"What to do! What to do! What to do!

Hou Pengyuan beat his forehead with his hand, now he is completely burnt, his head is in a mess, and his heart is very restless

, obviously the time is already so urgent, but he has no way, he doesn't know what to do.

In a hurry, he walked back and forth, constantly beating his head with his hand.

"Who else... What else can be done... As long as I can scrape together the surgery fee, I can do anything! Hou

Pengyuan took his mobile phone and flipped through the phone, these people usually don't contact, now call over, let them borrow their own 80,000 yuan, how is it possible!

He glanced at Yu Wanxin's phone number, he knew that he shouldn't cause her any more trouble, how could he let her borrow this money,

"It's over... It's over..." Hou

Pengyuan leaned against the wall, sitting on the ground with his butt, tears flowing from his frozen eyes like spring water.

Now in his mind, all the pictures of his grandmother taking care of herself and bringing herself when she was young, the

smiling face of her grandmother, he can no longer see....

"Everyone takes care of me so much, but I..." Hou

Pengyuan hated himself for being too weak, since before, he has always accepted the kindness of others, accepted the care of others, but he is simply unable to return it

, his grandmother is too, Yu Wanxin is too, and when he was in junior high school, Luo Geng, who often troubled...


Luo..." Hou Pengyuan raised his head, he looked at the phone phone, the phone number of Luo Geng that had only recently been saved

, he remembered that after encountering it at that time, when he was leaving, Luo Geng said to himself -

"Yuanzi, as before, if there is any difficulty, tell me, call me."

He is now ill and rushed to the hospital, but any straw, he will take it as a lifesaver, desperately trying to grab

it, so whether it can be useful or not, he did not consider it, and directly called Luo Geng...

After the phone rang a few times, it was connected, and Luo Geng's voice came from the other side of the phone,

"Hello? Farko? Is that you? What's wrong, you want to give me a New Year's greeting?

Luo Geng also had a relaxed tone, after all, today was the first day of the new year, and he felt that Hou Pengyuan called to pay him a New Year greeting.

As a result, before Hou Pengyuan could say New Year's greetings to himself, he heard his sobs.

"Lo... Brother Lo... Save my grandma..." Luo

Geng on the other side of the phone, his smile froze directly, his eyebrows locked, and asked, "What's wrong?" What happened to your grandma?

So, Hou Pengyuan told Luo Geng about the cerebral hemorrhage, the urgent need for surgery, and the matter of 80,000 yuan.

He didn't have hope at all, but at this time, he felt that he would do nothing, and finally when the bad news came from the emergency room

, he would definitely collapse, so he didn't care about anything now, as long as there was a little hope, he would grasp it.

"I'll be there soon, you tell the doctor to prepare for the operation quickly, I will pay the operation fee and start doing it immediately!"


After Luo Geng finished speaking, he directly hung up the phone, leaving Hou Pengyuan alone, holding the phone, his expression frozen, his face was surprised and unbelievable.

He really couldn't believe it, just a few words, could Luo Geng lend himself 80,000 yuan?

He didn't think it was possible, not to mention whether Luo Geng had money, they were all the same age, unless the family was very rich, otherwise who would have so much money in their hands at this age

, besides, he hadn't seen Luo Geng for so long, even if they had a good relationship in junior high school, but if they didn't contact for so long, the relationship would definitely fade, not to mention borrowing 80,000 yuan, or borrowing 200 yuan, you have to weigh it.

Hou Pengyuan slowly stood up and sat on the chair on the side

, he didn't know if this situation was real, and he didn't know if Luo Geng would come

or not, whether he could do this operation, but he had tried his best, if so, he still failed to save his grandmother, then he was powerless to return to heaven, he could only be accompanied by endless sadness.

Ten minutes later

, Hou Pengyuan heard hurried footsteps in the corridor, he raised his head, looked in that direction, and saw Luo Geng holding a list and hurriedly running over.


Luo..." Hou Pengyuan stood up, at this moment, it was as if he had found something to rely on, because he had always been alone, even if he cried, it was useless

, now Luo Geng came, Hou Pengyuan didn't know why, tears came out of his eyes, and he couldn't stop it.

"Quick, this is the receipt, hand it over, hurry up and let him operate."

Luo Geng handed the list in his hand to Hou Pengyuan, pointed inside and said.

Hou Pengyuan took the receipt, his eyes widened, and he glanced at it in disbelief, more than 80,000 yuan, it was really handed over directly!

"Brother Luo, you..."

"Hurry, don't talk nonsense, go quickly!"

Luo Geng kicked him and kicked him before he could say anything.

Hou Pengyuan did not dare to delay, immediately ran to

the operating room, signed the signature of the family, until the light in the operating room turned on, Hou Pengyuan was temporarily relieved, and finally started the operation.

Luo Geng sat on the chair, took a look at his clothes with his hands, and muttered: "Wipe, too anxious to wear the clothes backwards, I said how come I can't get angry."

Hou Pengyuan slowly walked to Luo Geng, who raised his head and looked at him suspiciously.

Just listen to "Poof! With a sound, Hou Pengyuan knelt directly in front of Luo Geng!

"Eh, what are you doing, get up quickly, get up."

Luo Geng quickly grabbed his arm and tried to help him up.

"Brother Luo... I really don't know what to say, I will remember this kindness for a lifetime, let me make you a cow and a horse, you can rest assured, I will definitely return this money to you as soon as possible!

Hou Pengyuan's lips trembled, and tears fell down his eyes.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, wait quietly for the operation to end, the success of the operation is now more important than anything else."

Luo Geng dragged him to sit next to him, looking at the direction of the operating room with a serious face

, now that it was a little quiet, Luo Geng recalled that Hou Pengyuan still had such a thing, now think about it, let Yu Wanxin pretend to be his girlfriend to act, who to act, Luo Geng also understood a little.

But Luo Geng felt that this Hou Pengyuan was really bitter, he couldn't take care of his grandmother when he was in school, and finally came back, those uncles and aunts, and even his own father, immediately lost everything to him

, the first day of the new year, such a day, such a thing, presumably whoever it is, it is impossible to have a good time.

Luo Geng stretched out his hand, patted Hou Pengyuan's back, comforted him and said

, "Don't worry, it will definitely be fine."

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