it would be affected by this kind of work.

Luo Geng sighed, looked at Xu Mengnan, and said seriously: "Not next time, Qin Qiao has to work, you can't delay her work and rest, otherwise you can't stay here anymore." "

Oh... Sorry, I know it's wrong.

Xu Mengnan lowered his head, nodded lightly, and said in a low voice.

She admitted that she seemed a little overexcited, coupled with being too sticky.

Now for Qin Qiao, stickiness is a disadvantage, an extremely unfriendly thing for her, and her mate selection criteria have now changed the clingy to non-sticky.

"Eh, Teacher Luo, where is Xiaoyu?"

Xu Mengnan looked behind Luo Geng, as if he didn't see Chi Xiaoyu's figure.

Luo Geng pointed to the next door and said, "Laughing rain, she... She's a little tired... Now at rest. "

A little tired?"

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