Luo Geng got out of the car, looked at the two people in front of him who were about to enter the building, and called out to them: "You two, where have you gone?" When

the two heard Luo Geng's voice, they turned around in unison and saw Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, who was getting down from the car.

"Teacher Luo, you're back." Qin Qiao was slightly surprised, but what surprised them even more was the car next to Luo Geng.

"Ho! I thought it was Daben from somewhere, it turned out to be Teacher Luo!

Xu Mengnan

was stunned, and sighed, there were a lot of things in the trunk, Qin Qiao they also helped, took the things upstairs, saw so many dishes in the trunk, a little puzzled, is this planning to set up a stall here to sell vegetables?

Luo Geng came upstairs with his suitcase, and was about to take the key to open the door, but suddenly saw that at the door of the studio next door, there was a bunch of flowers on the ground at the door!


Luo Geng was a little puzzled, so he walked over, there was a label on the top of the flowers, he picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was for Qin Qiao.

At this time, the others also walked up, and after seeing the bouquet, Qin Qiao frowned for the first time, revealing a somewhat bored look.

"Ahhh... It's sent again.

Xu Mengnan didn't seem to see this situation for the first time, and shook his head helplessly.

"Who... Send flowers? Chi Xiaoyu pointed to the bouquet of flowers and looked at the two and asked.

"Send it wrong, or leave it alone." Qin Qiao wanted to divert the topic, but Luo Geng directly picked up the label of the bouquet of flowers and said,

"It can be written on it that it is for you."

"This..." The corner of Qin Qiao's mouth twitched, and his frown twisted into a dead knot.

Luo Geng and they all wanted to know what was going on, Qin Qiao didn't say anything, Xu Mengnan on the side said: "This is some time ago, I went to dinner with Teacher Qin, and as a result, a man took a fancy to her and wanted to pursue her..." Xu Mengnan

smacked his tongue and looked at Qin Qiao with an ugly face on the side.

Luo Geng raised his eyebrows, looked like he suddenly realized, and said: "This is a good thing, it's not good for someone to chase you, just solve your boyfriend's problem."

"But he... It's not my favorite type at all.

Qin Qiao's face showed a disgusted expression, as if the man really didn't meet her appetite at all

, Chi Xiaoyu blinked a little suspiciously, while Luo Geng was silent for a while, and asked softly:

"You mean, he doesn't stick?"

Qin Qiao immediately shook his head and said: "Sticky, I can say, he is stickier than 502!" Teacher Luo, it's the character in your work, exactly the same, greasy! "


Luo Geng thought that he had indeed introduced some elements that would appear in the future, but he didn't expect that there were men who could be called greasy so early?

"How old is he? What to do? Chi Xiaoyu looked at Qin Qiao's appearance, as if this man seemed to be really strange.

"He... I must be two years older than me and am the lobby manager of a restaurant.

"Lobby manager, that's not bad, how about it?" It shouldn't be bad either, right? "

The lobby manager that Luo Geng imagined in his mind should be a suit and leather shoes, polite, and it has nothing to do with greasy."

But when asked here, Qin Qiao's face became even more ugly, and Xu Mengnan didn't hold back his laughter directly: "Poofhahaha..." "

Teacher Luo... Have you ever seen, rotten eggplant? Although I feel a little rude, but, the first time I saw him, I thought about this..." Xu

Mengnan laughed heartily, saying while laughing

, Luo Geng's mouth opened slightly, and the rotten eggplant thought in his mind, it must be soft and weak, and the skin was wrinkled,

but a person can really grow like that?

Luo Geng glanced at the eggplant of Li Da Niang's family, which he loved to eat the most when he was a child, and suddenly felt that he didn't like to eat it so much....


Qin Qiao ignored the bouquet of flowers, opened the door directly, and walked in

, but before the raised foot fell on the ground, he saw a letter on the ground!

"Oh, I slipped in through the crack of the door again."

Xu Mengnan still looked strange and picked up the letter from the ground.

Luo Geng was a little strange and asked, "How did he know the location here?"

Qin Qiao said excitedly: "Of course it's tracking!" Actually stalking others, do you say that such people are perverts ?! I guarantee that he must have no good intentions, he must have bad intentions, dare to follow today, and dare to break into people's houses tomorrow! "

Uh..." Speaking

of tracking, Luo Geng glanced at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and then put an arm around her shoulder and said without confidence: "Also... Not necessarily... Maybe he really likes you and will follow you..."

"Forget it, Mr. Luo, just look at this letter."

Xu Mengnan handed the letter to Luo Geng, who frowned suspiciously, opened the envelope, and took out the letter inside,

"What smell?" Perfume on this?

Luo Geng sniffed, and when he opened the letter, he smelled the pungent smell of perfume, and he

instantly felt that the content of this letter might really be very bad.

"Dear Qiao... I'm still reminiscing about our encounter that day, as if I was laying the groundwork for you to marry me in the future, I..."

After Luo Geng read a line, he immediately threw out the letter in his hand that was like a demon spell.

He breathed heavily, as if he had experienced an unimaginable suffering, and at this moment, he felt that his eyeballs were a little tingling, as if he had been stimulated and was about to be engorged.

"How come, how could a human write such a thing?"

Luo Geng pointed to the letter on the ground, looked at the helpless Qin Qiao, and seemed to understand her a little.

"There are still many more in it, do you want to see it, if I want to judge, the letter [Hand in hand with Qin Qiao in the future] the day before yesterday can be sealed as a god, because I didn't eat a single thing all day the day before yesterday."

Xu Mengnan recalled that bad day, a day that was originally in a good mood, and from the moment the letter appeared in front of his eyes, it completely collapsed.

"Okay, stop talking about this guy, he'll have nightmares at night."

Qin Qiao went straight back to her room, if she continued to stay here for a while, sooner or later she would be haunted by nightmares.

The flowers at the door were also thrown aside, and the letter was also kicked out by Luo Geng, that kind of thing definitely could not appear here.

"Next time if he does anything excessive, just call the police."

Luo Geng instructed Xu Mengnan that in fact, it was because he and Chi Xiaoyu came back, right next door, if that guy disgusted them, it would be miserable.

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