Qin Qiao stood up, apologized to Luo Geng, and said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Luo, it's all because of me that this happened."

Luo Geng waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I don't blame you."

He looked at the drawings on the table and checked the contents, at least in his absence, Qin Qiao did his job well, and did not waste his trust in her and dared to give her the work.

"Teacher Qin, look, boyfriends are still dispensable, and you can still live a wonderful life without a boyfriend."

Xu Mengnan came to Qin Qiao's side and comforted

her, but Qin Qiao just gave her a blank look and said lightly: "Yes, yes, after all, there are comics that can always accompany you, where do you need any boyfriend."

"Not necessarily, if your boyfriend also likes comics, then I think it's actually good to have a boyfriend, and if you have a common hobby, you can definitely get along well."

Luo Geng shook his head and said softly on the side: "It is more suitable to be friends if you have a common hobby."

Xu Mengnan was attracted by Luo Geng's words and asked, "Teacher Luo, do you and Xiaoyu have a common hobby, what is your hobby?"

Before Luo Geng could say anything, Qin Qiao said directly: "Do you still need to say this?" Teacher Luo's hobby is Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu's hobby is Teacher Luo, and the two of them are each other's biggest hobbies. "

She's right."

Luo Geng nodded and echoed Qin Qiao's statement.

Xu Mengnan scratched his head, confused, and muttered: "I don't understand a little, isn't it good to have my own hobbies?"

Luo Geng turned around, looked at Xu Mengnan, and said:

"It's good to have your own hobbies, but have you ever thought that if one day, you really fall in love with a boy, but he doesn't like comics, what will you choose at this time?" Will you stick to your hobby and give up on him, or choose him and give up your favorite comics, that's when it's the most fatal.

"But why did I fall in love with a guy who doesn't like comics?"

"Do you need a reason to love someone?"

Luo Geng once also thought about whether he fell in love with Chi Xiaoyu for some reasons, and later found out that it was because it was her that these reasons existed, not because of these reasons.

So Luo Geng also knows

that he is loved by Chi Xiaoyu, if it has always been Chi Xiaoyu, it will be a happy life, but if it is not Chi Xiaoyu in the end, then he is finished, because he has been stereotyped, he knows too well how people who really love him will treat him, so for the love that is not enough in quantity, the love of low quality, he can see it at a glance.

So in his life, it is impossible to let go.

"Love someone? Don't need a reason? Why? Xu Mengnan was even more confused, she didn't react when she heard such words,

after all, there is no reason to fall in love with someone, what would be the situation? She really couldn't understand.

"It varies from person to person, there is no absolute, and for some people, it may be necessary to need a reason."

Luo Geng turned around and did not say the words to death, after all, the world is so big, love is also diverse, everyone's love is different, the love between himself and Chi Xiaoyu, it is impossible to apply to so many people.

Luo Geng they came back two days early, today is the second day, and tomorrow, classes will start normally

, today is also the last day to return to school, college students dragged their luggage, some listlessly returned to their dormitory.

The thought of going back to live in a bed that is not as good as one percent of their own home makes them lose their spirits.

"Brother Zhe, I'm back, how was the holiday?"

The roommate in the dormitory greeted Fan Junzhe, who had just walked in

, and Fan Junzhe wore winter clothes and dragged his suitcase, walked into the bedroom and returned to his bed.

"Got by... It's okay. Fan

Junzhe untied his scarf and answered vaguely, but when he said it, his cheeks were obviously a little red

, and his roommate seemed to see something wrong at a glance, and said with a bad smile: "Come less, you must have a very moist life with your girlfriend, see that you are refreshed!"

"Go! Just you kid talk a lot.

Fan Junzhe gave him a blank look, ignored him, but did not deny it, and began to make his own bed.

However, when he was shopped, he was a little absent-minded and didn't know what he was thinking

, because although he started school, An Ying was no longer in this school, and she was about to graduate, but she had just started.

Obviously, they have only recently started dating, but they are facing such a problem.

"Cheng Annan, it takes a long time to take a car, and my living expenses don't support me to go every week..."

Fan Junzhe muttered, although An Ying's internship place is also in Cheng'an, but it is far from here

, but when talking about his living expenses, he suddenly thought of something

, took out his mobile phone, found Luo Geng's phone number in the address book, and then called him.


Luo Geng's voice came from the other side of the phone, and before he could say anything, Fan Junzhe took the lead in speaking: "Luo Geng,

are you back?" Sorry ah dragged on for so long, I owe you money I will pay you back now, where are you?

"Owe me.... Oh, ah, that, I remembered, no hurry, tomorrow when class starts.

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered, after all, he almost forgot, and he didn't take the money seriously at all.

However, on Fan Junzhe's side, he attaches great importance to it, because he has never owed anyone so much money.

"Well, that's good."

Fan Junzhe also thanked Luo Geng from the heart, if not for him, maybe he would not be able to take this step, and because Luo Geng was not in a hurry to let himself pay back, he had the opportunity to spend the last leisurely time with An Ying this holiday.

So he didn't just want to pay back this money, but also wanted to pay back this favor, originally wanted to invite Luo Geng to dinner, but felt a little sloppy.

So, before this, he also talked to An Ying about such a problem, how to return

the gift, and under the discussion between the two, Fan Junzhe got a gift and prepared to give it to Luo Geng, which was regarded as thanking him for his help.

From his bag, he slowly took out two tickets, which were the admission tickets to the amusement park, and

it was also a gift that Fan Junzhe was going to give to Luo Geng, so that he could go with Chi Xiaoyu, although things were not expensive, Luo Geng could easily get it, but Fan Junzhe knew that this might be the best way to return Luo Geng's favor.

"When will An Ying and I have another chance to hang out together... It is estimated that after leaving school and entering society, there will be no chance..."

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