After dinner, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu

were ready to return to Chi Xiaoyu's house, Luo Geng

never thought that he would one day walk out of his home and return to someone else's house, and he had a feeling that he was married....

Luo Yongfu stood at the door and instructed: "It's dark on the road, be careful, I don't have much time to work with your Aunt Ren, you two can go around the city and buy some New Year goods in advance."

"Okay, don't worry."

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu held hands and walked on the familiar street, how many times have they both walked this street, and when they came back here again, they were still the same familiar.

"Why is this street light broken? No wonder daddy said it was dark on the road.

Luo Geng looked at the dark road ahead and couldn't help but squeeze Chi Xiaoyu's hand.

"Slow down, be careful not to fall." Chi Xiaoyu also grabbed Luo Geng's hand, and the two walked carefully.

Although Luo Geng has been very careful, but this winter snow, the road is icy, it is inevitable that there will be particularly slippery places.


Luo Geng's feet slipped, and the whole person fell directly to the side, and he still tightly grasped Chi Xiaoyu's hand, so he dragged Chi Xiaoyu over!


Chi Xiaoyu exclaimed, and in the next second he was already unstable under his feet and fell, but he fell directly on Luo Geng's body!

"Husband, you... Are you okay? Chi

Xiaoyu quickly took out his mobile phone, wanting to use the bright light of the mobile phone to see

Luo Geng's situation, but as soon as he turned it on, when the light shone on Luo Geng's face, Chi Xiaoyu found that his face was full of snow, and his head was also all ...


With Luo Geng's confused expression, Chi Xiaoyu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Blah blah!" Luo Geng spat out the snow on his mouth and helped Chi Xiaoyu up

, "Thanks to the snow next to this, otherwise something would really happen."

Luo Geng looked at the pile of snow next to him, and if his life was bad, he would fall directly to the side of the road.

Luo Geng patted the snow on his body and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I fell on you..." Chi

Xiaoyu fell directly into Luo Geng's arms just now, and he didn't feel anything.

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone and looked at the snowdrift on the side, and muttered: "That's okay, let's go, thanks to the snow next to it is still clean, it's not yellow snow..."

"It's okay, it's okay..." After

a while, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu successfully returned home, and after returning home, Luo Geng

also immediately went to take a bath, after all, it was still very cold to fall into the snowdrift.

After Luo Geng finished washing, it was Chi Xiaoyu's turn to take a bath, and he walked into Chi Xiaoyu's room.

"I haven't been to this room in a long time."

Luo Geng looked left and right, it seemed to be no different from when he first came, he looked at the table, and remembered that he had seen his name in a notebook there.

If only he had directly picked out the confession at that time, the mood that seemed to be winning the lottery in a blind box, Luo Geng still remembered it at this time.

He sat at the table again, looked at

the books on the table, and after a while, his eyes sharpened, and he saw that there seemed to be a picture sandwiched between the books.

He took the picture out and looked at it.

"It turned out to be a graduation photo from junior high school."

Luo Geng looked for his figure here, and found himself among the most smiling boys in the front row,

when Luo Geng smiled very happily, holding a person with his hands, and the one on the left was Wen Shao.

"The one on the right... It's Hou Pengyuan... I haven't seen you in years. Luo

Geng remembered this person's name, when he was in junior high school before, he was his best friend like Wen Shao

, but after he went to high school, there was no contact, and I don't know where he went

, although he graduated from junior high school to now, it has been nearly 4 years, but in Luo Geng's mind, it has been more than ten years.

Luo Geng looked for Chi Xiaoyu's figure here

, and finally, he saw Chi Xiaoyu in the row of girls behind him.

"Oh——, I don't know, after I went to high school, it really changed a lot."

Luo Geng was a little surprised, because the current Chi Xiaoyu was very different from the person in the photo now, and he could only barely tell that it was the same person

, although his appearance would not change so much, but his temperament was completely different.

"Eh..." Luo

Geng picked up the photo and carefully looked at Chi Xiaoyu in the photo, he found that at that time, Chi Xiaoyu had been staring at himself....

On the graduation photo, Chi Xiaoyu's eyes have been looking at Luo Geng in front of him, although there is no emotion in his eyes in the photo, but the careful Luo Geng still saw Chi Xiaoyu's slightly upturned corners of his mouth in that photo.

"What to see?"

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu also finished taking a bath, wearing pajamas, and wiping his wet hair with a towel and walked in.

"Wife, you have been watching me at that time, you said that if I noticed that you liked me and confessed to you, what would you do?"

Luo Geng pointed to Chi Xiaoyu on the photo and asked with interest.

Chi Xiaoyu sat on the bed, put the towel aside, thought about it seriously, and said, "Then I want to... It certainly won't be the result of the two of us now, perhaps, there won't be any results..."

Why? If I confess to you, we can be together a long time earlier, right?

Luo Geng blinked and looked at Chi Xiaoyu suspiciously, not understanding why she said that.

"But if we really were together that early, I think... I definitely can't study well, I definitely can't help but want to see you, want to talk to you, want to be with you every day, and in the end, I definitely won't be able to get into the same university as you. "


... This way..."

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, he thought about it, and felt that what Chi Xiaoyu said also made sense

, because if he didn't experience those things, such as liking Qi Qianru or something, in the end, he should not be born back, nor would he have good grades to be admitted to a good university, nor would he have the means to make a living and earn money

, if he was really with Chi Xiaoyu so early, it would just be together earlier, and there would be no change, and even, it might not be as good as now.

"I think, you're right..."

Luo Geng nodded, originally he was still thinking how good it would be if he found out that Chi Xiaoyu liked him earlier and responded to her earlier

, but now, he felt that everything seemed to be the best arrangement.

He found Chi Xiaoyu's intentions and confessed to her, such progress seemed to be at the best time.

Chi Xiaoyu smiled slightly, touched Luo Geng's cheek with his hand, and said softly:

"I don't care if I can be with you earlier, I think as long as it is you in the end, it will be the best result."

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