"Eh..." Fan

Junzhe looked at Luo Geng, who was fleeing, a little overwhelmed, so he left himself here?

His throat moved, he looked at An Ying in front of him, and whispered: "That... An Ying, you listen to me explain... I didn't mean to, I just... Can't breathe.."

An Ying took a step and walked slowly towards him, Fan Junzhe lowered his head, not daring to look at her, afraid that she would blame herself.

Next, An Ying suddenly hugged Fan Junzhe, making his eyes widen and he was stunned in place.


..." "Stupid, are you hurt..." An Ying's gentle and hoarse voice sounded in Fan Junzhe's ears, making Fan Junzhe's heart beat a little faster.

"Didn't... No, I thought you would blame me for being impulsive..."

Fan Junzhe shook his head and said softly.

"No, you are implicated by me, this matter itself has nothing to do with you, I should blame myself."

"What a joke, you are my girlfriend, dare to make up your rumors, Laozi tears his mouth!"

Fan Junzhe stretched out his hands and said viciously.

However, An Ying also saw the wound on Fan Junzhe's hand, immediately grabbed his hand, and said, "Don't you say that you are not injured?"

An Ying stared at him complainingly, while Fan Junzhe was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "This is not an injury, and this is a hit with that guy, I have nothing to do."

"No, I'll go to him for revenge and kick him twice!"

An Ying said that she was about to walk towards

the police station, Fan Junzhe quickly grabbed her and said: "Eh, forget it, it's too bold to beat people at the police station

..." An Ying stopped, turned his head and looked at him with a smile, and said:

"I'm joking, but next time this kind of thing, you can't bear it alone, at least wait for me to join me..." Fan

Junzhe scratched his head awkwardly and nodded slightly

"Well, got it."

"Huh~" In the next second, An Ying poked out his head, Yin Hong's thin lips kissed Fan Junzhe's lips

, and the kiss was instantaneous, but it made Fan Junzhe tremble involuntarily in his heart, and looked at An Ying with a surprised face.

An Ying's slightly pursed mouth drew a graceful arc and said, "This is a reward for my man, hard work."


"How?" Want more? Or do you say..." "

Ah no... That is

, I didn't react for a while..." Fan Junzhe quickly waved his hand, this reward was already the best for him

, he just now felt that his behavior was more impulsive, but now he didn't regret it at all

, "Okay, don't stick here, are you hungry, I'll invite you to dinner?"

An Ying walked over, straightened Fan Junzhe's collar, and slapped off the snowflakes that had accumulated on his head.

"Well... Okay, but I'll invite you.

"Forget it, don't you still owe Luo Geng money?"

"Oh... Yes, too..." Fan Junzhe grinned, he still had to find a way to return the money he owed Luo Geng to him.

Without Luo Geng's help, this time will be very troublesome, the first thing he thought of at that time was to call Luo Geng, and he was especially grateful that Luo Geng could help him.

"I still owe him favors, and I have to find a way to pay them back in the future..." Fan Junzhe looked up at the sky and muttered.

The two walked on this snowy night and spent their Christmas Eve.

The next day, Christmas, which coincided with the weekend, there was no need to go to class

, Luo Geng opened his eyes, it was not early after he returned home last night, and he went to bed after hurriedly washing.


Luo Geng looked to the side and found that Chi Xiaoyu had woken up, sitting on the edge of the bed, combing his hair.

"Early..." Luo Geng made a hoarse voice through his throat.

Chi Xiaoyu turned his head, looked at Luo Geng, smiled slightly, and said, "Early, husband."

"Why did you get up so early, if you don't go to class today, you can sleep more..."

"Of course, I want to get up to make breakfast for you, so that you can eat breakfast immediately after you get up."

Chi Xiaoyu smiled back, continued to comb

his long hair, Chi Xiaoyu's hair is very long, very dense, and there is a lot of hair loss, every time he combs his hair, a lot of hair will fall off, and

after getting up in the morning, it will take a long time to sort out his hair, and then tie it up.

"I'll help you."

Luo Geng suddenly became interested, sat up from the bed, sat behind Chi Xiaoyu, and prepared to help her straighten her hair.

"Eh... Help me? Chi Xiaoyu was a little surprised, but still handed the comb in his hand to Luo Geng, who

took the comb and helped Chi Xiaoyu comb her hair little by little, for fear that it would hurt her.

After combing the matter, he picked up the leather band and prepared to tie Chi Xiaoyu's hair up.

"Huh? Something is wrong... It's not like tying curtains..." Luo

Geng looked at his tied hair, his face was embarrassed, and he scratched his head a little embarrassed

, while Chi Xiaoyu "poofed" and laughed, looking at Luo Geng's appearance a little enduringly.

"Wait, give me another chance..." Luo

Geng took off the leather band, ready to try

again, he carefully pulled his hair together, tried to tie his hair again, but unfortunately, failed again, his hands were obviously very clever when he painted, but why can't he tie his hair?

"Ahem... I think you still look better with your hair on, well, yes, that's right.

Luo Geng directly threw the leather band aside, letting Chi Xiaoyu's hair scatter.

"Okay, okay, I'll come by myself, you don't have to be afraid that I'll hurt."

Chi Xiaoyu picked up the leather band on the side, and then tied his hair very skillfully, looking crisp and neat

, Luo Geng was worried that it would hurt Chi Xiaoyu, so it was not sharp at all, so it was not successful.

"It seems that I still need to practice more."

Luo Geng looked at his hands and said lightly.

Chi Xiaoyu was a little strange, turned his head to look at Luo Geng, and asked, "What do you do when you practice this?"

"Of course, if our two children are girls in the future, I will always learn how to tie her hair..."

Two.. Children?

Chi Xiaoyu's tongue was knotted, and she spoke like a cassette, and her eyes

bloomed with expectation, she did think about whether she would have a child with Luo Geng in the future, imagining a family of three with Luo Geng and children, that kind of picture was also what she longed for.

But she wasn't sure if Luo Geng liked children or not, after all, there are many couples who don't want children now.

"yes, yes, do you like boys or girls?"

Luo Geng turned over, lay on the bed, looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked.

"I... Love both.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, after all, as long as it is her and Luo Geng's child, then she must like it whether it is a boy or a girl, it is

best to look like Luo Geng more.

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