"That is at the door, leave more space in this place..." In the

huge venue, Luo Geng commanded the workers to set up the venue, where his first signing meeting would be held.

The latest issue of the manga signed for sale, which is not officially sold yet, is considered to be sold in advance, and it will be released here, a total of 2,000 copies, while stocks last.

Before this, Luo Geng has asked Jia Mo to publicize it on the Internet, if the voice is not high, and the expectation value is not even half, Luo Geng will not engage in it, after all, it will also lose money at that time.

The result made him a little unexpected, the expectation was very high, and the popularity driven by the previous work drove this one, because Jia Mo had already marked the author as the author of the hottest work in the serial weekly when he was promoting it.

Luo Geng was taken by Jia Mo to take promotional photos, fill in the information, and get a personal profile for himself.

"Teacher Luo, since I sent your promotional photos, it seems that I am more interested in your appearance on the Internet..." Jia

Mo looked at the survey materials in his hand, most of them did not pay much attention to the work, and he was very interested in Luo Geng, who was young, and a member of the comic association, and the work was still so hot.

Xu Mengnan also helped in the venue, came to Luo Geng's side, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Look, Mr. Luo, I said that as long as you hold a signing party, it will definitely catch fire!"

“... It's all about driving the popularity of the work, and I have no interest in my own fire. Luo

Geng sat on the chair to rest, these things are not tired, but he is very busy.

And at this time, a hand reached over and took a towel to help Luo Geng wipe his sweat, Luo Geng

raised his head and found that it was Chi Xiaoyu standing beside him.

"Laughing rain? What are you doing here.

"I asked Sister Qiaoqiao to bring me here to help you." Chi Xiaoyu smiled slightly, and then handed Luo Geng a bottle of water and let him take a sip.

"How good it is to rest at home, why come here to suffer."

"How can you be called suffering around you?" The corner of Chi Xiaoyu's lips raised a slight smile, and he caressed Luo Geng's cheek with his hand.

In an instant, Luo Geng felt that his exhaustion was swept away, sure enough, no matter what he did, he still had to have spiritual sustenance

, and Chi Xiaoyu was his spiritual sustenance, no matter how tired and busy, as long as Chi Xiaoyu was there, there would be no such troubles.


At this time, Luo Geng's phone rang, and he picked up the phone to look at it and found that it was actually Wen Shao calling.


"Hey, brother, yes, I saw your promotional photos, handsome."

Wen Shao's voice came from the other side of the phone, and it seemed quite excited to hear this voice.

"You saw it all? It seems that this propaganda strength is still possible.

Luo Geng glanced at Jia Mo, it seems that Jia Mo has done his best to help himself, even Wen Shao knows about this.

"Of course, why didn't you hold a signing party here, I can't go to Cheng'an when you're in Cheng'an."

Luo Geng pouted and said, "Forget it, why do you still want my signature?" Wait until I get back and sign you a hundred and eighty.

"Hehe, remember to mail me a copy, I must enjoy this kind of early viewing permission."

"You still read comics? How are you studying? What about Baiyi? "

Bai Yi... She went to college, ah, I... I should have learned well, and I don't read much comics anymore, just occasionally, a combination of work and rest. Wen

Shao seemed to be a little weak-hearted, but Luo Geng didn't ask in detail, he thought that Wen Shao would study well, and since he said it, he would definitely do it.

"That's okay, you better study hard, when you get admitted, I'll send you a complete set of comics for you to read enough."

"Good! That's what you said.

Wen Shao quickly agreed, after all, Luo Geng's complete set of comics will cost hundreds of yuan by then, although it is nothing for Luo Geng, but it is still very expensive for Wen Shao.

"Then let's do it first, come on."

Luo Geng hung up the phone, he still don't affect him, the last college entrance examination because of the comics affected him, so Luo Geng hopes that he can have a little more self-control this time and not be tempted so easily.

"Teacher Luo, it's time, you can start, now there are already many people outside."

Jia Mo pointed to the door, at this time there were now many people waiting outside, and there were even people wearing the cossuits of the protagonists of Luo Geng's previous work.

Although the workmanship is not excellent now, you can still see that there are good and bad, especially those with a sword on their backs have become the center of the boys

, "Okay, then let them in."

Luo Geng sat at the table, picked up the pen on the side, ready to start the signing party

, as the door was opened, a large number of people poured in at the same time, they all bought tickets in advance, after all, the book is limited, Luo Geng needs to control the number of people

, one person is limited to one book, and after buying, you can go to Luo Geng to sign.

As a result, the first one to come was the second middle school boy who carried the sword on his back.

He walked up to Luo Geng, pulled out the sword behind his back, raised it high, and shouted: "When night covers the earth, I will become the lawyer of the soul!" With endless power and broken poetry, it is easy to cross the shackles of time and space.

Luo Geng held a pen in his hand and looked at the teenager blankly, his eyes revealed simple ignorance, and it was obvious that he was frightened.

Luo Geng turned his head to look at Qin Qiao and asked in a low voice: "What is he talking about

..." "Teacher Luo, he is imitating the protagonist's lines, your own works, you don't remember ah..."

The corner of Luo Geng's mouth grinned, he really didn't remember that he had written such a middle two line, and said it in front of him

, although these people feel very handsome and very sensual, but in Luo Geng's eyes, what is the difference between this and in public?

And still in front of him!

"Don't worry, there are many more..." Qin Qiao looked very understanding, and muttered in Luo Geng's ear in a low voice.


Next, in front of Luo Geng, many imitation shows were staged, Luo Geng could only smile and nod, and praise

, in fact, the sole of the shoe was about to be smashed by his toes.

"In this transverse dimension of time and space, full of infinite power and wisdom, I feel the call of the stars from the universe, and my heart begins to burn with epic enthusiasm!"

"The sword light of the wind and clouds, blooming in the sky dome, I wield the sword in my hand, and clashed with the heart demon in the night, well, this is the only duel between me and fate!"

"The power of the contract, infused into my body, endowed me with infinite ...

Luo Geng didn't understand that these people were obviously participating in the signing party of their latest work, but they imitated the lines of the previous work in public here, making themselves embarrassed and uncomfortable.

But since they are all his own works, they all cost money, he is not good to say anything, he now sincerely feels that this money is really difficult to earn

, and I don't know when Luo

Geng suddenly became the judge of the imitation competition, and the fans who signed the signature will ask after imitation:

"How many points?"

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