"Almost packed up, right?"

Luo Geng looked at the packed luggage, there were much fewer things than when he came to school, after all, there was nothing to take away.

Tomorrow will start the holiday, Luo Geng bought the plane ticket early, ready to fly back tomorrow and Chi Xiaoyu as soon as possible.

"It feels like a semester has passed quickly..." Chi

Xiaoyu looked at the photo of himself and Luo Geng on the bedside, and muttered

, although it felt that the time was short, but indeed a lot of things happened with Luo Geng during this period, and most importantly, the relationship deepened again

, every time Chi Xiaoyu felt that his relationship with Luo Geng was good enough, it would always deepen.

And Luo Geng hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear: "That's because I am with you, I feel that time flies

quickly..." "Yes..." Chi Xiaoyu nodded, she felt that the time with Luo Geng was very happy and passed quickly

, "When I was in high school, I never thought that there would be such a day, like a dream."

Chi Xiaoyu touched the photo in his hand, feeling that all this was a little unreal, but it really happened to him.

The person he liked the most became his fiancé.

Luo Geng asked softly, "Did you tell Aunt Ren that we were going back?"

"Told it, she said she would come and pick us up."

"So... In fact, there is no need to pick it up, the two of us will go back by ourselves.

"Where can I persuade her."

Chi Xiaoyu shrugged helplessly, it was obvious that she had already persuaded, and the result was naturally a failure.

At this time, Luo Geng's mobile phone rang, and he saw that it was Fan Junzhe who called,

"Hello? What's wrong?

"Luo Geng, you shouldn't have left yet, can you come out?" I pay you back the money I owe you.

Fan Junzhe's voice came from the other side of the phone

, Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, when he said that he owed himself money, he was a little unresponsive, it was obvious that he didn't pay attention to himself

, "Oh, you said that, I almost forgot, then you worked part-time for so long, just to pay me back?"

Luo Geng asked suspiciously, after all, after Christmas, Fan Junzhe rarely appeared, except for classes, basically to do part-time

, and all of them are very tiring jobs, such as express sorting or something....

Luo Geng also thought that Fan Junzhe was saving money to keep the holidays to go out with An Ying.

"Yes, I finally saved enough before the holiday, you come out, I'll give you the money."

Luo Geng asked, "You... After paying me back, is there still money?

"This... It's okay, it's a holiday soon, I'll go home, it's okay if you have money or not, go home and have food.

"I mean, aren't you going to hang out with An Ying on vacation?"

Fan Junzhe was silent for a few seconds, and slowly said: "This... Let's talk about it.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about paying me back this money first, keep it for hanging out with An Ying, I can pay the money back whenever I want, but you don't want to miss this holiday, right?"

Fan Junzhe took a deep breath, for some reason, he felt a warm current rushing into his heart

, "Luo Geng..." Listening to Luo Geng's words, it was really a little warm, Luo Geng really treated him as a brother

, "

Take advantage of the fact that there is no holiday today, go and have a good meal with her, just like that, hang ha."

After Luo Geng finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then looked at Chi Xiaoyu, who had been looking at him to the side

, "I decided like this, is it okay?" Luo Geng asked tentatively.

"Ahhh... Of course you can, it's better to say, you don't

need to ask me..." Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Luo Geng to actually ask his opinion, this is obviously Luo Geng's money, he can deal with it however he wants, there is no need to ask himself.

"Uh... After all, I listen to you, even if I make a decision, I still have to listen to you.

Luo Geng put his arm around Chi Xiaoyu, held her in his arms, and said softly.

"Listen to me..." Chi Xiaoyu muttered, her cheeks on both sides flushed with a faint flush, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise

, she never worried about Luo Geng, because the sense of security he gave himself was absolutely sufficient

, even a small thing, a word, could make her feel that Luo Geng cared about herself.

Early the next morning, the two took their luggage and prepared to go out, Luo

Geng first went to the next door, told Qin Qiao about them, and then left here.

Took a taxi to the airport and waited for the plane.

Luo Geng looked outside and muttered in a low voice: "After going back, will you go back to each house to live

, and you are not used to it..." "Hmm..."

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, of course she was not used to it, after all, living with Luo Geng for so long, she has developed a habit, and

when you sleep at night, you can sleep by riding Luo Geng to sleep....

After returning home, I can only ride a throw pillow

, "It's okay, anyway, we still have a long time to live together, it's hard to take a holiday, just accompany Aunt Ren more, she must miss you too."

Luo Geng comforted Chi Xiaoyu, stroked her head, and when the two got on the plane, then transferred to the train, and walked out of the train station, it was already evening, there were still snowflakes outside, there were many people who came to pick up the station at the gate of the

train station, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu

walked out of

the train station, looking left and right, looking for Ren Lan's figure.

"What about this! Son!

Luo Geng heard a familiar call, turned his head to look in that direction, and saw Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan standing there, waving to the two.

"Daddy! You're here too.

Luo Geng smiled and looked at Luo Yongfu's legs, it seemed that he was already familiar with his prosthetic leg, otherwise he had not been out of that town for several years before.

"Mom." Chi Xiaoyu walked towards Ren Lan, she hadn't seen Ren Lan for a long time, now it seems that she is doing well, her mental state is much better than before

, Ren Lan squinted and laughed, stretched out her hand to help Chi Xiaoyu sort out her collar, and said: "Cold or not, why wear so little." In

fact, the two of them don't wear much, but as parents, they always feel that their children don't wear enough, and they are afraid that they will get cold.

The four of them got into a taxi and prepared to go

home, Luo Geng sat in the co-pilot, looked back at Luo Yongfu, and asked: "Dad, are you still used to it at home?" It shouldn't be too difficult.

Luo Yongfu raised his eyebrows and said,

"Yourself? No, your Aunt Ren is now living in our house, oh yes, you go to your Aunt Ren's house to live with Xiaoyu, your house was put by us.

"Uh... Rise?

After Luo Geng listened, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and looked at Luo Yongfu with a blank face.

Chi Xiaoyu heard that Luo Geng would come to his house to live with him, and he couldn't mention how happy he was in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"Ah, well..."

After Luo Geng was silent for a while, he nodded, thinking what does this mean, exchanging hostages?

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