Before class the next day, when Fan Junzhe saw Luo Geng, he quickly handed the money in his hand to Luo Geng

, and on top of the money, there were the two tickets.

"This is..."

Luo Geng looked at the two playground tickets and asked with some doubt.

"Ah, this should be my little gift as a thank you."

Fan Junzhe nodded and explained, while Luo Geng carefully looked at the admission ticket and asked, "Why don't you stay and go with An Ying, she should have a rest."

Luo Geng looked at the date of the admission ticket, there is still a month, within a month, there will always be a time to rest, so that Fan Junzhe and An Ying can go together.

And Fan Junzhe shook his head and said: "We, don't have to, when she rests, I hope to let her have a good day off, I'm not very tired from school, but she started to work, finally take a day off, and accompany me, I'm a little overwhelmed."

"Well, that's what I said, then when she rests, you'll go and accompany her, right?"

"Well, almost."

Fan Junzhe agreed, he and An Ying have been in contact, although he is not sure if she has a break, but Fan Junzhe also wants to take advantage of his rest day to find her, even if it is only to see each other

, otherwise he is really a little difficult during this time, both missing her and worrying about her.

"Playground..." Chi

Xiaoyu's eyes kept staring at the two admission tickets, even if there was no big reaction, but it was still captured by the keen Luo Geng

, and then he realized that although he was no longer interested in the playground, after all, he was no longer a child, but he was still very attractive to Chi Xiaoyu's age.

I was still racking my brain to think about where to take Chi Xiaoyu to play, but the simple answer was in front of him, but he ignored it.

"Then, thank you ha, if you need help, just open your mouth."

Luo Geng accepted the admission ticket, patted Fan Junzhe's shoulder, and said.

"This is what I want to say to you, thank you for your help, where I will be needed in the future, despite the order, I am absolutely obliged." Fan Junzhe waved his hand and looked at Luo Geng seriously and said.

"It's all friends, it's nothing."

When he returned home in the evening, Luo Geng put the two playground tickets in the drawer, and made an agreement with Chi Xiaoyu to go this weekend.

Afterwards, Luo Geng went to take a bath, leaving Chi Xiaoyu alone in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a book in his hand.

"It seems that I haven't taken it out for a long time..." Chi

Xiaoyu patted the dust on the book, which was covered with a thin layer of ash, and it seemed that it had indeed not been touched for months,

and this book was exactly what she had written with Luo Geng before she was with Luo Geng, and she wanted to do with Luo Geng.

Many of them have been ticked, which means

that she and Luo Geng have already done things, but what she wants to do with Luo Geng, how can this one book be written in full

, "Go together, playground..." Chi

Xiaoyu turned to a page, and on that page there was an option that was not checked, that is, to go to the playground with Luo Geng

, but now it seems that this achievement can also be completed on the weekend,

Every time after doing something, when Chi Xiaoyu ticks, there will be an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, although this does not change anything, but it will always give her a feeling, the more ticked on this, it means that the closer they are

, as if as long as the whole content of this book is completed, you can almost complete the final ultimate goal, and grow old together with Luo Geng.

Chi Xiaoyu just looked at it like this, without saying a word, each item seemed to bring her memories and make her forget time.

"This Chinese New Year's Eve dinner together can be hooked, and this is watching fireworks together, these are all completed..." A

hand reached over from Chi Xiaoyu's side, pointed to the contents of the book, and whispered in her ear.

"Oh! Yes..." Chi Xiaoyu picked up the pen and just wanted to fall, but suddenly, she realized something!

Suddenly looked up and found Luo Geng standing beside him!

His hair was still wet, he was wearing pajamas and a towel around his neck.


Chi Xiaoyu quickly closed the book, then hid behind him, stood up and took two steps back, and said in a

distraught manner: "Old... Husband... When did you appear..."

"I just finished washing, saw you staring at this book intently, I didn't hold back my curiosity, came to take a look, and the result is that you seem to see God, I have been standing here for a long time and you haven't found it."

Luo Geng shrugged his shoulders and said without care, wiping his wet hair with a towel.

Chi Xiaoyu's black eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of panic, and his face was "Oh!" "It's red to the roots of the ears, and the neck is red!

"You're all... She

never thought that these things she wrote would be seen by Luo Geng, because she also knew that this behavior seemed to be not very acceptable to the other party, even if Luo Geng

accepted it gladly, but being seen like this, she was still embarrassed to find a seam to drill into!

"Well, see, uh, it was careless, not intentionally."

Luo Geng admitted that he was curious and then glanced at it

, but then he didn't immediately look away, but looked more and more energetic, because he didn't expect Chi Xiaoyu to have so many things he wanted to do with himself, but why had he never told himself?

Obviously, you can directly take this book and do it with yourself according to the above things

, Luo Geng is worried that he doesn't know where to play with Chi Xiaoyu, what to do between couples, and now there is a full score answer book in front of him, how can it be reasonable not to look at it?!

"This... I... This is what I wrote when I was in high school, and it's been a long time since

I was there..." Chi Xiaoyu turned her head to the side, dodging Luo Geng's eyes, not daring to look directly at him, now her brain was blank, she didn't know how to explain, and she didn't know how to deal with this matter.

Let Luo Geng pretend not to see it? Or tear this book off on the spot yourself?

"High school... That's really been a long time, so we're going to speed up the progress, I just looked at it, the progress is a little slow, there are a lot of things that haven't been completed.

Luo Geng came to Chi Xiaoyu's side, put his arm around her shoulders, and looked at her with a slight smile.

"Really... It's true? Can I follow this?

Chi Xiaoyu held his book in both hands, his eyes lit up, staring at Luo Geng expectantly

, "Of course, it's better to say, I just hope so, because there is always a feeling that if we do almost the same thing above, perhaps, it will be time to get married."

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