"Half a

month later..."

"Half a month later... It's already the end of the year, it's almost Christmas, and it's too late to knit those scarves, gloves, hats and so on.

An Ying touched her chin and helped Chi Xiaoyu analyze, because if she gave a gift to Fan Junzhe, there were many things that could be sent

, but Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were not in this situation, to be honest, even An Ying didn't know what to send.

"What does he like?" An Ying looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked.

"Ah, except for you." She added.

"This..." Chi Xiaoyu made a difficulty, because she knew Luo Geng very well, as far as she understood, Luo Geng really didn't have any special likes

, since junior high school Chi Xiaoyu began to observe Luo Geng, sometimes exercise, thought he liked sports, but that is, occasionally, not to talk about liking, sometimes drawing, she felt that Luo Geng liked to draw, but now she also knows that Luo Geng does not like to draw comics... He just treats this as a job, and he doesn't like it.

When she reached high school, she finally found out what Luo Geng liked, and it turned out that she actually liked school flowers...

Then she began to observe Qi Qianru....

By now, Chi Xiaoyu could clearly say that Luo Geng liked himself, but he really didn't know what he liked besides himself.

"Boys actually care more about other people's hearts about their birthdays, I think he thinks the same way, you give any gift, he will be happy."

"I also know... But I don't want him to think I'm perfunctory... I want him to know what I mean to him, not just wishing him a birthday.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the diamond ring on his hand, the bracelet on his wrist, the necklace on his neck, every heart rich in Luo Geng

, whether it was the heart when confessing to himself, or the intention of proposing marriage, or the heart of missing it.

So Chi Xiaoyu also wanted to respond to him and send a gift rich in his heart.

"Your mind? Your intentions are, of course.... Oh! I came up with an idea.

An Ying opened her eyes wide, quickly approached Chi Xiaoyu, and then said what she had just thought in her ear.

After Chi Xiaoyu listened, his mouth opened slightly, blinked, and asked, "This... Can it work?

"I think it's okay, because if you buy a gift like you said, the intention doesn't seem obvious

..." "But it's a bit troublesome..."

An Ying patted her shoulder and gave her a reassuring look.

At this time, Luo Geng also came out after eating, looked at them standing there and chatting, and walked over.

"What's wrong? Didn't you go buy water? Luo Geng looked at what the two were still talking about, but he couldn't hear the content of the conversation.

"Ah! Yes, I was just chatting with Xiaoyu.... Little gossip between girls!

An Ying smiled, and then dragged Chi Xiaoyu's arm and left here

, Luo Geng and Fan Junzhe looked at each other, shrugged in puzzlement, and followed.

As a result, before the two of them could say a few words, they saw Chi Xiaoyu and An Ying stop at the bulletin board in front.

"What to see?"

Luo Geng also walked over and looked at the bulletin board, which had a propaganda poster pasted on it.

"Cultural festivals... Actively sign up..."

"The time is... Half a month later... Huh? Same day as my birthday? Luo

Geng was a little surprised, because the date of the cultural festival mentioned above was the same day as his birthday.

"Huh? Half a month later is your birthday, I just knew, why didn't you tell me earlier, so I can prepare a gift for you." After hearing this, Fan Junzhe looked at Luo Geng.

Luo Geng, on the other hand, shook his head and said, "Because I basically don't have a birthday." "

Huh?! Why? An Ying turned his head to look at Luo Geng and asked in surprise.

"There's no why... It's just that... There is no habit of celebrating birthdays..." Luo

Geng was startled by her, took a step back, and said lightly.

After all, in his impression, birthdays are very long ago, it was still his own elementary school and the birthday given by the family

, but since his academic performance declined, his mother has never given himself a birthday, only his father will secretly stuff himself with 20 yuan on his birthday.

After the divorce of the family, the already not very wealthy family is even worse, how can there be such a link as birthday.

His friends basically don't know their birthday, because they have never mentioned it, so they have never received gifts from anyone.

Several people were stunned for a moment, some did not understand, Chi Xiaoyu did not know about Luo Geng's birthday

, she also thought that Luo Geng would give it after he returned home, but she didn't expect it, basically not.

An Ying was silent for a while, and suddenly spoke: "By the way, Luo Geng, will you perform any talents?"

"Huh? This one... Yes, but so what, you shouldn't be asking me to sign up for this, right?

Luo Geng frowned slightly, pointing to the poster on the bulletin board, which said that the registration deadline was three days away, and then the next ten days or so was the rehearsal.

Not to mention that Luo Geng was not interested in participating in this kind of thing at all, he didn't have time at all.

"Yes! Because... Because Xiaoyu really wants to see it! Right!

An Ying looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and in her dazed state, An Ying blinked her eyes.

Chi Xiaoyu understood, nodded, and said, "Yes... yes, I want to see... Luo Geng, you show talent..."

"Ah... It's true? Luo Geng asked with some doubt.

"Well, really."

"This..." Luo Geng was a little shaken, although he didn't understand why Chi Xiaoyu would say that he wanted to see his talent

perform, but his girlfriend took the initiative to watch it, how could he refuse, isn't this also an opportunity to perform in front of his girlfriend?


" Luo Geng sighed, glanced at the poster, and said, "Where to sign up for this?" Since

Chi Xiaoyu wanted to see it, then he would definitely not refuse.

When Luo Geng went to sign up for the event, Chi Xiaoyu grabbed An Ying and asked, "Sister An Ying, why did Luo Geng participate in this?" Wasn't that day his birthday?

She actually didn't understand what An Ying thought, but subconsciously chose to believe her.

An Ying patted Chi Xiaoyu's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Of course it's for you, don't you want to prepare a surprise?" If Luo Geng has been by your side on your birthday, how else are you prepared? Taking this opportunity just bought you time. "

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