"Sure enough, it's faster to solve it with money."

Luo Geng held the driver's license that had just been issued in his hand, he came to the driving school to test for the license, and it was only a week to use money to do things, and everything seemed so easy.

Just when he was about to go to see the car, the phone rang, it was

Hou Pengyuan calling, Luo Geng saw it, he couldn't help frowning, he felt that this time let Hou Pengyuan concentrate on taking care of his grandmother, don't let him think of repaying the money, add any pressure to him, so Luo Geng did not visit during this time, now seeing the call from Hou Pengyuan, Luo Geng

is a little puzzled, it stands to reason that after borrowing money, aren't they all as much as possible not to contact the creditor?

Anyway, Luo Geng knew that when he had no money in his previous life, he could hide and hide, for fear that the creditor would ask for money after seeing it.

"Hello? Toko, what's wrong?

Luo Geng put his driver's license into his pocket, picked up the phone and asked.

"Brother Luo, do you have time now, can you come to the hospital, I can't leave."

Hou Pengyuan's voice came from the other side of the phone, and Luo Geng didn't think about it, so he said: "Okay, I'll go in a moment."

Luo Geng thought that maybe there was something he needed to help with, so he had to go by himself, so he didn't think much about it.

After that, Luo Geng bought some condolences for visitation, fruits and the like, and went to the hospital.

"Bang bang-

" Luo Geng knocked lightly on the door, and walked in, Hou Pengyuan inside, after seeing Luo Geng coming, immediately stood up and called softly: "Brother Luo, you are here..."

But he saw the condolences

Luo Geng brought again, slightly stunned, Luo Geng nodded, and then looked at the old man lying on the bed, and walked over with something

, "Hello, grandma, I am Hou Pengyuan's friend, my name is Luo Geng, I was busy some time ago and didn't have time to see you.

Luo Geng put the purchased things on the table, looked at the old man on the bed, and said with a smile.

The old man also smiled, looked at Luo Geng and nodded, after all, his life was equivalent to being saved by this young man in front of him who was about the same age as his grandson.

Without him, then his own life, or the hidden money, would be gone.

"Well... Xiaoyuan can have a friend like you, really, Sansheng is fortunate. "

Oh, grandma, Sansheng is lucky enough to be too exaggerated, I had a good relationship with Yuanzi when we went to school, and now I have difficulties, I must help, rest assured, I won't put any pressure on Yuanzi, I'm not in a hurry to let him return the money, let him keep the money and take care of you slowly, is the main thing."

Luo Geng quickly waved his hand and looked at Hou Pengyuan beside him, this means that he also said very clearly, he is not in a hurry to

pay back Hou Pengyuan, he also knows Hou Pengyuan, and will definitely find ways to pay back his money, but for this reason, if he embarks on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes, it is not what he wants.

"Brother Luo, actually... I called you here today to pay you back.

At this time, Hou Pengyuan took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Luo Geng.

Luo Geng was really stunned, looked at the card in Hou Pengyuan's hand, and looked at him again, some did not react?

"Pay me back?"

"Well, there are 80,000 pieces in this card, I saved it this morning, you take it back." Hou Pengyuan nodded and stuffed the card into Luo Geng again.

Luo Geng carefully took the card, raised his head, and asked, "Where did it come from?" "

Although where the money comes from, it has nothing to do with him, after all, the money has already been repaid to you, but as his friend, Luo Geng still wants to find out where Hou Pengyuan got the money, if he borrows a loan to pay himself back, or tears down the east wall to make up for the west wall to pay himself, or violates the law and crimes to pay himself, then he will definitely not be able to ask for this money."

Hou Pengyuan also understood what Luo Geng meant, and said: "Brother Luo, don't worry, this is the money that my grandmother has been saving, not what I borrowed or stolen."

Luo Geng looked at the old man, and the old man also nodded in affirmation.

"So... Do you still have it in your hands? If you run out of money after repaying this money, even after the operation, the follow-up treatment cost is very large. Luo

Geng himself is not in a hurry to ask for this money, so he can also let Hou Pengyuan use it first.

Hou Pengyuan's heart was very moved, even at this time, Luo Geng was worried that he would not have the money to take care of his grandmother.

"Don't worry, Brother Luo, and what, if it's not enough by then, then it will trouble you, just borrow a little."

In order to reassure Luo Geng, he said such a sentence, in fact, no matter what, he can no longer care what money Luo Geng borrowed, the money owed is repaid, but the favor owed still has no way to repay.

"That's okay, if you have something to do, just open your mouth, and I'm welcome."

Luo Geng nodded and patted Hou Pengyuan's back, although he hadn't seen him for a long time, Luo Geng could still feel that Hou Pengyuan had not changed at all, he was still the very honest person, and if he borrowed his own money, he would find a way to pay it back as soon as possible.

Luo Geng knew that after more than ten years, the person who borrowed the money was the master, not to mention that it was difficult for the family to pay back, it was difficult for him to answer the phone.

After that, Luo Geng stayed in the hospital for a while, chatted with Hou Pengyuan, and recalled the past by the way

, "Okay, then I'll go first, call me if you have something, I will come to visit my grandmother in a few days."

Luo Geng stood up and was ready to leave

, Hou Pengyuan sent Luo Geng to the door, and said: "Okay, Brother Luo, just come next time, you don't need to take anything, you can come to my grandma very happy."

Hou Pengyuan's words are correct, after all, for his grandmother, being able to have someone to visit her now is the best thing for an old man, at least there are people who care, whether it is Luo Geng or Yu Wanxin

, but those children have never shown up, so in comparison, they are not as good as these young people.

After saying goodbye, Luo Geng left the hospital

, he had spoken to Chi Xiaoyu before he came here, and now that it was over, he reported to Chi Xiaoyu again, and sent a text message to explain that he would go home in a while.


As a result, Luo Geng was still editing the text message, and a phone call came in again

, but this phone call is a strange number, looking at this format, it is not local, or rather, it is not domestic at all.

"Hello? Who is it? Luo

Geng didn't want to answer it, and when he received a strange number in the future, seventy or eighty percent of them were scam calls, but Luo Geng thought that scam calls were not so rampant now, so he answered the phone.

"Hello? Luo Geng? It's you, I'm Guan Wenshao's phone number, because I haven't saved it before. There

was a male voice on the other side of the phone, after Luo Geng heard it, he couldn't help but be stunned, this voice was very familiar, but he couldn't remember

it for a while, silent for a while, a person appeared in Luo Geng's mind, and this voice coincided.

"Deng Yuxuan?"

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