"Come, Xiaoyu, your money."

After zero o'clock, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu paid homage to the two elders

, Luo Yongfu handed Chi Xiaoyu a red envelope, if it was in normal times, Chi Xiaoyu would definitely refuse, but this is the New Year's money, and it is not very good not to accept it.

"Thank you Uncle Lowe."

Chi Xiaoyu said with a smile and took the red envelope with both hands.

As soon as she took it, she could feel the thickness of this red envelope with her hand, it was half a finger wide, and there could be thousands of dollars, she

had never received such a thick money....

"Xiao Geng, Auntie knows that you are not short of money, this is a heart, take it." Ren Lan also gave Luo Geng a red envelope, just like she said, this is just a heart, and Luo Geng will definitely accept it.

"Thank you, Aunt Ren."

Luo Geng didn't expect that he could actually receive the money for the years, and his last money should have been in his previous life, and his father gave him dozens of yuan when he was still alive, and

since then, there have been no more dollars.

"Son, come here."

Luo Yongfu greeted Luo Geng and signaled him to follow him into the room

, Luo Geng was a little puzzled, but still followed Luo Yongfu in.

I saw Luo Yongfu rummaging through the cabinet for something, and finally, he took out an iron box.

"This is what Daddy gave you, the last "crushing money".

Luo Yongfu raised his head, looked at Luo Geng, who was already a head taller than himself, and handed the iron box in his hand to Luo Geng.

"The last... Money given to children as a gift during lunar New Year?

Luo Geng was a little dazed, after taking the iron box, he opened it and saw that

there was a stack of small books, household registration books, passbooks, medical books, and so on

.... It can be said that these things represent a home.

Luo Geng raised his head and looked at Luo Yongfu, a little uncomprehensible.

And Luo Yongfu smiled slightly, touched Luo Geng's head, and said: "Unconsciously, they have grown so big, they can't treat you as a child in the future, you can already carry this family, now you are the one, the head of the family..."


Luo Geng could understand what Luo Yongfu's words meant, and he knew very well that these things contained the responsibility of a family.

"Ah, don't worry, dad, in the future, this family, I will take responsibility, you and Aunt Ren, just enjoy the blessing with peace of mind."

"Good son."

Luo Yongfu will not say anything beautiful, a thousand words come together, looking at Luo Geng with affirmative eyes, that is the best answer for him.


New Year's Day, every household is filled with a festive atmosphere, and you can see many people visiting relatives and friends on the street, and

the hospital is also particularly leisurely

, Hou Pengyuan is in the ward, slowly opened his eyes, he fell asleep next to the hospital bed last night,

"Grandma... Happy New Year..." Hou

Pengyuan rubbed his eyes, stretched

, and made a "click" sound, he stood up and looked at the old man lying on the hospital bed

, but this sound did not get a response, Hou Pengyuan thought that she was sleeping, and did not care much.

As a result, the old man's hands were shaking, and his head was shaking.

Only then did Hou Pengyuan notice his grandmother's condition, stunned for a second, immediately widened his eyes, and shouted:

"Grandma! Grandmother!

He called out a few times, the old man's body was still shaking, his eyes were closed, and the situation was very urgent.


Hou Pengyuan turned his head and was about to run out to call a doctor, too anxious to kick on the hospital bed on the side, but at this time, he couldn't care about the pain.

"Doctor! Doctor! Come on, what's wrong with my grandma! The

doctor and nurse soon came to the ward, and then pushed the old man out and went to the first aid, Hou Pengyuan's heart thumped, his eyes were terrified, now he was only afraid, Hou Pengyuan

paced at the door of the emergency room, waiting for news

, until the doctor came out,

he immediately greeted and asked: "Doctor!" What happened to my grandma? Is there anything wrong?

"Cerebral hemorrhage, accompanied by epilepsy and increased intracranial pressure, must be operated on immediately, otherwise the situation may be

more dangerous..." the doctor said solemnly, although it was already very tactful, the situation was more dangerous, which means that if you do not have surgery, you will die.

"Then do it quickly!" Hou Pengyuan quickly nodded and said.

"This is a cerebral hemorrhage caused by aneurysm rupture, you need to take a stent to assist the coil embolization technique, the operation fee is about 80,000 yuan, I have notified the charge there, just go directly to pay it, I can only try my best to stabilize the current situation, you pay the operation fee as soon as possible, or pay the deposit first, we can start the operation here."

"Good! Okay, I'll find a way to pay for the operation, doctor, can you do the operation for my grandma first, I will definitely pay it.

"Sorry, the hospital has rules." The doctor just shook his head and walked back, he had already said it, and the rest was left for Hou Pengyuan to consider for himself.

Now it is a race against death, and Hou Pengyuan also knows what the concept of the operation fee of 80,000 yuan is.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called his father.

"Hey?! Father! Come back, Grandma, she..."

He told his father about his grandmother, as well as about the high cost of the operation.

And he didn't get his father's anxious attitude and promise that he would be back soon

, only to hear the other side of the phone slowly say after a few seconds of silence: "Son, your grandmother is old."


Hou Pengyuan was stunned, his face turned blue-gray in an instant, and his eyes widened in horror.

He didn't expect that his father would actually say such a thing, this is his grandmother, it's his mother, as a result, he gave up directly now?

Hou Pengyuan bit his lips hard, his throat moved, and he did not continue to talk nonsense with him, but directly hung up the phone and called his second and third uncles.

These children, at this critical moment, chose to remain silent, and

the answer was "others take the money, I will take it."

They can pay for it, but they don't want to be the only one who pays it, and they don't want to be the one who pays the most.

Hou Pengyuan knows that their lives are very bitter, their families have difficult scriptures, they are young, they have not started a family, and they do not understand their difficulties

, but now, at this time, do they all have to become a cold-blooded person?

The grandma who is best for herself and brought herself up is now about to be taken away by death, how can she take her grandma back with this weak force?

"A bunch of things that are not people!"

Hou Pengyuan hung up the last phone call to his sister-in-law, gritted his teeth and scolded fiercely, he no longer cared if they were his own relatives

, and even his mother didn't care about them at all, and he didn't need to have any affection for them at all.

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