He and Chi Xiaoyu were still talking about this when they were at the airport, and as a result, his father didn't seem to want to let himself go home to live.

Ren Lan looked at Luo Geng in front of him and said, "Xiao Geng, if you don't want to live, then go home, it's okay."

"Ah no, I want to live."

Luo Geng replied in seconds, he just didn't react for a while, but that didn't mean he was unhappy.

This wave of hostage exchange is wonderful.

The car drove downstairs to Luo Geng's house, the four of them went upstairs together, and after opening the door and walking in

, Luo Geng returned to the familiar home, and seemed to have changed a little, as if... It's getting clean....

This is what happens after a woman appears in a family....

The meal was prepared on the table, covered with a lid to keep warm, and it looked still hot.

"Put your stuff down and come and eat."

Luo Yongfu patted Luo Geng's shoulder and said.


The four of them sat at the dining table and ate together, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu both had some feelings, after all, they hadn't eaten together like this for a long time

, like a family, after all, when the two were in high school, there were basically only two people eating at home, and Chi Xiaoyu often ate alone

, so a lively family like this ate together, so that they could feel the warmth of home.

"Daddy, are you still at work? The money I gave you should be enough to spend, right?

Luo Geng ate and asked Luo Yongfu on the other side.

Luo Yongfu nodded, still eating in his mouth, and said: "Don't mention it, how can we spend so much, and if we don't buy a car or a house, we will save it for you, you must not have a count in your heart when you spend money, and when there is no money, tell me and return it to you."

Ren Lan patted Luo Yongfu and said, "Swallow things before talking..."

Luo Yongfu waved his hand and said, "Eh, about this, I have to tell you, not only are we still working, but we also go to the factory in the city and earn much more than here." "

Huh? So how do you go to work every day and take the bus?


"This..." Luo Geng was speechless for a while, he didn't know what to say

, he was very happy that his father could go so far every day, at least it proved that he recovered well and was very healthy, but he was also worried, after all, his father's stubbornness, he knew best.

For a moment, Luo Geng wanted to buy a car for the two of them, but after thinking about it, his father didn't seem to be able to drive a general car, and he wanted to drive a C5 kind of car.

And let him drive, he is even more uneasy, it is better to take the bus.

"Aunt Ren, do you have a driver's license?"

Luo Geng looked at Ren Lan and asked.

"Huh? No, what's wrong? Ren Lan looked at Luo Geng and replied, a little puzzled.

However, Chi Xiaoyu immediately understood Luo Geng's intentions, and said on the side: "Luo Geng wants to buy you a car, which is convenient for commuting."

"This child, we will receive the wish, but don't worry, it is more convenient for us to take the car every day."

"Yes, you have that spare money, it is better to go and get a driver's license yourself, and then buy a car yourself." Luo Yongfu nodded in agreement on the side.

"I'm just... There is this idea..."

Luo Geng nodded, he had the idea of taking a driver's license in the past, but he had never made time

, if he wanted to take the test now, it was either before the New Year or after the year, no matter what time it was, the time did not seem to be enough.

Then it seems that it can only be done with money....

Luo Geng thought that now is not more than ten years later, it is so difficult to get a driver's license, and it is very common to collect money to do things now, maybe it can make Luo Geng get a driver's license faster.

"Let's not talk about us yet, let's talk about you."

Luo Yongfu put down the bowl and chopsticks and seriously looked at Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu on the opposite side

, the two were stunned, and looked at each other, with doubtful looks in their eyes.

"We? What's wrong with us? Luo Geng asked suspiciously.

Luo Yongfu raised his chin, pointed to the diamond ring on Chi Xiaoyu's finger, and said lightly: "When are you going to get married?"

"This..." The

two were embarrassed, but they didn't expect to ask about this, in front of each other's parents, saying this kind of thing, they couldn't let go, if they talked to their parents alone, it would be better.

"There's no hurry... We are not yet old enough to get a license.

Luo Yongfu nodded and continued:

"I know, what are you afraid of, do the wedding first, isn't the child of your third aunt's family married at the age of 17, and then get the certificate when he is old."


Luo Geng had nothing to say

, and then he didn't want to get married, he really wanted to marry Chi Xiaoyu, but he was still in school, taking care of classes and drawing comics had made him have some little energy, he didn't want to get married in the current state

, after all, marriage requires a lot of things, a house and a car, although Chi Xiaoyu doesn't want anything, but he must have ah

People can not do it, they can't do without it.

Thinking of this, Luo Geng looked at Ren Lan and asked softly, "Uh... Aunt Ren, how much dowry do you want? "

Huh? Silly child, what bride price do I want, anyway, in the end it will be yours, it's all a family, and the whole thing is not necessary.

Ren Lan waved her hand, she was telling the truth, she asked for a bride price, either for Chi Xiaoyu, or to keep her own flowers, just these two choices

, but now Luo Geng has already given them a lot of money, if you want to calculate the bride price, these money has long been enough for the bride price, so if it is not for the form, it is not necessary at all.

"Dad, didn't you think about getting the license?"

Luo Geng looked at Luo Yongfu, after all, if they want to get a license to get married, then he and Chi Xiaoyu are still more troublesome, and what proof do they have to issue.

"We are all this age, those who can't prove it, don't care, just a little red book, what can be done, don't want a house or property, it doesn't matter if there is a house or not."

Luo Yongfu shook his head, he and Ren Lan had already thought about it, not to obtain the certificate, after all, it may still cause trouble to the children, and it is not of much use.

Rather, if you don't get a certificate, it is still nominally two, and it is more appropriate to divide something and receive something at that time.

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu, she kept her head down and did not speak, Luo Geng

knew that maybe for Chi Xiaoyu, no matter what decision she made, she would agree.

Luo Geng held Chi Xiaoyu's hand under the table and looked at her with a slight smile.

Suddenly, Luo Geng thought of a question, raised his head to look at Luo Yongfu and asked:

"Dad, I have a question ha, if we have children in the future... Do you call you grandpa or grandpa?

Ren Lan smiled and looked at Luo Yongfu, wanting to see what he said, after all, it was the same problem for her.

"The child is happy to call what he wants, as long as he doesn't call me grandpa, just call your aunt grandma, and it's okay to have a unified title..."

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