This sentence stunned them in place, and An Ying didn't have time to make trouble with them, after all, the things in his hands were very heavy

, so after dropping this sentence, he turned and left.

After a while, the two boys eased their senses and glared angrily at An Ying, who left.

"Lean! This bitch actually scolded us! "

It's really insulting to be looked down upon by a woman whose private life is messy."

The two were so angry that they gritted their teeth, and there seemed to be anger burning in their hearts.

There is no greed for An Ying in his heart, only anger towards her!

"What to do? I can't swallow this breath, we can't beat her, right?

"Isn't it okay to make public what she did?" Let her deeds be known to everyone!

"But we don't know what she did?"

"Stupid! Aren't you just making it up, anyway, there must be one or two that can match, you care what she has done, as long as you can say it like it's true, it's true!

"You mean... Make her yellow ballads?

Fan Junzhe was about to go back to the dormitory, but walking on the street, he was a little melancholy,

"Is it snowing?"

Fan Junzhe stretched out his hand, and the snow was as light as smoke, white as silver, fluttering and shaking, and sprinkled from the sky.

The first time he thought of An Ying, he wanted to watch this first snow with her

, but he didn't know what kind of state to be in, and he didn't know anything like before?

All day today, An Ying didn't contact herself, and she didn't know what she was doing, whether she missed him or not, he didn't know.

Fan Junzhe was cranky here, and there was no news there, so his mood became more and more low.


Just as he was thinking, the phone suddenly rang, and he took it out to look at it and found that it was An Ying calling.

In an instant, Fan Junzhe's thoughts were pulled back at once.

"I think too much."

The corners of Fan Junzhe's mouth raised and he answered the phone.


"Hey, A-Zhe, where are you? Do you want to come to dinner with me?

An Ying's teasing voice came from the other side of the phone, and even if he couldn't see his face, Fan Junzhe could imagine An Ying's usual teasing appearance.

"Okay, where are you, I'll go find you."

Hanging up the phone, Fan Junzhe went to the place agreed with An Ying.

It was still the first date, under the same tree, except that An Ying wore a little thicker, and after seeing Fan Junzhe, she waved to him.

"Hey! Over here! "

Here it comes." Fan Junzhe ran two steps quickly and came to An

Ying, although the things he had just thought about once again appeared in his mind, but An Ying directly held his arm, so that he had no idea at all.

"How did you do today..."

Fan Junzhe wanted to ask why he didn't look for himself today, although he didn't take the initiative to find her, but he still wanted to know what she did today.

"Oh, don't mention it, today I went to my part-time shop to get my things, it's too heavy, I took it a lot of effort to take it back."

An Ying moved her shoulders, looking sore,

Fan Junzhe helped her rub her shoulders and said, "Then why didn't you ask me to help you move?" "

Hehe, forgot to forget."

"And... Forgot..."

muttered Fan Junzhe softly, his expression darkened slightly, and once again, making him wonder if he was still her boyfriend.

How can such a thing be forgotten? Will he forget that he is her boyfriend then?

"I have a big heart, you know, it's normal to forget, including I forgot to tell you that I was going to the internship, I really forgot, I thought I told you."

An Ying pinched Fan Junzhe's cheek, as if he could see that he was thinking cranky, so he comforted him.


Although Fan Junzhe nodded on the surface, pretending that nothing was wrong, he was still a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He wondered if he had begun to pay attention to these details?

If it was my previous self, I would never care about this kind of thing?

However, after thinking about it a little, Fan Junzhe understood that he was envious

, envious of the relationship between Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, the two only had each other's kind of feelings in their eyes

, no matter where Chi Xiaoyu went, he would tell Luo Geng all the time, not to let him worry, and Luo Geng would also tell Chi Xiaoyu everything that happened around him, so that she could rest assured.

Fan Junzhe also understands that their feelings like this, ordinary people can't do it, it's too difficult

, but after all, such feelings are around them, and they will definitely envy when they see it, and then unconsciously compare with themselves.

He is not as good as Luo Geng, so he is not qualified to make any demands on An Ying....

"By the way, if you are going to intern, where are you going, is it close to here?"

Fan Junzhe diverted his attention and looked at An Ying and asked.

An Ying thought for a moment and said, "Hmm... It's probably in the south of the city, the family is looking for it, I'm not sure, but it shouldn't go out of the city.

"So... Cheng Annan, it's okay..." Fan

Junzhe nodded, a little relieved, if you don't go out of Cheng'an, you will be fine, when the time comes, you can rest on the weekend, and you can go by car for a few hours, which is not a long-distance relationship.

The two came to the restaurant to eat, An Ying seemed to be really tired for a day, and his appetite was exceptionally good when eating

, while Fan Junzhe was not so good, he didn't eat anything, and he would stare at An Ying from time to time.

"Eat? What's wrong? Not feeling well?

"Didn't... It's okay..." Fan Junzhe shook his head, and then took two symbolic bites, but he chewed in his mouth for a long time and did not swallow it.

"That... An Ying..."

"Huh? What's wrong? An Ying raised his head and looked at Fan Junzhe suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to say.

"It's just, I don't want to find something to do, I just want to ask... I, being your boyfriend, is still qualified? Is there anything that makes you unsatisfied? Fan

Junzhe said this seriously, making the atmosphere instantly quiet

, An Ying opened his eyes slightly, blinked blankly, and stared at Fan Junzhe, not knowing what he was thinking.


After a while, An Ying laughed, making Fan Junzhe a little surprised.

"What's wrong...

An Ying laughed a few times, then stood up, walked to Fan Junzhe's side, sat next to him

, leaned over there, clinging to his body, and said softly:

"What's wrong?" Not confident in yourself? Still insecure? Tell my sister, isn't it a sense of security, I'll give it to you. "

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