"yes, buddy, you probably haven't forgotten about me, have you?"

Got a definite answer, Luo Geng was a little surprised, did not expect to receive a call from

Deng Yuxuan, thinking that the last time he saw Deng Yuxuan, he and Chi Xiaoyu were not together, and at that time, he and he did not even say the last goodbye, he disappeared from the field of view of others.

"You... Memorable than others, forget that you should be hard.

Luo Geng chuckled a few times and said jokingly.

"Okay, no kidding, I'm going home for the New Year, I'm going back in a few days, are you free?" Let's have a meal, shall we? "

With me?"

Luo Geng asked suspiciously, he couldn't think of any reason, Deng Yuxuan would find himself to eat, because Luo Geng felt that their relationship was still a little estranged.

If it was before, then Deng Yuxuan asked

Luo Geng to eat, and it was Qi Qianru's matter, but now, Luo Geng was not sure if he still liked Qi Qianru, and even if he did, he shouldn't ask himself to discuss this kind of thing.

"yes, I know you're quite famous now, you should be very busy, right? How to say, a face?

Luo Geng was silent for a while, and then slowly said:

"Hmm.... Then I have to ask, I'm not sure, my wife still won't let me play with you.

Deng Yuxuan was puzzled, "Huh? After a while, he said: "Hey, is it really good to say this kind of thing directly to me?" If you refuse me after asking for instructions, won't I have already been blacklisted by you?

"Of course, it's better than making excuses to lie to you."

Luo Geng sneered, in fact, he knew that Chi Xiaoyu could not limit himself, and he never worried about who he was playing with and whether it would have any impact.

Because Chi Xiaoyu would call and ask himself every time, he also wanted to do this, and if he directly agreed to come down and did not ask Chi Xiaoyu in advance, it would not be fair to her.

"Okay, okay, I don't think I'm having a bad impression on Chi Xiaoyu, right? I remember matching you guys.

"You remember that, you were selfish, not counting, not sincere."

"You... Okay, I can't argue with that.

After Luo Geng hung up the phone, he called Chi Xiaoyu and said about it, and also asked if she wanted to go together.

Chi Xiaoyu is also very sensible, and will not restrict Luo Geng at all, or Luo Geng can talk to her in advance, which can already make her very happy, which is to give her the security she wants.

As for going together, Chi Xiaoyu chose to refuse, after all, the two should have some things they wanted to talk about, and when they went, they just sat on the side, and there was nothing to say.

After getting the answer, Luo Geng dialed back Deng Yuxuan's phone.

"Hello? What do you think? Did I pass the test? Deng Yuxuan asked.

"Hmm... Barely, it can only be said that it just passed. Luo Geng thought about teasing him, so he thought for a while and pretended to be serious.

"Okay, just pass, where are you, I'll pick you up."

"Pick me up?"

After dozens of minutes, Luo Geng stood at the agreed place, he squinted, and a car came and stopped in front of him.

The window slowly lowered, revealing the face of Deng Yuxuan in the driver's seat, he beckoned and shouted: "Get in the car."

Luo Geng glanced at this car, Accord, the latest model, it is a more popular car this year, the sales are very good, when Luo Geng is thinking about what car to buy, he also considered buying this one.

Luo Geng opened the door, got into the co-pilot, and fastened his seat belt.

"Okay, you studied abroad, and you got your driver's license by the way."

Although Luo Geng said so, he actually got it in about a week.

"Well, the university there is relatively free, and there is still plenty of time at your disposal, but after returning to China, you still have to change your card, otherwise you can't go on the road." Deng Yuxuan nodded and drove the car, Luo

Geng glanced at him, looking at him seemed to have some subtle changes.

"You seem to have lost weight?"

"Oh? Observing so carefully, it seems that you still care about me. Deng Yuxuan grinned and glanced at Luo Geng on the side

, while Luo Geng put on a disgusted expression and said, "I just haven't seen you for a long time, and I remember that it was the last time I saw you."

"It should be a lot thinner, after all, I play a lot over there, sometimes swim with them, parkour or something, and cultivate hobbies."

"Okay, it's good, the temperament is different, you can also be regarded as a legendary returnee."

Deng Yuxuan sneered, shook his head and said: "I'm a sea king eight or about the same, but also a returnee, if it weren't for the arrangement at home, people like me wouldn't be able to go to two universities here."

"Family conditions are also a kind of personal strength, some people are born with such strength, why should you keep a low profile."

Luo Geng shrugged, what he said was more subtle, after all, for a family like Luo Geng, listening to Deng Yuxuan say such a thing, it was a little underwhelming, he might as well show off swaggering.

Deng Yuxuan smacked his lips and said, "Come on, do I dare to be high-profile in front of you?" Family conditions, that is also how many years my parents have worked hard, what about you, you are a demon, how long has it been, the career has achieved a little, the future is limitless, I have to stammer you now. "

Say something like this to me directly to me?"

"It's not something I learned from you, it's better than making excuses to lie to you."

Deng Yuxuan glanced at Luo Geng and chuckled, but Luo Geng did not hold back and laughed.

Luo Geng thought that when he was in high school, he had a good relationship with Deng Yuxuan for a while, even surpassing himself and Wen Shao

, if he didn't know what Deng Yuxuan thought in his heart at that time, or that he hadn't experienced those things in his previous life, maybe he could still be good friends with him.

But now, Luo Geng still doesn't think that Deng Yuxuan is a friend who can let his guard down, even if he won't damage himself anymore, but once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of the well rope for ten years.

Deng Yuxuan drove to a better restaurant and stopped.

"Go, today I will treat you, you can eat and drink as you want, it really can't be done I walk home, drink and don't drive." Deng Yuxuan unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

"You can find a substitute driver..." Luo

Geng just wanted to say something, and suddenly thought that although there are very few substitute drivers now, it has not yet become the kind of industry that has been officially legalized, and it is estimated that there is no channel.

"It's okay, don't drink, just eat a meal."

Luo Geng also got out of the car and walked into the restaurant with him, he had the impression that it was the first time to go out alone with Deng Yuxuan to eat

, this feeling was a little strange, there was a feeling of fear of being a fairy jump, and even Luo Geng was thinking, whether to steal a brick to defend himself....

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