"Husband, you eat this."

Chi Xiaoyu was in the cafeteria, giving Luo Geng dishes, calling it very intimately, so that Fan Junzhe on the other side had mixed tastes in his heart, he only had envy, he also wanted to be called so by his girlfriend

, but he looked at An Ying on the side, after all, he couldn't say this kind of thing.

When Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu finished eating, they left the cafeteria, and there was no class in the afternoon to prepare to go home.

Fan Junzhe looked at An Ying, who had finished eating, and asked, "Are you going to work part-time today?"

"No, I won't go in the future, give myself time to rest." An Ying shook his head and looked at Fan Junzhe and said.

"Rest?" Fan Junzhe was a little puzzled, I don't know what she meant by rest, did she want to hang out with herself?

"Well, that's good, do you want to do something?" Why don't I take you to play. Fan

Junzhe made an invitation, after all, An Ying didn't have to work part-time, so he also wanted to date her well.

Christmas is still a few days away, and the two have not agreed on anything on that day, and Fan Junzhe also hopes to invite her along that day.

After all, there will be a holiday in another month or so.

"Hmm... Okay, you can go wherever you want, I'll accompany you. An Ying supported his chin with his hand and said softly.

"Stay with me... How did it seem to... It's okay, it's all the same, you say, wherever we want to play, we will go.

An Ying nodded and said: "I listen to you, after all, there is still a month, there will be a holiday, and I won't see you at that time."

Fan Junzhe thought for a while and said, "That's right, but can't you see it after school starts..."

How is it possible, when school starts again, I will go to the internship, and I will not be in school. "

“... True... Practice.

Fan Junzhe was stunned and froze in place, he forgot that An Ying was about to graduate, and he was only a freshman student....

She is about to go to an internship, and after graduation, she will work directly, and she will have to graduate for a long time....

"yes, didn't I tell you? So you can go wherever you want, I'll accompany you.

An Ying raised a slight smile and touched Fan Junzhe's face with her hand, like a gentle big sister.

However, Fan Junzhe's mood is no longer calm, such news is undoubtedly a bombshell for him, and it is difficult to accept for a while.

When the next day of class, Luo Geng noticed that Fan Junzhe had no spirit and was sullen, so at the end of class, Luo Geng came to Fan Junzhe and

asked, "What's wrong?" This expression looks so uncomfortable, doesn't it.... Is it "he" who is back?! Luo

Geng thought of an amazing thing, this he, of course, refers to the strange man who has disappeared for a long time, Wan Qi.

If he appeared again, it would indeed make Fan Junzhe so irritable

, but this was not the case, Fan Junzhe glanced up at Luo Geng and said lightly: "No, it's An Ying, she... She's going for an internship next semester. "

Oh... There seems to be such a thing..."

You know?

Luo Geng nodded and said: "You know, Xiaoyu told me what she said, but you, as her boyfriend, how do you know?"

"This..." Fan Junzhe was speechless for a while, he only noticed this problem

, and yesterday An Ying also said, as if he forgot to tell himself....

Tell Chi Xiaoyu, but forgot to tell yourself? Is she still her boyfriend?

"It's okay, the internship won't be too far, you can go to her to play when you have a holiday..." Luo

Geng patted Fan Junzhe's shoulder to comfort him

, but at this time, Fan Junzhe, the troublesome thing is no longer this, but whether he is still important in An Ying's heart....

It stands to reason that this kind of thing should not be told to your boyfriend at the first time, even if you forget to tell it, you should not mention it occasionally, complain or something.

Is it only my own like this? Because she's going to an internship, so she is absent-minded and sullen here, and she doesn't feel anything?

Thinking of this, Fan Junzhe's heart is a little unpleasant

, this feeling is like in a relationship, only one party is serious and dedicated, and the other party may just be playing.

"Speaking of... After all, she is such a master, even if I am just played, it is normal, maybe I am too serious? Fan

Junzhe supported his cheek with his hand and looked ahead, his eyes a little lost and listless.

"Hey, I don't know what you're thinking, but you better not think too much, her mind is not so delicate, you must know, maybe she simply forgot to tell you."

Luo Geng patted Fan Junzhe's head and woke him up.

"Ahhh... I know, I know. ---

An Ying came out at the restaurant where she had been working part-time and took her things, after all, she would not come again in the future, and her own things had to be packed up and taken away.

"It's a bit much, I already knew that it would be good to call A-Zhe here."

An Ying overestimated his strength a little, and it was really difficult to hold the box of things.

However, she walked in front, and behind her, she was followed by two people.

Those were two boys, I don't know how many students they were, but they shouldn't be freshmen, and they kept following An Ying, their eyes wandering over her.

"Is that her?" One of them whispered.

The other nodded and said, "Uh-huh! Yes, that's her! The mouth is yellow, the figure is still convex, and the private life is not necessarily messy. "

This kind of person has a lot of fun, eh, let's go find her for a drink at night, and...

"She seems to have a boyfriend, right?" Two days ago, I watched her walk with a man.

"She's all such a woman, what's wrong with having a boyfriend?" Isn't that a plus? Wouldn't it be more exciting?! The

two boys looked at each other and smiled, the corners of their mouths were full of evil smiles, and their eyes were full of greed.

They took two quick steps and caught up with An Ying in front,


They ran forward, stopped An Ying, and greeted her.

An Ying stopped, frowned slightly, and asked, "Are you guys okay?"

"Seeing how tired you are, let's get it for you."

Saying that, they were about to reach for An Ying's things, and An Ying took a step back, dodged them, and said, "

No thanks."

Saying that, he went around them and continued to walk forward.

And the two of them did not adhere to it, continued to catch up, and said: "Beauty, leave a call, let's go play together, let's treat, how about it?"

An Ying was frowned by the annoyance of the two of

them, her brows stretched, stopped and slowly turned her head, looked at them with a smile

, just when they thought they were going to give them their phone number, and were about to take out their mobile phone to write it down

, An Ying said lightly:

"It's quite ugly, it's quite beautiful to think about."

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