
A man in a suit, holding flowers in his hand, sorted out his shiny head shape with his hand

, he stood in front of the door of the studio, as if he was a little nervous, but his face, I don't know if it is born like this, or acquired influence, the skin is not tight, resulting in some wrinkles that are difficult to eliminate, it is really difficult to evaluate.

"Bang bang bang-"

He knocked on the door of the studio and stood in the doorway, as if

waiting for the person inside to open the door, but after waiting for dozens of seconds, there was no movement inside, and no one opened the door at all.

"Bang bang!"

He stepped up a little more and knocked on the door again

, "Click-" However, the door next door suddenly opened.

Luo Geng poked his head out from inside the door, frowned and looked at the man standing at the door of the studio, originally wanted to ask who he was, but seeing his appearance, and the flowers he was holding in his hand, he instantly had an answer in his heart.

"Rotten eggplant..." muttered Luo Geng, his face becoming a little ugly.

The man saw Luo Geng and ignored it, still knocking on the door of the studio.

"What are you going to do? Don't you know that this is a workplace?

Luo Geng walked out of the house and came to the man, asking him condescendingly.

The man glanced Luo Geng up and down, his eyebrows raised and lowered,

"Who are you?" What does it have to do with you? The man's tone revealed a hint of irritation, looking at Luo Geng's young appearance, and did not take him seriously.

"Didn't you see that Qin Qiao didn't plan to open the door at all? This is the studio, you have disturbed everyone else to work normally, and then I will call the police.

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of him, threatening him.

And the man heard Luo Geng say Qin Qiao's name, a little surprised, stared at him, and asked, "You... Do you know Qin Qiao? Are you her boyfriend?!

Luo Geng shook his head and said directly: "No, I'm her boss."

"Boss? Pull it down! Who believes, you are not her boyfriend, then it must be her brother? The

man saw that Luo Geng was so young, and he didn't believe what he said at all, and even guessed that Luo Geng was Qin Qiao's younger brother,

and the man looked at Luo Geng with excitement and said:

"Eh! Brother! I am your future brother-in-law, you are like this, you give me your sister's phone, I will give you 200 yuan. The

man took out two hundred cash and wanted to hand it to Luo Geng, but Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, his brows locked, and he picked up the mobile phone in his hand, not intending to call him, but preparing to call the police.

He knows now, Qin Qiao is not wrong, this guy is really greasy, what future brother-in-law.... He probably didn't think he was humorous.

In the studio, Xu Mengnan, who had been looking at the situation outside with a cat's eye, greeted Qin Qiao inside, and whispered: "Now Teacher Luo is confronting him!" But wonderful, do you want to come and see! "

Don't look... I can only trouble Teacher Luo, I really can't do anything.

Qin Qiao shook her head, she didn't want to see that man again, for so many days, if it weren't for this job she couldn't bear it, she would want to resign and leave here.

The man put the flower on the ground, clasped his hands together, bowed slightly, and said to Luo Geng: "Please tell your sister, I really like her, let her give me a chance!" Luo

Geng just wanted to call the police, but suddenly glanced behind the man, and a person slowly walked.

Luo Geng sneered, looked at the man and asked, "You say it again, who do you like?" "

Huh? I like Qin Qiao! I love her! I love her so much! I want to be with her! For a lifetime..."

"Snap!" Before the man finished speaking, a big hand behind him directly clapped on his shoulder, making his voice stop abruptly!

The man slowly turned his head, looked suspiciously behind him, the man who patted him, and asked,

"Who are you?"

Luo Geng saw the comer, waved his hand and said: "Lao Jia, this is your family affair, I won't mix it, but he is here, but it will affect the work of others."

After that, Luo Geng walked to the door of the studio, took the key to open the door, walked in

, Jia Mo nodded, and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Luo, I'll solve it." "

Eh, this..." The man was a little confused about the situation, looking at Luo Geng who walked into the studio, and this man who suddenly appeared, a little overwhelmed.

Jia Mo looked at the man, the skin smiled and did not smile, his eyes were squinted, and his expression looked very creepy

, his hand was hard, and the man who pinched it gritted his teeth in pain.

"The coffee at our publishing house is delicious, would you like to have a cup?"

Jia Mo pointed behind him and asked with a smile.

And the man's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Publishing house?!" Are you from a publishing house? Are you planning to publish a book for me? I knew that my glorious deeds would surely carry forward and finally come out of my autobiography?

Jia Mo frowned and looked at the man with a foolish look, but still nodded and said:

"Come with me, our people there are very kind, and they will definitely be able to "serve" you well."

After that, he grabbed the man's wrist and dragged him directly away, and the man

did not forget to shout to the studio before he was dragged away: "Qin Qiao!" Flower I put at the door, I will go to carry it forward first, and I will come to you when I have time!

Xu Mengnan grinned bitterly, looked at Qin Qiao and Luo Geng and said, "Editor Jia took him away, but he said he would come again." What should I do?

"No, don't worry, follow Lao Jia to his territory, and after coming out, borrow his three dares and dare not come again."

Luo Geng shook his head directly and denied her words

, after all, he still knows Jia Mo very well, Jia Mo in the previous life, as an ace editor, there are many means to make the author dare not drag the manuscript, get rid of a mountain king, when it comes to Jia Mo's territory, then there will definitely be no good fruit for that man to eat.

Luo Geng also saw that even if he called the police and let the police take him away, it could only be criticism and education, and it would not have any impact on such a cheeky person, he should come or come, and it should be the best choice to hand it over to Jia Mo.


Qin Qiao lay on the table, relieved, thinking that the nightmare that troubled

her was about to end, the big stone in her heart fell to the ground, yesterday she saw the flowers at the door and the letter in the house, it was really no trick, so she called her cousin and asked him to come forward to solve this matter

, after all, it will definitely affect her work, maybe it will affect Luo Geng because of harassing herself, causing Luo Geng to be angry with others, anyway, whether it is to herself, Or for his cousin, it is not a favorable thing.

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