
" "Hmm..." Luo Geng slowly opened his eyes, he touched his face, as if he was being kissed while sleeping.

After he opened his eyes, he looked at Chi Xiaoyu, who was standing by the bed, smiling at himself.

"What's wrong, wife..."

Luo Geng rolled over, closed his eyes again, and muttered softly.

"It's okay, just see how good you look when you sleep, and I kissed it without holding back."

The corners of Chi Xiaoyu's slightly pursed mouth drew a graceful arc, her lips were faintly lipstick, and at this time, on Luo Geng's face, there was also a red lip print,

which was also equivalent to a little prank on her.

"It's Chinese New Year's Eve today, get up early, husband."

Chi Xiaoyu sat on the edge of the bed, gently shook Luo Geng's arm with his hand, and continued: "I'll go to your house later." "

Hmm... Okay, I see.

Luo Geng rolled over, lay flat on the bed, and then pouted, opened one eye, and looked at Chi Xiaoyu, hinting at her.

Chi Xiaoyu pursed the corners of her lips, ruffled her hair with her hand, and then bent down and kissed her on the lips.

"Fully charged!"

Luo Geng opened his arms exaggeratedly, then sat up directly, stretched, and then

took Chi Xiaoyu into his arms and carried her to the bed.

"Oh, what are you doing..." Chi

Xiaoyu was startled, and gently patted

Luo Geng's chest, Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu's face, seemed to wear light makeup, and asked: "Are you wearing makeup?"

"yes." Chi Xiaoyu nodded, after all, she also wanted to dress up well today, and she had never had this idea before.

"Okay, I'll get up right away."

Luo Geng let go of Chi Xiaoyu and was ready to get up

, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, although his father hadn't called yet, but he couldn't go too late.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were both cleaned up, so they went out and walked towards Luo Geng's house.

There are many children playing outside on the streets for the New Year, playing in the snow, skating, holding sugar gourds in their hands, dressed thickly, and their faces are frozen red.

Some put on new clothes today, while others prepare to wear them tomorrow's first day.

"Daddy, we're coming!"

Luo Geng stood at the door and shouted inside

, Luo Yongfu sat on the sofa, poked his head, and answered with a smile: "Eh!." "

Uncle Law!" Chi Xiaoyu also nodded to Luo Yongfu and said hello.

Luo Yongfu smiled even more, nodded and said, "Okay, come in, come in."

"What about Aunt Ren?" After Luo Geng entered the house, he looked at Luo Yongfu on the sofa and asked.

"Your Aunt Ren has been busy Chinese New Year's Eve food early in the morning, in the kitchen."

"Then I'll help." Chi Xiaoyu put down the things in his hand and prepared to help his mother work together.

Before Luo Geng could say anything, Chi Xiaoyu had already walked into the kitchen

, he looked at Luo Yongfu, and the two looked at each other and smiled, such a New Year's atmosphere, they have not experienced it for many years.

"That's the benefit of having a woman in the family, come here, son, talk to daddy."

Luo Yongfu patted the position next to the sofa and beckoned Luo Geng over.

Luo Geng sat down on Luo Yongfu, grabbed a handful of melon seeds on the table and snorted.

Luo Yongfu lowered his voice and asked in Luo Geng's ear:

"Eh, son, you say, how much money is appropriate for me to give Xiaoyu?"

"This... You look at it, now this market, I don't know. Luo

Geng kind of forgot how much money he gave in this era, anyway, he was already thousands at that time.

Now it must not be given by thousands, that is a little too generous.

"Alas, I have been thinking about this question since last night, ask you Aunt Ren, your Aunt Ren will say that you don't need to give it, in fact, she must have prepared a red envelope for you."

Luo Yongfu sighed, a little worried, after all, there was no such trouble before, it was enough to give Luo Geng thirty or fifty at the New Year.

But now it's different, what I want to give is not only the daughter of the wife I found later, but also my daughter-in-law!

If this is returned to a red envelope of thirty or fifty yuan, what will people think?

"Although I know that the more red envelopes I give, the better, but there should also be a standard, if all my money is used to give red envelopes, is there something wrong?"

Luo Yongfu looked at Luo Geng and asked for his opinion.

"It doesn't matter, how much you want to give, tell me, it's really not possible, I'll get it for you."

Luo Geng glanced in the direction of the kitchen and whispered, then patted his pocket and signaled the wallet he had there.

"What is the matter if you take it for me, how can there be such a reason that the small one will give the old one first."

Luo Yongfu said angrily and shook his head.

On the sofa, Luo Geng and Luo Yongfu father and son are looking at the phone, chatting with melon seeds

, in the kitchen, Chi Xiaoyu and Ren Lan's mother and daughter are preparing the ingredients for the evening Chinese New Year's Eve, talking and laughing, for several of them, this year is very different.

The time slowly came to the evening, and the Spring Festival Gala broadcast live nationwide also became a program where everyone sat in front of the TV and stared intently.

However, in the hospital, there is no such atmosphere, there is no TV in the ward now, Chinese New Year's Eve lying here, it means that it can only be like this.

Yu Wanxin walked in the corridor of the hospital, holding a thermal lunch box with dumplings in it

, she came to the ward that had only come once, although she did not call Hou Pengyuan beforehand to say anything, she also felt that there was no need.

As soon as Yu Wanxin wanted to knock on the door, she heard Hou Pengyuan's voice coming from inside the ward.

"You brought the enemy here?"

"Captain, the imperial army asked me to bring you a message~

" "Click-" Yu Wanxin opened the door and found Hou Pengyuan standing in front of the hospital bed, I don't know where to get the clothes and a toy gun, seeing Yu Wanxin

open the door and walk in, just now he was still acting with interest, but now he froze in place, his face full of embarrassment.

"Poof~, what are you doing?"

Yu Wanxin burst out laughing, looking at Hou Pengyuan's funny appearance, she didn't hold back her laughter for a while.

"Uh-haha... Can't you watch TV, I thought, give my grandma a skit.

Hou Pengyuan took out the toy gun pinned to his waist, shook it in his hand, and pointed to his grandmother lying on the hospital bed.

He looked at the lunch box that Yu Wanxin was holding in his hand, and he couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart, and he couldn't help but be a little moved

, he didn't expect that what he said at that time, Yu Wanxin was really serious, and really came to send dumplings.

Yu Wanxin felt Hou Pengyuan's staring at her, frowned slightly and said,

"What for?" Shouldn't it be for me to accompany you to act? I don't do skits or crosstalk..."

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