"Xiaoyu, you are so good-looking, you must have been harassed by those boys in college, right?"

Bai Yi looked at Chi Xiaoyu with some worry and asked.

Chi Xiaoyu, on the other hand, shook his head and said, "No, because I have always been by Luo Geng's side, and I have almost always worn an engagement ring, so no one has harassed me."

Chi Xiaoyu raised his hand to signal the diamond ring on his hand, this thing is like a symbol of his own famous flower and master, many people feel away after seeing it, and will not go to ask for hardship or anything.

Bai Yi supported her cheek with her hand and sighed and said, "Alas... It's so nice that I don't have these troubles with my boyfriend around, unlike me... I'm going to be annoyed by those people..."


Wen Shao directly widened his eyes and shouted out in shock, so that Bai Yi directly covered his ears and glared at him.

Wen Shao thought to himself, isn't this a remark that there are often boys harassing Bai Yi in school?

His heart just now "clicked".

Luo Geng looked at Bai Yi and said: "They should not know that you have a boyfriend, you say it's basically fine."

"As I said, it's useless for some people, as long as they know that your boyfriend is not in this school, not around, they will come over, pretend to be ordinary friends with you, and then often ask you out for a walk and go out to eat, isn't this just a routine to make a long-term relationship."

Bai Yi shook her head, she didn't know how many times she had said it, but they would all retreat to the second place, wanting to be ordinary friends

first, at first Bai Yi didn't understand, and she wasn't very good-looking, if Chi Xiaoyu or Qi Qianru

, then she could understand, she didn't understand why she was entangled with herself

, and then she observed for a while, she could understand it, in fact, for them, there were no requirements at all, Girls who are uglier than themselves, there are often boys around them, as long as they can play well.

"Huh? Wife, do you smell it. Luo Geng sniffed in the air and looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked.

"Huh? What does it smell? "

There's a smell of vinegar in the air."

Luo Geng looked at Wen Shao on the opposite side, at this time Wen Shao's expression couldn't say what it felt

, in short, it was very unhappy, his nostrils were wide open, a very unhappy but there was no way to feel

, after all, his girlfriend was in a university far away from him, and he might be harassed by other boys every day, how could he feel at ease?

There are people who are better than himself and handsome than himself, and there is no shortage in the university, but he himself has nothing to do.

"Bai Yi, you better comfort and comfort him, you may bite in a while."

Luo Geng felt that Wen Shao was about to smoke, and shook his head helplessly.

Bai Yi turned his head to look at Wen Shao on the side, touched his head with his hand, and said: "Okay, don't worry, those people are not as good as you, don't worry."

Bai Yi comforted softly, which calmed Wen Shao, who was about to explode.

"Oh, it's not all to blame you, if you study hard and get together with Bai Yikao, are there still these things."

Luo Geng gave Wen Shao a blank look, which was a reminder to him not only to be unhappy, but at least to turn this unhappiness into motivation.

"Who called your manga so good-looking .." Wen Shao muttered softly, but was still heard by Luo Geng

, "I wipe, this can also depend on me, classic, obviously your own self-control is relatively poor, there must be someone who can read my comics and then not delay learning.... Well... There must be... I believe.

"Is the manga good, or am I good?" Bai Yi frowned slightly, grabbed Wen Shao's face with his hand, and questioned.

"You you you... Of course it's you..."

Wen Shao crooked his mouth and rubbed his flushed face, where did he know that he would be with Bai Yi later, if he knew before the exam, then he promised not to read the comics to become fascinated.

The four of them chatted together, and after eating, they were ready to go back to their respective homes

, stood at the door, and said goodbye

, "Let's go, buddy, don't look for me if there is nothing to do, I want to study hard."

When Wen Shao left, he also waved his hand to Luo Geng and said seriously.

The corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, and he said angrily: "Don't worry, I definitely won't look for you." "

Obviously, he has been looking for himself these days, and now he is still installing it in front of Bai Yi.

However, Bai Yi seemed to know what kind of person he was without saying it, and kept staring at him when he said this.

Watching the two of them leave, Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's hand, turned his head to look at her, and said softly: "Let's go home." "


Chi Xiaoyu nodded and leaned into Luo Geng's arms, as if he was coquettish

, Luo Geng stretched out his hand, put his arm around her, and walked home on the way.

"What are the disadvantages of the New Year? Let's buy them all recently, it's about to celebrate the New Year. Luo Geng raised his head and thought about it, although he has been buying New Year goods these days, but it is inevitable that there will be things that he forgot to buy

, the two of them have not gone through the New Year for many years, before everything was simple, the New Year pasted couplets, eat dumplings, it is almost the same

, but this year is different, both of them are looking forward to spending the Spring Festival with each other they love the most.

"You haven't bought your new clothes yet, have you?"

Chi Xiaoyu thought of something, looked at the set of clothes that Luo Geng was wearing, or when he was on Su Qinglu's birthday, An Ying helped him choose, Luo Geng was

very picky about the clothes he wore, and almost did not refuse, so Chi Xiaoyu almost bought him anything, he wore anything, and he would not think of taking the initiative to buy it.

Luo Geng smiled and said: "

I don't have to, I still have clothes that I haven't worn a few times, make do with them, but you, wait for tomorrow to take you to buy new clothes, and buy a few more for Aunt Ren, and my father..." "No, I'll supervise you tomorrow, I have to buy new clothes to wear, can't make do


Chi Xiaoyu stood in front of Luo Geng, his hands crossed at the waist, and the sudden strength made Luo Geng a little unexpected

, after all, Chi Xiaoyu in the past was an

attitude that he said whatever he said, and this attitude appeared coldly, Luo Geng also felt particularly fresh.

Luo Geng chuckled, nodded and said, "Ah, good, listen to you."

"Uh-huh, that's right, good husband~"

Chi Xiaoyu stretched out his hand, like praising a child, touched Luo Geng's head, and then "Mu" kissed Luo Geng's lips.

"Don't try to make do with it, you'll have to buy it tomorrow."

Luo Geng couldn't help but fight back, gently pinching Chi Xiaoyu's face with both hands, his thin lips raised slightly, with a gentle smile.

The two played like this, facing the direction of home and walking towards the brightly lit street.

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