At night, Luo Geng was lying on the bed, while Chi Xiaoyu was massaging him and beating his back.

"I'm tired these days, I feel like your waist is a little stiff."

Chi Xiaoyu massaged his waist, just listening to what Luo Geng did every day, he could imagine how tired he was every day.

"It's fine... However, it is not the time to rest well, by the end of the year, there will be a lot of things, there will be a book signing party in a few days, there are many things in the comics, and these things must always be dealt with.

Luo Geng lay on the bed, enjoying it very much, closing his eyes as if he could fall asleep in the next second.

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes showed a distressed look, and said: "Why work so hard, let's come a little bit, at least it won't be so tired..." "

Because I want to do everything well before the New Year, so that it won't be okay with your first New Year."

"Ahhh... That's right...,"

Chi Xiaoyu's cheeks flushed faintly, and he said hesitantly.

She didn't expect that Luo Geng was also looking forward to the first New Year with herself, and she thought that only she was looking forward to this kind of thing...

However, for Chi Xiaoyu, before the New Year, there is another thing that is the biggest thing for her

, that is, Luo Geng's birthday!

Luo Geng's birthday is coming soon, at that time, it is already winter, Chi Xiaoyu has not thought about what gift to give

, she has thought about knitting scarves and gloves by herself, but after all, the two live together, and it is unlikely that they want to knit secretly.


After a while, when Chi Xiaoyu was still thinking, he heard the sound of even breathing from Luo Geng, and he was already asleep.

Chi Xiaoyu stopped moving, smiled, covered him with a quilt, and bent down to kiss him on the cheek.

"Good night."


the next day, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu went to class normally, and Fan Junzhe also greeted him after seeing Luo Geng.

"You are here, Luo Geng, don't worry, I have been watching you for the past few days, no man dares to talk to Chi Xiaoyu!"

"Haha, yes." Luo Geng nodded with a smile and joked with him.

He now has a very good relationship with

Fan Junzhe, basically a good friend, and Fan Junzhe has slowly torn off the label of "weird friend", because the main reason is that Wan Qi is gone.

As early as half a month ago, Wan Qi left the school for some special reasons, and the things in the dormitory were not taken away, and I don't know what the situation

was, Fan Junzhe was very puzzled, but he didn't care about him, after all, maybe he was playing some kind of moth again

, or a 1 in 10,000 probability that he got a girlfriend, and then eloped with his girlfriend, it is also possible.

After class at noon

, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, Fan Junzhe and An Ying, and the four of them ate together in the cafeteria.

Xu Mengnan came over with the dinner plate and sat next to the four of them

, "To be honest, sitting next to you is really uncomfortable, just me alone..." Xu Mengnan looked at these two loving couples, and his heart was very unpleasant, not envious, but lonely.

"If only Teacher Qin were there..." Xu Mengnan muttered to herself, but Qin Qiao had to work, and it was impossible to come to the university cafeteria to accompany her to eat.

"What about little Lulu? Why weren't you with her? An Ying looked at Xu Mengnan and asked.

Because Xu Mengnan and Su Qinglu were in a dormitory before, and the relationship was good, before they met An Ying, the two of them were friends.

"She? She doesn't know when she had a boyfriend, and now she is in love, she was also the one who said that she was not interested in falling in love, and as a result, I felt that she was the most energetic..." Xu

Mengnan smacked her tongue, since she moved out of the bedroom, she didn't have much contact with Su Qinglu, because she was basically with Qin Qiao.

And Su Qinglu also seems to feel that her side is empty, Chi Xiaoyu is dedicated to putting Luo Geng first, An Ying also gets along well with Fan Junzhe

, even Xu Mengnan left after class, asked her where to go, she said that she was going to learn comics, and left.

Sensing that she was isolated, she also met her boyfriend at this time and got together.

She never thought about how she looked in love, and she said before that she was not interested, because she really hadn't talked about it,

but now she feels that it makes sense that other people like to fall in love!

"She... In love? And whom? That Kaigo? An Ying frowned and asked suspiciously.

When she is usually working part-time, Su Qinglu is also in the store, and she doesn't see that she is in love, or the same as before.

"Don't make trouble, how is it possible..." Fan Junzhe glanced at An Ying, not to mention how long Wan Qi hadn't appeared, and even here, who wasn't sick in the brain, how could he be with Wan Qi?

"Are you sure... Is her love interest with a boyfriend? And not a girlfriend?

Luo Geng frowned, he had always wondered if Su Qinglu had some orientation problems, so he had also been telling Chi Xiaoyu to stay away from her as much as possible....

"Then I don't know, but she seems to feel that we are isolating her, and falling in love is also the kind of helplessness." Xu Mengnan shrugged, in fact, no one isolated her, the two couples only saw each other, and they were addicted to comics, it was impossible to play with her every day.

However, girls at this age are prone to think so, and girls' relationships are more fragile, maybe one day it will become bad....

She had heard that there were conflicts in several rooms in the women's dormitory, and they quarreled every day....

"I'm done eating, that.... Sister An Ying, you accompany me to buy a bottle of water.

After Chi Xiaoyu finished eating, he stood up and looked at An Ying and said.

An Ying raised his head, stunned for a moment, and saw that Chi Xiaoyu gave himself a look, so he quickly nodded and said, "Oh, well, I just finished eating."

So she also stood up and left here with Chi Xiaoyu.

Luo Geng and Fan Junzhe watched them leave, and the two looked at each other and shook their heads at each other, as if exchanging "I don't know what the situation is".

"What's wrong?"

An Ying asked Chi Xiaoyu, since he called her out alone, he must have something to say to himself.

"Sister An Ying... Do you remember the last time I asked you about Luo Geng's birthday?

"Oooh, I remember, how, it's almost his birthday?"

"Hmm... However, I haven't decided yet, what to do..." Chi Xiaoyu nodded, she had been worrying about this recently

, because she had been by Luo Geng's side, and she couldn't secretly prepare any surprises, so she could only ask An Ying for help.

"What day is it, Fan Junzhe and I will prepare gifts for him."

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