"Ahhh... Well, no.

For Yu Wanxin's invitation, Chi Xiaoyu waved his hand, wanting to refuse, so he said:

"I'm here, waiting for my husband..."

This is already the first time the two of them have been shocked, but they also saw the diamond ring on Chi Xiaoyu's finger, and couldn't help but gasp

, this diamond ring was really dazzling, Yu Wanxin stared intently, looking stunned.

"You can ask your husband to come with you, let's get to know each other."

"This..." Chi Xiaoyu smiled awkwardly, she wanted to say that this person you don't know

, after all, he is also a junior high school classmate, if Luo Geng is also called, it is really a small junior high school reunion

, "I'll call him and ask, if he is willing to come, I will go..."

Chi Xiaoyu took out his mobile phone and wanted to ask Luo Geng, after all, Hou Pengyuan was also a good friend of Luo Geng when he was in junior high school, and now that there is no contact, maybe Luo Geng wants to see him again.

However, when she called Luo Geng, she heard that there was a call over there....

A few minutes ago, Luo Geng walked out of the publishing house, and finally handled everything properly

, "Buzz-"

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone, just wanted to call Chi Xiaoyu, but found that someone called him.

"Hello? Wen Shao?

"Hey, Luo Geng, are you back?" Why didn't you tell me? Wen Shao's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Luo Geng sighed and said, "Alas, I've just come back for the first day, what's wrong, are you in trouble?"

"Of course I'm looking for you to hang out, and I'm finally looking forward to your coming back and going out to relax?"

"Want me back? Let me guess, Bai Yi hasn't had a holiday yet, right?

Wen Shao smiled awkwardly and said, "Hey, hey... Oops you can't come out, I'm in a good mood today, I'll treat you!

"I'm outside with Xiaoyu right now, if you want to come out, come to me."

"Okay, where are you, I'll go find you."


After hanging up the phone, Luo Geng saw that Chi Xiaoyu had called himself just now, and he was still talking to Wen Shao on the phone at that time

, so he quickly called Chi Xiaoyu back,

"Hello? Wife, what's wrong? "

Huh? Really fake, met Yu Wanxin and Hou Pengyuan? What a coincidence, oh... They want us to go to dinner together, okay, then you go first, I'll wait... Wait for Wen Shao, we will go when he arrives.

Luo Geng thought to himself, what day is today, why are these junior high school students gathered together?

Wen Shao is also okay, Yu Wanxin and Hou Pengyuan?

He remembered that he was still looking at the person Hou Pengyuan in the graduation photo last night, but he didn't expect to meet him today.

After a while, Wen Shao walked towards Luo Geng with small steps and patted him on the shoulder,

"Hey! Brother, didn't you miss me!

Luo Geng turned his head to look at Wen Shao and said, "Fortunately, the person you think of is not me."

"Gee, it's really going to splash cold water on me, huh? What about Chi Xiaoyu? Aren't you with her? Wen Shao looked left and right, and did not see Chi Xiaoyu's figure next to Luo Geng.

"Uh, she's waiting for us, let's go, it's quite a coincidence today, I feel like I'm back in Middle School 33..."

What do you mean? 33 middle school, isn't it the junior high school we attend?

Wen Shao didn't understand what Luo Geng meant, but he quickly followed Luo Geng.

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu had already arrived at a restaurant with Yu Wanxin and Hou Pengyuan

, "Eh, my husband will come later, and I will bring a friend... You all know each other..."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the two people opposite and said softly.

"Your husband's friend, we know each other? What do you mean, why didn't I understand..." Yu Wanxin and Hou Pengyuan looked at each other, looking at Chi Xiaoyu in bewilderment

, "Eh, they are here."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the door and saw Luo Geng and Wen Shao walking in, so he quickly beckoned.

Yu Wanxin and Hou Pengyuan both turned their heads and looked in that direction together, and after seeing Luo Geng and Wen Shao, the two directly froze.

His eyes almost fell out, his eyes widened, and his face was full of horror.

"Huh? These two... Why is it so familiar..."

Wen Shao also paused, looked at the two of them, and blinked blankly.

Luo Geng walked straight to Chi Xiaoyu and sat next to her.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Luo Geng naturally held Chi Xiaoyu in his arms.

After a while, Wen Shao also sat down and figured out who these two were

, and Yu Wanxin also took a long time to figure out the situation, pointing to Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu on the opposite side and said:

"Oh... Your husband is... Luo Geng? I really, really didn't expect this, to be honest, I still haven't slowed down a little now... And you two are really a couple, the changes are so big, I suspect that you two have secretly evolved behind our backs...."Hou

Pengyuan gave Luo Geng a thumbs up, looking admiring.

"Brother Luo, I haven't seen you for a long time, you really impressed me."

Then he slowly looked at Wen Shao and said mockingly: "Brother Wen, did you come alone?"

"Nonsense, my girlfriend hasn't had a holiday yet, otherwise I'll definitely bring her along." Wen Shao gave him a blank look, pouted and said.

Yu Wanxin became interested, looked at Wen Shao and asked, "Really?" Your girlfriend... Wouldn't it be our junior high school classmates too?

"Ah no, this is not..." Several

people ordered, but they were not in the mood to eat, because Yu Wanxin had been asking Luo Geng their questions.

"Huh? It turns out that Xiaoyu you have liked Luo Geng since junior high school, I really don't know, you told me earlier, I matched you.

"Luo Geng was also admitted to Cheng'an University? Really?

"That means you're engaged now, not married yet, right, great, I thought I missed your wedding."

Yu Wanxin's attention has been on Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, and it seems that he is not familiar with Wen Shao on the side....

"Brother Wen, let's go online."

Hou Pengyuan patted Wen Shao's shoulder and said helplessly.

Wen Shao looked at Hou Pengyuan and Yu Wanxin beside him and asked, "

Actually, I really want to ask you, how did you get with Yu Wanxin?"

Hou Pengyuan was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Uh... Just like that, just like this, then that..."

Wen Shaoyu locked his eyebrows and stared at Hou Pengyuan, as if he wanted to see something from his face

, because he felt a little strange from the beginning, because the two said that they were in love, but they didn't feel that at all

, Yu Wanxin had been talking to Chi Xiaoyu and Luo Geng, and even Hou Pengyuan didn't pay attention to it.

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