"Xiaoyu, where is your family Luogeng? I heard Fan Junzhe say that he doesn't seem to have come to class for many days..." An

Ying and Chi Xiaoyu walked around, chatting about the sky

, because Chi Xiaoyu was particularly diligent in finding An Ying recently, and she had been with Luo

Geng before, and then she listened to Fan Junzhe say that Chi Xiaoyu came to class alone for so many days, and she had never seen Luo Geng's figure at all.

"Logenta... Something, went to another city..." Chi

Xiaoyu lowered her head and said softly, although it was an understatement, she missed Luo Geng very much, and she hadn't seen it for a week.

The weather is slowly getting cooler, and it will soon be winter

, she looked at the diamond ring on her hand, her eyes showed all the thoughts of Luo

Geng, so many days when her hands were cold, she missed when Luo Geng warmed her hands

, but she didn't expect to leave Luo Geng for a week, which was so painful for her.

A week ago, Luo Geng received a call that the animation production company had begun to produce Luo Geng's works, so he invited Luo Geng to supervise the production.

After all, it is to make money, so even if you are in school, you must take leave, and I don't know how soon I can come back

, although the two call and chat every day, but Chi Xiaoyu still misses Luo Geng and thinks about it.

"Ahhh... For so many days, you are alone, then you must be very lonely.

"Well, it's lonely." Chi Xiaoyu did not hide her feelings, she couldn't wait for Luo Geng to appear directly in front of her and throw herself into his arms.

After relying on it for so long, Luo Geng left suddenly, as if taking her heart away with her,

and the room also seemed very cold and empty.

An Ying didn't expect Chi Xiaoyu to admit it directly, and blinked and said:

"Really, then do you want me to accompany you at night, it's boring to be at home alone."

"Okay... Come and play.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and agreed, after all, she is really bored at home, although she can go to the studio next door to find

Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan, but because of Luo Geng's departure, Qin Qiao's work is very stressful, and there is almost no rest time every day, basically it is the day when you open your eyes and paint, close your eyes and sleep

, with Xu Mengnan helping, Chi Xiaoyu does not need to do those simple jobs, one person is enough, so Chi Xiaoyu does not want to cause trouble, It didn't bother them.

"Leave your beautiful fiancée at home alone, Luo Geng really has a big heart, so I'm not afraid that a bad person like me will secretly follow you home!"

An Ying's hands seemed to be pinching something, and there was a meaningful smile on his face.

Chi Xiaoyu was already accustomed to An Ying's teasing, although it was just a joke every time.

In the evening, An Ying followed Chi Xiaoyu back home, ready to accompany her to stay here for one night.

After going upstairs, Chi Xiaoyu opened the door and walked in first

, and just when An Ying just wanted to follow up, he suddenly reached out a hand and patted An Ying's shoulder, An Ying

looked back, opened his mouth in surprise, and almost exclaimed

, or the person behind her gave her a "shh" gesture, so that she quickly covered her mouth.

Then, An Ying nodded and left here in a low voice.


As the sound of the door closing sounded, Chi Xiaoyu didn't have time to turn back, and a pair of hands reached out from behind and hugged her.

"Sister An Ying... Don't make trouble, you're hungry or not, I'll cook.

Chi Xiaoyu felt that the matter behind him was peaceful and was playing with her, so he spoke.

However, the person behind him slowly spoke and said softly: "Hungry..."

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned, because this voice was not An Ying's voice at all, but a male voice, or the male voice she was most familiar with!

"Lo... Luo Geng? Chi

Xiaoyu turned around and looked at the person behind her,

isn't this person the person she missed day and night these days?

She couldn't believe her eyes a little, obviously she came back with An Ying, how could she suddenly become Luo Geng?

"What's wrong? Think I didn't?

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu stunned in place, smiled slightly, and then opened his arms and signaled Chi Xiaoyu to come over.

Chi Xiaoyu bit his lip lightly, then took half a step, and the next second directly threw himself into Luo Geng's arms.


Luo Geng hugged Chi Xiaoyu and watched her bury her head in his chest, her body trembling slightly, hugging herself tightly.

"Think... I want to kill you..."

Chi Xiaoyu's voice came out muffled in Luo Geng's arms, as if he wanted to hold him all the time, unwilling to let go again.

Luo Geng was a little surprised, because when he called Chi

Xiaoyu, he couldn't hear Chi Xiaoyu thinking so much about himself, but now, he thought that Chi Xiaoyu didn't want to worry himself, so he deliberately pretended to be ...

"Then I'll take you with me next time, okay."

Luo Geng also didn't want to be separated from Chi Xiaoyu anymore, he was looking forward to coming back every day these days, and he was absent-minded.

The work over there takes a long time, and if Luo Geng has been supervising over there, he won't be able to come back for two or three months, so he has no choice but to tell all his thoughts to the staff over there, and there is no need for him to stay there.

When I came back today, I didn't tell Chi Xiaoyu, I wanted to surprise her.

"Really? I will take it seriously, next time you must take me..." Chi

Xiaoyu raised her head and looked at Luo Geng, her nose was red, and her eyes were slightly red, as if she was about to cry.

"Ah, really." Luo Geng looked at her dotingly, touched her head, and said softly.

Then, he reached into his pocket and took out a small box from it.

"This is..." "

A gift."

Luo Geng opened the box, inside is a delicate bracelet, each crystal shines with crystal clear light, the design is simple but exudes

a unique beauty, according to different angles, the color of the crystal will also produce subtle changes, exuding a unique charm.

"I don't want any gifts... I just want you to stay around..." Chi

Xiaoyu put her arms around Luo Geng's neck and kissed him on the lips, her eyes seemed to be smiling, and her soft gaze was as clear as starlight.

"Of course I know."

Luo Geng smiled gently, took out the bracelet and put it on Chi Xiaoyu's wrist, the crystal was originally the protagonist, but on Chi Xiaoyu's body, it also became a supporting role that set off her beauty.

"You didn't just say you're hungry, I'll go cook for you."

Chi Xiaoyu was still a little reluctant to let go of his hand, but Luo Geng also said just now that he was hungry.

Luo Geng nodded and said, "Well, I miss the food you cooked, and now my appetite doesn't like to eat anything else."

Chi Xiaoyu walked to the kitchen, smiled back, and said

, "That's good, after all, you will always eat my cooking in the future."

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