After breakfast, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu

came to the studio next door

, Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan were already working, after seeing Luo Geng, they were a little surprised, Qin Qiao

asked suspiciously: "Teacher Luo, I thought you would go to the festival with Xiaoyu today, why did you come here."

"What's so good about Christmas... It is not a legal holiday.

Luo Geng shook his head, neither he nor Chi Xiaoyu thought about this festival, maybe because they didn't know what to do, Luo Geng also felt that he rarely came to the studio recently, and it was time to catch up with the progress of comics himself.

Chi Xiaoyu sat next to Xu Mengnan and watched her study comics so seriously, and couldn't help but ask:

"Mengnan, do you really like comics so much?" Wouldn't you feel a little sorry because you have been dealing with manga all the time during your college life?

Xu Mengnan thought for a while, then shook his head and said:

"No, because I think this can make me happier, as for playing together in college life, falling in love, in fact, I don't care much, I can take care of studying and comics, I think I am very satisfied."

"This way..." Chi Xiaoyu admired her for being enthusiastic about a

hobby, looking at herself in turn, there was no hobby, if you want to talk about the previous hobby, it may be to track Luo Geng and investigate Luo Geng's bits and pieces, and now there is no need to be like that.

Luo Geng sat down, prepared for work, suddenly thought of something, looked at Qin Qiao and asked:

"By the way, we are about to have a holiday, then I will go home with Chi Xiaoyu, you work here until the day before the junior year, and then take the holiday until the seventh day of junior high school and then come back to work, okay."

"Well, good." Qin Qiao nodded and agreed.

Xu Mengnan pointed to himself and asked, "What about me, Teacher Luo?" "

Huh? Of course, you can leave whenever you want. "Luo Geng is a little puzzled, you don't have a salary, do you still have to work here?

Of course, if she is willing to stay here and continue to work, Na Luogeng has nothing to say.

"Is it really whatever I want? Can I stay here after the holidays?

"Uh... While... Of course. Luo

Geng really didn't expect it, originally thought that she was asking when she could leave, but she didn't expect to ask if she could not go....

And Qin Qiao's face showed bitterness, looking a little like she couldn't say bitterly, it was hard to imagine what she was like being tortured by Xu Mengnan here.

She was a little skeptical, is this really a college student? Isn't it time to go to dinner, go shopping, and play with your sisters at this age?

In addition to classes every day, I basically draw comics here, is this really a female college student?

Qin Qiao remembered that when he went to college, he was going to vomit every day when he painted, and he couldn't wait to tear up the sketch immediately and then turn around and go shopping.

She looked at Xu Mengnan and thought to herself, her achievements in comics in the future will definitely be higher than herself....

At noon, Chi Xiaoyu cooked in the studio, and several people ate together at the dining table.

"Hmm! Sure enough, the rice made by Xiaoyu is delicious! Qin Qiao hadn't eaten Chi Xiaoyu's meal for a while, and he was full of praise after eating.

And Xu Mengnan also ate it for the first time, with some surprised looks in his eyes, looked at Chi Xiaoyu and said: "Oh my God, Xiaoyu, you are so good at cooking, Luo Geng can eat such delicious meals every day?" "

Hmph..." Luo Geng raised his eyebrows, his expression was full of show-off

, as if others wanted to eat meals that were difficult, but he could eat them every day, and this sense of superiority made him raise his jaw.

"By the way, we talked about a topic in the morning, which is more interesting, I want to ask you."

After Luo Geng finished eating, he put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan, and asked, "

Do you like boys or girls?"

"Huh?" Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan looked at each other, looked at each other, and made a puzzled voice.

"Teacher Luo, you and Xiaoyu, are you preparing... Having children? Xu Mengnan asked tentatively, after all, she had not yet participated in Luo Geng's wedding, how could she start discussing the issue of liking boys and girls in a blink of an eye.

Qin Qiao also frowned and asked in a low voice, "Teacher Luo, shouldn't it be you... Didn't pay attention, won the lottery?

"Whatever, it's just said that this is the topic we talked about in the morning, don't think about it." Luo Geng waved his hand and looked at the two helplessly.

Qin Qiao thought about it seriously and said, "I don't know if I like boys or girls, anyway, I don't plan to have children in the future..."

"Huh?! Why!

Xu Mengnan on the side shot up directly and looked at Qin Qiao with a surprised expression.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were stunned for a moment, and they could see surprise from each other's eyes

, Qin Qiao doesn't want children, why are you so excited?

"Why did you react so much..." Qin Qiao was also taken aback, looking at Xu Mengnan and pouting and asking.

Xu Mengnan slowly sat down and said seriously: "Teacher Qin, you don't want children, then how can I teach your children to draw comics in the future?" I want to be your child's teacher! "

Huh? Why do you want my children to draw comics too, why are you so vicious?

Qin Qiao frowned slightly, looking at Xu Mengnan as if she was watching a demon, even if she had a child in the future, it would definitely be impossible for her to let him touch any comics again.

Xu Mengnan pointed to himself, his lips lightly opened, and said: "If I have a child in the future

..." "Don't say it, we don't want to hear the story of you raising your own child to become a cartoonist..." Luo

Geng immediately stopped Xu Mengnan, it seems that this topic is also said in vain.

"Alas, after eating, I fell asleep and wanted to take a nap..."

Qin Qiao yawned, stood up and prepared to walk to his room.

"What a nap, hurry up and set aside the parts you can't draw during the holiday!"

"Ahhh... Teacher Luo, just sleep for a while..."

If you don't work hard, how can I achieve financial freedom sooner?

"Wow~, the black-hearted boss who oppresses the employees..."

"What words, what words this is!"

A few of them were jokingly playing, Chi Xiaoyu looked out the window, the snow flakes were all big one after another, faint

, "I don't know if it's snowing at home... Mom, have you worn a little more."

Chi Xiaoyu thought of Ren Lan, her own mother, the first time she was separated from her mother for so long, although Luo Geng was by her side, but now she also thought a little

, thinking that in the past, the New Year was only herself and her mother, there was no New Year atmosphere, everything was simple

, even if it was the most lively festival of the year, their home was equally deserted....

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and muttered:

"Perhaps, this New Year's Eve, it will be different..."

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