"Well, don't just talk about us, how did you get together?"

Luo Geng threw the topic to Yu Wanxin and Hou Pengyuan, because Chi Xiaoyu really couldn't cope with it, and Luo Geng could only speak.

When Luo Geng asked this question, it was very clear that Hou Pengyuan was stunned for a moment

, Wen Shao saw this scene on the side, and couldn't help frowning, this is the same as what he was thinking just now, how strange does this Hou Pengyuan feel?

"We were a university, we met in college that day, and then we went out together, chatted together, and slowly got together."

Still Yu Wanxin opened her mouth and answered the question, Hou Pengyuan nodded on the side and said, "Uh-huh, yes."

"I can't say it so simply, Yuanzi, you can't lie as before."

Wen Shao's eyes glanced at Hou Pengyuan and smacked his tongue, he felt wrong from the beginning, and now he was more convinced of his thoughts.

"Don't you know him yet, it's normal to be stupid and can't say it, I guess I'm thinking how you can add such a simple thing to romance."

Yu Wanxin helped Hou Pengyuan relieve the siege again and said to Wen Shao.

As soon as Wen Shao saw this state, he simply didn't ask any more

, and after eating a meal, Yu Wanxin made an excuse and prepared to leave with Hou Pengyuan first.

"It's really nice to see you again, now we all left the phone, often come out to play in the future, oh, and, Luo Geng, Xiaoyu, don't forget to call me when you two get married."

Yu Wanxin took the mobile phone and shook it in front of several people and said.

Luo Geng nodded and said, "Well, definitely."

After speaking, he looked at Hou Pengyuan on the side and said: "Yuanzi, as before, if there is any difficulty, tell me, call me."

"Brother ——,Luo, what difficulties can I have, I'm just too happy to see you again, wait for the next time, I have time to invite you out to dinner."

Hou Pengyuan nodded with a smile, his hand scratched his head unconsciously

, and after saying goodbye to a few people, the two left here, and when leaving, Hou Pengyuan took the initiative to take Yu Wanxin's hand, and the two walked hand in hand.

"Walking hand in hand, but, it's a bit fake." After Wen Shao saw this scene, he looked at Luo Geng and said.

Luo Geng took a sip of water and said: "The iron must be fake, you still have to doubt, although I don't know why they did this, but they didn't mean to fall in love at all, as if they were acting."

Chi Xiaoyu was a little puzzled and muttered, "Why?" When I met the two of them, Hou Pengyuan said that they were in love, and there was no reason to say it in advance and lie to us.

Luo Geng said lightly: "Then it means that it is not us who want to be deceived, and it is just a coincidence that we are encountered."


Hou Pengyuan and Yu Wanxin walked out far away and turned a street corner, and Hou Pengyuan looked behind him, as if to see if anyone was following.

"Okay, how long are you going to hold it?"

"Ahhh... I'm sorry. Hou Pengyuan quickly let go of his hand and smiled awkwardly.

"I know you want Luo Geng to believe them, but there is no need, anyway, I am not going to show them, besides, your ability to adapt to changes is too poor, so simple problems can not be copeed?"

Yu Wanxin poked Hou Pengyuan's head, as if complaining about him, just now if he hadn't solved the siege

, Hou Pengyuan would have revealed his stuffing on the spot, although it didn't matter if he showed the stuffing, it was good to explain it clearly

, but who let Hou Pengyuan mouth so quickly, directly said in front of them that the two were in love, there should not be so many things, and acting in this play was not for them.

Hou Pengyuan lowered his head, a little self-blamed, did not dare to say anything, he did speak a little faster at that time, but later realized that he seemed to know nothing at all, not even making up nonsense.

And Yu Wanxin looked at him like this, and sighed helplessly: "Alas, okay, let's go."

Hou Pengyuan raised his head and looked at Yu Wanxin and smiled slightly at himself

, he nodded and said, "Good." The

two came to a hospital together, and after Hou Pengyuan walked into the hospital, he skillfully went to the place where he was hospitalized

, and Yu Wanxin followed behind him, sorting his hair and collar.

He pushed open the door of the ward, and on the innermost bed in the ward

, there was an old man, who looked weak, with an oxygen tube in his nose, dripping

, his arms were particularly thin, it looked like there was no flesh left, and his muscles were atrophied.

Next to the old man sat a man, but he kept his head down and playing with his mobile phone.

"Grandma, I'm back."

Hou Pengyuan walked to the old man's bed and said to her.

As a result, before the old man could speak, the man on the side looked up at Hou Pengyuan, stood up, and said,

"Pengyuan is here, then I will leave first."

"Well, Third Uncle, you go first..." Hou

Pengyuan nodded, and the man also walked directly out, yawned, glanced

at Yu Wanxin suspiciously, and then went out and left.

The old man on the bed turned his head to look at Hou Pengyuan, the corners of his mouth squirmed, slightly raised,

"Xiaoyuan is back..." The old man's voice was very weak and light.

Hou Pengyuan nodded, and then came to Yu Wanxin's side and introduced:

"Grandma, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend, Yu Wanxin."

"Wanxin, this is my grandmother."

"Hello grandma, just call me Wanxin." Yu Wanxin smiled and said hello to the old man, the old man on the bed looked at Yu Wanxin, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on his face was even worse,

"Well... Good..." It seems that his speech is not very smooth, and he has to take a deep breath every time he speaks, and he can only say the word "good".

Hou Pengyuan sat aside, held the old man's hand, and said:

"Grandma, Wanxin is very good to me, good at studying, also sensible, very polite, the same as what you told me before, let me find a daughter-in-law The standard is the same, you see... Okay..." The

more Hou Pengyuan said the back, the more hoarse his voice became, and finally there was even a burst of crying, and before he knew it, his eyes were red.

"Well... The

old man breathed heavily, constantly making a slight "yes", and nodded his head up and down slightly.

When Yu Wanxin saw this scene, she was also a little touched in her heart, she squatted down, looked at the old man and said:

"Grandma, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Pengyuan, and I will definitely not let you down."

Hou Pengyuan looked at Yu Wanxin on the side, he didn't know if she was acting with herself or saying the truth

, but that was not important to him, the key was to say these words to make his grandmother feel at ease, then he was very grateful to Yu Wanxin.

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