"It's not that I don't feel safe... It is... Oops, okay, I'll admit, I'm just insecure.

Fan Junzhe knew that it was useless to engage in these false things in front of An Ying, so he directly admitted it generously

, but in other words, who would be insecure, not only his girlfriend was very good-looking, his figure was good, but also his position with her, there was too much difference.

Two years older is not just the difference between eating two more years, two more years of experience may completely change a person.

"yes, yes... Insecure, then tell me, what have I done to make you insecure?

An Ying pinched Fan Junzhe's face and looked at him with a smile, as if asking him and teasing him.

"It's nothing... I think it's because I think about it a lot, it's the internship thing, you didn't tell me at the first time, Luo Geng they all know, but I'm the last one to know as your boyfriend..."

"Okay, then it's my fault, I apologize to you, I'm sorry, I'll find a way to compensate you, is there any?"

An Ying did not hesitate and directly apologized to Fan Junzhe, without even explaining or defending anything.

This made Fan Junzhe a little uncomfortable, and after being stunned for a while, he continued: "It's just... I just feel that my boyfriend is sometimes inferior to ordinary friends, so I don't feel safe..."

What do you mean? What is the reason for this? An Ying was a little puzzled, not knowing what the basis of Fan Junzhe said was.

She didn't feel that she treated Fan Junzhe with something inferior to ordinary friends?

"No, forget it, it's okay, just when I didn't say it."

Fan Junzhe shook his head and didn't explain anything, because he felt that he seemed to be a little vexatious.

An Ying, on the other hand, pondered for a while, not knowing what to think, then looked at Fan Junzhe and said lightly: "Hmm... Are you sure it's not because I haven't let you touch me until now? "

Huh? This... While... Of course not..." Fan

Junzhe was really stunned, and quickly shook his head, he didn't know why An Ying would suddenly say this

, but it was true,

the two of them had not developed that kind of relationship so far

, even if it was that hot spring hotel, their room was also a double room, each with a bed, and nothing happened....

Fan Junzhe is both understanding and a little puzzled

, understanding because they have not been together for a long time, have not developed into that kind of relationship, and it is understandable, what they

do not understand is... He thinks that a master like An Ying, a person with this kind of high rank, must be very experienced, that is, there must be experience in that aspect, otherwise how could he understand it so

well, although it is a little impolite, but Fan Junzhe still wonders why he has not let himself touch her until now... Is it because you are not qualified enough? Or is it not yet time?

"A-Zhe, do you think that a person like me who is full of meat jokes must have read countless men and are very experienced?"

"I..." Fan Junzhe didn't expect his thoughts to be guessed so easily, and he almost wrote embarrassment on his face.

"Nope... Isn't it? Fan Junzhe did not deny it, but asked rhetorically.

"Alas... No, I don't have that experience until now, so you can rest assured. "

Ahhh... Is it.."

Fan Junzhe was a little surprised, he really thought that An Ying was particularly experienced, after all, the words that came out were masters

, but now he heard her say that she had no experience in that area, and in addition to being shocked,

Fan Junzhe was a little happy.

"Then you, why is this?"

An Ying thought for a while, and said:

"It's a way to protect yourself, because I've had a few relationship experiences, but they... They are very good at pretending, pretending that they are not interested, pretending to be good men, but as long as they show them a little flaw, they will be revealed.

Fan Junzhe didn't understand a little, and asked: "What do you mean..."

"If you are very pure, they will pretend to "definitely not touch you, you can rest assured", but if you open your mouth is a meat joke, they will subjectively think that you are a casual woman, you must have a special play, they will think "It turns out that you are also a meat eater, then there is no need to pretend to be yourself", and then they will expose their nature.

An Ying said, thinking of the two boys who talked to her today

, she didn't need to think about it, she knew that the two guys were saying something about themselves behind their backs, but she didn't care about the eyes of the group of people.

"That's really... A good and good way..."

Fan Junzhe was stunned for a moment and nodded, if he hadn't listened to An Ying say it himself, he really didn't know that there was such a reason.

So in other words, isn't An Ying really like it seems?

The time he has been with her is not so short, and he has never found out?

"But is it really good for you to tell me this kind of thing? Aren't you afraid that I'm also pretending, and then pretending to be more like it after knowing the truth?

Fan Junzhe asked An Ying, not knowing what she meant by telling herself about this.

"It's okay, because I can see that you are not that kind of person, and..."

An Ying stretched out his hand, pointed at Fan Junzhe's nose, and said with a smile: "Aren't you insecure, is it better after telling you about this?"

"Yes! Yes! No, no! Ah it's not right...."

Fan Junzhe is a little difficult, if he admits it, isn't it equivalent to admitting that he is insecure because you didn't let me touch it?"

But if you don't admit it, it seems to be a bit like a hard mouth, and I did feel a lot better after listening to An Ying's words.

"Hmph..." An Ying couldn't help laughing when he saw Fan Junzhe like this, and then slowly said:

"Well, you don't feel safe, just tell me, it's okay, although I can't be as careful and gentle and considerate as Chi Xiaoyu, but I also have my advantages, my man don't think about it every day, cheer me up!"

An Ying clapped his hands on Fan Junzhe's shoulders, cheering him on, the resolute eyes, Fan Junzhe couldn't help but tremble a little

, sometimes, he really felt that he was not as manly as An Ying....

Fan Junzhe sighed and said, "Alas, I lose to you every time, when can I suppress you once?" "

Oh~, want to press me? Pressing on me?

An Ying laughed wickedly and tickled Fan Junzhe's chin with his finger.

"Now watching a pure person talk about meat jokes, what a strange experience."

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