"No, no, no, I didn't mean that!"

Hou Pengyuan quickly waved his hand, Yu Wanxin can come here to visit his grandmother, he is already very grateful,

can he still pull people to perform skits together?

Yu Wanxin glanced at Hou Pengyuan, then walked in, saw the old man on the bed, and showed a bright smile.

"Grandma, I'm coming."

"Eh~, sit... Sit..." The

old man smiled, his dry hand raised, and motioned for Yu Wanxin to sit aside.

Yu Wanxin put the lunch box on the table and opened it, it was still steaming inside.

She took out her chopsticks, picked one up, held the lid underneath, blew it a few times, and handed it over

, "Here, grandma, I'll feed you dumplings."

The old man ate the dumplings carefully, the teeth were no longer suitable for chewing, the dumplings rolled in the mouth, but no teeth could chew.

But she still had a kind smile on her face, staring at Yu Wanxin, and she was more and more satisfied.

"I'll do it."

Hou Pengyuan came to Yu Wanxin's side and wanted to take the chopsticks, after all, Yu Wanxin could come to visit, he could come to deliver dumplings, he was already very grateful, how could she still let her take care of her grandmother.

As a result, Yu Wanxin dodged, gave him a blank look, and said: "Play your skit."

Hou Pengyuan smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

Yu Wanxin, on the other hand, took out another pair of chopsticks from the bag and handed them to Hou Pengyuan.

"No, you can eat some too."

"This..." Hou Pengyuan looked at the chopsticks handed over by Yu Wanxin, pursed his lips, and felt a little unpleasant in his heart.

He thought to himself that Yu Wanxin could achieve such a point just as a junior high school classmate and a college classmate.

"Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold for a while."

After Yu Wanxin stuffed the chopsticks into Hou Pengyuan's hand, she didn't care about him, but continued to take care of the old man.

Hou Pengyuan was eating dumplings in the ward, looking at the fireworks that had begun to be set off outside the window, the originally cold ward, at this moment, made him feel warmer than home.

"Strange, obviously just one more person, but I feel like this..." Hou

Pengyuan looked at Yu Wanxin, who was busy taking care of his grandmother, and sincerely felt that it was the most correct decision to meet Yu Wanxin again in college and summon up the courage to ask her for this acting,

but maybe it brought her a lot of trouble

.... Such a person, the quality and character of his body, are particularly attractive to him

, but he also knows that he has no drama, Yu Wanxin she does not like herself, this is not inferiority, nor is it dull, but it is indeed so, it

can only be said that Yu Wanxin is too kind.

While grateful, Hou Pengyuan was also thinking about how to make up for the favor owed to Wanxin.


"Aunt Ren, old... Uh, laughing rain... You have worked hard, I toast you.

Luo Geng stood up, raised his glass, looked at Ren Lan and Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, and then drank all the wine in the cup.

The dozen or so dishes on the table were all delicacies, not only for Luo Geng, but also for the other three people present, they were all situations that they had not seen for many years, so for

them, they were all equally happy.

Ren Lan looked at Luo Geng with a smile, just now he almost called out the word "wife", but changed his words to "laughing rain", Ren Lan immediately noticed it, just smiled, and did not expose Luo Geng.

Luo Geng didn't know why he suddenly changed his words, probably because his mother was there, he and Chi Xiaoyu were not married yet, and it was a little strange to call his wife in front of people's mothers now.

As a result, Luo Yongfu could see Luo Geng's thoughts, sneered, and said to Chi

Xiaoyu: "Come, Xiaoyu, let him see, what's so embarrassing about this."

"Uh..." Luo Geng looked at his father, smiled bitterly, he had never seen such a pit son

, Chi Xiaoyu pursed his lips, nodded, and then raised his glass, looked at Luo Geng, and slowly said: "Husband, for so long, you have worked hard, thank you..."

You're welcome, wife..."

Luo Geng first covered his mouth with his hand and coughed gently, and then quickly waved his hand, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan looked at each other and smiled, and Luo Yongfu patted Luo Geng's back and said, "Good son, you will always be the pride of your father, continue to work hard." "


Luo Geng's nose soured, his regret in his previous life was that he could not become the pride of Luo Yongfu, and now, he also made up for his regrets

, such a scene, if not cherished well, then Luo Geng has already verified, the price is a lifetime....

If he hadn't been reborn, Luo Geng knew that he would have nothing.

"Move the chopsticks, Xiao Geng, you eat more."

Ren Lan beckoned a few people to eat, looked at Luo Geng and said with a slight smile.

"Good." Luo Geng picked up the dish, ate it, chewed it a few times, then looked at Chi Xiaoyu and muttered,

"It's still this familiar taste."

As soon as he tasted it, he knew that this was something made by Chi Xiaoyu, although there was no difference in what he put in, but the cooking technique, Luo Geng ate it for so long, and he ate it at once

, others may be particularly familiar with the taste of his mother, but he is clear about the taste of his wife's cooking.

After eating, Ren Lan cleaned up the dining table, Luo Yongfu sat on the sofa and watched

TV, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu wanted to help clean up, but were driven away by Ren Lan and said: "If you don't want to watch TV, go out and set off fireworks."

Luo Geng looked at the fireworks he bought in the corner, and he also had some expectations in his heart, after all, for him how long he has not let these go, in the days to come, in Luo Geng in the big city, the decree banning fireworks makes him not have such an experience during the New Year

, but now, the lights outside are bright, the fireworks

are all over the sky, and it is particularly lively.

"Let's go." Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's hand and looked at her with a slight smile.

"Hmm." Chi Xiaoyu nodded, took the fireworks with him, and walked out of the house.


" Luo Geng lit the lead, ran back to Chi Xiaoyu's side, and put his arm around her shoulder,


As the fireworks rose into the sky, brilliant fireworks bloomed in the sky, Luo Geng raised his head, his eyes lit up, this moment that he had been yearning for when he was a child, finally returned at this moment,

and he still enjoyed this moment with the person he loved the most.


"Huh?" Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu, only to see her looking at herself, her eyes full of love that Luo Geng could see clearly.

"I think, it's great to meet you..."

"Me too..." Luo

Geng turned around and hugged Chi Xiaoyu, the two hugged each other under the fireworks in this sky, and

the sound of fireworks could not affect each other's heartbeats in the slightest...

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