Fan Junzhe returned to the dormitory at night, and after untying his heart knot, he slept more soundly.

In the next few days, his life finally returned to its previous appearance, and Christmas was only one day away.

On Christmas Eve morning, his set alarm went off, and he opened his eyes to get up and go to class.

But as soon as I sat up, I saw a few people standing in the doorway looking at me outside the bedroom door, still whispering something....

"Hey, what are you doing, is there anything wrong?"

Fan Junzhe frowned and asked the people at the door, but they did not pay attention to Fan Junzhe, but dispersed and returned to their dormitory.

Fan Junzhe was a little puzzled, so he asked his roommate in the same bedroom:

"What's going on?"

"Uh... It's okay, Brother Zhe, nothing. The roommate said awkwardly, speaking a little inconsistently, which made Fan Junzhe even more puzzled.

He walked out the door and prepared to go to the classroom

, but along the way, the same professional, there were always people staring at him, and they were exchanging ears, whispering, he was hairy, he didn't know what was going on,

this feeling of being kept in the dark made him very unhappy.

When he arrived in the classroom, Fan Junzhe quickly ran to Luo Geng and asked, "Luo Geng, is there something on my face?" Or is something happening to me? Why is there always someone watching me along the way.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu looked at each other, their faces were ugly, he slowly spoke, and said:

"Although I don't know what the specific reason is, I heard a little rumor... Someone, is deliberately spreading rumors to smear An Ying and you. "


Fan Junzhe's eyebrows were locked, no wonder anyone who knew himself or knew An Ying would look at him along the way, and it was with some strange eyes.

He didn't know that something had happened to him.

"What rumors?"

"This... I advise you not to inquire, anyway, it's not a good thing, I've asked several people, and they don't know who started spreading this rumor, they are just rumors.

Luo Geng shook his head, his face was serious, after he and Chi Xiaoyu heard those rumors, they wanted to debate with the group

of people, but the people said that it was not they who said it, they just heard it, and then spread the rumors.

Luo Geng also didn't have the ability to shut them up, and he couldn't find someone who spread rumors.

"I have... Who was offended, how did I not remember?

Fan Junzhe began to think about whether he had any enemies,

it couldn't be Wan Qi taking revenge on him, right? That's a bit too far-fetched.

If it's just to make up his own rumors, it's okay, he doesn't care, but if he implicates An Ying because of himself, then he will care.

"I think it's not you who offended... It should be, there is a feud with Sister

An Ying..." Chi Xiaoyu said softly on the side, because the spearhead of those rumors was all pointed at An Ying, and Fan Junzhe seemed to have smeared it because of the identity of An Ying's boyfriend.

"An Ying..." Fan Junzhe has been absent-minded during class, not listening

at all, after all, other people are staring at him so much, he is also very uncomfortable

, and after class at noon, Fan Junzhe walked out of the classroom, ready to take out his mobile phone and call An Ying

, but the phone was connected, no matter how many rings, no one answered over there


"What's the situation..."

Fan Junzhe looked at the prompt that no one answered on his phone, frowned, and a sense of foreboding rose in his heart...

"I didn't answer..." Chi Xiaoyu hung up the phone, and the phone she called An Ying was also unanswered.

"Don't worry, ask An Ying's roommate first."

Luo Geng pointed in the direction of the cafeteria, because in the past, when they ate together in the cafeteria, An Ying's roommate would come to greet An Ying, so he also remembered their appearance,


The three came to the cafeteria, searched in the huge cafeteria, and finally saw An Ying and her roommates in a corner.

Fan Junzhe quickly ran over and came to them.

"That... Hello, I want to ask, what about An Ying?

Fan Junzhe stood in front of them and asked cautiously.

Her roommates glanced up at Fan Junzhe and pursed their lips, looking like they couldn't say it bitterly,

"She... In the bedroom, we didn't come out under the covers all the time, and we were worried about her situation, but she just said to leave her alone for a while.

Several people looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, they have been together for three years as An Ying's roommates, what kind of person An Ying is, they know very well

, they know that these rumors are just boring rumors, but they didn't expect that the more it spreads, the more outrageous

, this is the harm of rumors, it may not be such a big thing, but it seems that some people don't care about other people's feelings, just to be fun, they add oil and vinegar to it, resulting in more and more false, but some people believe it.

"Well, at least know she's okay."

Luo Geng didn't know how to comfort Fan Junzhe, but just patted him lightly on the shoulder.

Chi Xiaoyu also stepped forward and said, "She texted me back and told me not to worry, she's fine." Chi

Xiaoyu took out her mobile phone, it was An Ying's reply to her text message, although it was only a few words

, but Fan Junzhe could also feel how bad An Ying's situation was at this time, although Fan Junzhe didn't know what rumors were created, but he could guess casually that it must be about that aspect

, this kind of thing is even more difficult for An Ying to accept, after all, she has never done anything, using a girl's innocence to spread rumors, It's hard to imagine how dark the hearts of those who spread rumors are.

"Luo Geng, you guys eat first, I won't eat."

After Fan Junzhe said lightly, he turned around and prepared to leave the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?" Luo Geng grabbed Fan Junzhe's wrist and asked suspiciously

, at this time, he didn't want Fan Junzhe to do something stupid, which might make An Ying more worried.

"I'll find out the person who spread the rumor, and I'll be innocent."

Fan Junzhe glanced at Luo Geng, then broke free of his hand and left the cafeteria directly.

Chi Xiaoyu tugged at the corner of Luo Geng's clothes with some worry and asked, "Husband, nothing will happen, right?"

"I don't know, but this matter can really only be solved by Fan Junzhe, what An Ying needs is also him now, it's okay, rumors are illegal, and when you find that person, you definitely can't spare him lightly."

Luo Geng comforted Chi Xiaoyu and asked her not to

worry, "Let's eat first, after eating, we will also investigate and investigate, don't worry, this is a small matter, it will end soon."


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