Yu Wanxin walked out of the ward and looked outside the ward, Hou Pengyuan sat on the chair, lowered his head, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Yu Wanxin walked over, sat next to him, and said, "Grandma is asleep." "

Hmm... Thank you today.

Hou Pengyuan nodded and said, he raised his head, and Yu Wanxin found that Hou Pengyuan was crying here, his eyes were red, and there were tear marks on his face.

"Oh yes."

Hou Pengyuan rummaged through his pockets, found two hundred yuan, and handed it to Yu Wanxin.

Yu Wanxin glanced at it, shook her head, and said, "No need. "

Ahhh... Didn't we negotiate, you help me act in this play

, I'll give you money..." "I decided so before, but now I have changed my mind, I haven't done anything anyway, so I should do you this old classmate."

Yu Wanxin shrugged her shoulders and looked at him and said softly.

"You..." Hou

Pengyuan was stunned for a moment, looking at Yu Wanxin's smile

, a little overwhelmed, after all, he suddenly accepted her kindness, and let him have nothing to return, making him a little overwhelmed.

"Okay, keep it, buy grandma something delicious, supplements or something, it'll definitely be fine, don't think about it."

Yu Wanxin patted Hou Pengyuan's shoulder and comforted him,


He was also convinced that his grandmother would be fine, but... The truth is not too ideal.

Their parents, both working in other places, how many calls they make, there is always an excuse not to come back

, their second uncles, third uncles and sisters-in-law, are not very willing to take care of them here, as long as someone comes to replace them, they will leave immediately.

The medical expenses are enough, although these people are not willing to take care of them, but they also pay their share of money, but the diseases of old age are not cured.

"Then, I'll leave first if there's nothing, it's not early, call me if you have something."

Yu Wanxin stood up, looked outside and saw that it was already dark, then turned to Hou Pengyuan and said.

"Well, thanks."

Yu Wanxin nodded slightly, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"That..." As soon as he took a step, Hou Pengyuan spoke again and stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Yu Wanxin paused and asked.

"When you celebrate the New Year, you shouldn't be available..." Hou

Pengyuan had an idea that he thought was excessive, because during the New Year, he must also be taking care of his grandmother in the hospital, and he

wanted Yu Wanxin to come back to see his grandmother during the New Year and make her happy.

But after saying it, Hou Pengyuan regretted it, people were originally doing themselves a favor and did not collect money, and his request was really a bit vexatious.

"Not during the New Year, I'll be at home."

Yu Wan thought about it and said.

"Yes..." Hou Pengyuan squeezed out a smile and muttered.

"But..." Yu Wanxin's eyebrows raised lightly, and said, "I came here to deliver dumplings, there should be no problem."

After speaking, Yu Wanxin left, Hou Pengyuan looked at Yu Wanxin's back, pursed his lips, clasped his hands

, he was very glad that he could find Yu Wanxin at that time to ask for this matter, maybe his decision was the most right decision in life....

Hou Pengyuan looked at the ward, he now didn't know how to repay Yu Wanxin, he didn't have anything, let alone anything to repay.


the train station was full of people, Luo Geng looked at Wen Shao in front of him and said:

"It can be regarded as looking forward to the stars and the moon, and looking forward to your girlfriend coming back."

At this time, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu accompanied Wen Shao to the train station to pick up

Bai Yi, Bai Yi did not come back in the past few days, but Wen Shao wanted to die, after all, there are still a few days to see Bai Yi, I feel that time has slowed down tenfold, and it is particularly slow and slow.

"It's out!"

Wen Shao saw at a glance the girl wearing a down jacket and dragging a suitcase, slowly walking out from the exit gate of the train station.

"Ah, hi!"

After Bai Yi saw a few people, he raised his hand and waved, and then ran directly with his suitcase!

"Bai Yi..." Wen Shao had already opened his arms and was ready to welcome Bai Yi's embrace

, but Bai Yi ran directly past him, threw the suitcase into his arms, and then ran directly to Chi Xiaoyu.

"Laughing rain! Long time no see!

Bai Yi ran to Chi Xiaoyu, held her hands, and said happily.

"Well, long time no see, you have become better." Chi Xiaoyu replied softly, with a sweet smile on his little face.

Bai Yi looked at Luo Geng on the side and said, "You haven't seen you for a long time, Luo Geng."

"Yes, you who can cure that guy is finally back."

Luo Geng burst out laughing, pointed to the back of Bai Yi, holding the suitcase with a confused look on Wen Shao.

He stood messy in the cold wind, shouldn't he rush over and hug himself first?

Then he held her and spun her a few times and kissed her excitedly, isn't it such a plot?

Bai Yi turned to look at Wen Shao, hugged his arm and said, "Hey, isn't this Young Master Wen?" I haven't seen you for a few days, and I don't have much spirit?

"Uh... This.."

Wen Shao stood in place a little at a loss, he was now wondering if he had made a mistake?

Or did he say the wrong thing and make Bai Yi unhappy?

And why don't you see her for a few days, obviously for several months, I want to kill her.

As a result, Bai Yi slowly walked to Wen Shao's side, laughed coquettishly, pinched Wen Shao's face with his hand, and said:

"It's still that stupid big man, I'm relieved."

Wen Shao laughed awkwardly "hehe" twice, he thought what was wrong with him, but he didn't expect that Bai Yi was joking with himself.

"Let's go, let's eat, it's strangely cold outside."

A few people walked in front, ready to go to the restaurant to eat, Wen Shao walked at the back, dragging Bai Yi's luggage

, looking at her laughing and chatting in front, Wen Shao couldn't help but raise a smile, muttered: "You haven't changed, I'm relieved..." The

four came to a restaurant, sat down, and ordered.

"Xiaoyu, how is your Cheng'an University? Isn't that good?

Bai Yi looked at Chi Xiaoyu and Luo Geng on the opposite side and asked.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu looked at each other and smiled awkwardly

, "Eh, it's not bad, at least, in terms of teaching, facilities, and systems, it's still very good."

Luo Geng added: "The only place that has shortcomings may be the students in that place, some of them are not normal..." When

they went to Cheng'an University, their biggest idea was that they felt that the forest was big and there were all kinds of birds, but they didn't expect that there were so many abnormal people in the world.

"Oh, there are abnormal students everywhere, and I have a lot of them there, I don't know what is in their heads."

Bai Yi felt the same feeling, nodded repeatedly

, Wen Shao sat on the side a little unable to interject, after all, he really didn't know what to say about the university.

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