Chi Xiaoyu's hand held the book that she could only read by herself, and now she can also show it to

Luo Geng in a bright way, these things that were originally thought to be her own selfish desires are now also recognized by Luo Geng, this feeling makes her feel relieved, as if she has been worried about things for so long, in fact, there is no need to worry at all.

"Wife, I'm ready! Let's go!

Luo Geng's voice came from outside the room, and Chi Xiaoyu closed the book and responded: "Got it, I'm coming!" "

Today is the weekend, but also the day that Luo Geng promised to go to the playground with Chi Xiaoyu, to be honest, Luo Geng is also the first time to go, he has not had the experience of the playground in the past, the influence of family, let him keep away from the warm play place of the family since he was a child

, because this can only highlight how

lonely he is, but now it's different, go with Chi Xiaoyu

, there will be no such lonely feeling, himself, You can also join those warm people and become one of them.

The weather on the weekend is very good, spring is warm, the sun is shining, the only snow left on the street, which has not yet melted, is also melted by this sun

, Luo Geng opened the door and sat in the driver's seat, and Chi Xiaoyu also naturally sat on the co-pilot, fastened the seat belt, Luo Geng

started the car, but did not drive away immediately, but put his hand in the mid-air between the two, as if waiting for something.

Chi Xiaoyu pursed his thin lips lightly, and put his hand very consciously under Luo Geng's palm, and then the hands of the two interlocked their fingers.

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu's mood is the same as the mood of the child who is about to go to the spring outing, excited, happy and overflowing,

especially with the person he loves the most.

According to the address, Luo Geng drove the car to the parking lot of the playground, because it was not long after school started, and the flow of people was not as large as Luo Geng imagined.

This is exactly what he wants, and he doesn't want to spend the whole day in crowds.

The two came to the entrance, gave the admission ticket, and entered the playground.

"What are we going to play?"

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the many tall facilities in front of him, in different areas, some projects have queued up for a long time, while in some places there is no one queuing at all

, "Since you talk about playgrounds, you must play a roller coaster first."

Luo Geng pointed to the particularly high roller coaster track in front of him, on which the roller coaster shuttled at a rapid speed, accompanied by screams and cheers from time to time.

"Okay!" Chi Xiaoyu nodded in agreement, but Luo Geng thought of something, looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked:

"By the way, wife, should we eat something, it should be very uncomfortable to play on an empty stomach, right?"

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment and said, "But... Eat something and play a roller coaster and won't spit it out?


Luo Geng imagined that he was spitting out what he ate as the roller coaster rushed down the slope, and it was uncomfortable to think about.

"Then let's go play first."

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu lined up at the back of the line, although there were still many people in front, but that is, the number of people who departed from the two trains

, so the two did not wait long, and it was their turn.

Luo Geng held Chi Xiaoyu's hand, the two sat on the roller coaster, fastened their seat belts, and waited for the departure

, "Wife, if you are afraid, hold on to me."

Luo Geng held Chi Xiaoyu's hand and looked at her and said seriously.

But in fact, his hands are a little sweaty, in his life, there has never been any experience of riding a roller coaster, although he has heard that sitting is very cool, but at this time his heart is still "pounding".

"Well, good."

Chi Xiaoyu seemed to be able to feel Luo Geng's nervousness, although this was also the first time she played, but compared to

Luo Geng, she seemed more calm, as if as long as she held Luo Geng's hand, she would not be afraid of anything.

"Heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. can not be ridden, tourists with such diseases, please get off the bus independently, and personal valuables, must not bring them with you, you can store them here first, and then take them after you come down."

The staff shouted precautions through loudspeakers, checked that everyone's seat belts were not fastened, and then retreated outside the security line.


A muffled sound, the roller coaster slowly started, Luo Geng took a deep breath, thinking how this is also in front of Chi Xiaoyu, even if he is nervous, he can't show a scared look, otherwise it's a little too humiliating

, the roller coaster with a clicking sound, slowly climbed to the highest point of the track, and stopped at the place where it was about to rush down!

Luo Geng could feel that Chi Xiaoyu's hand seemed to really push a little harder, he looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and found that she closed her eyes, and then

Luo Geng realized that Chi Xiaoyu was also afraid, and he thought that only he was nervous

, but Luo Geng also knew that this was an opportunity for his own performance, giving her enough security, was what he should do

, "Wife, you..."

Luo Geng's words were not finished, the roller coaster was like a sudden attack, swooping down in an instant, the speed was very fast, not giving everyone time to react!

The screams of some female tourists came from the car, but here in Luogeng, there was another voice.


Luo Geng's mouth was still talking just now, the sudden impact did not give him a chance to react, a large amount of wind was poured into his mouth, making his face twitch, his mouth trembling, to be honest, if it weren't for Luo Geng's teeth biting hard, saliva might have been thrown out.

The roller coaster shuttled round and round, once quickly, so it didn't take long for the roller coaster to slowly slow down and return to the starting point.

Chi Xiaoyu closed her eyes at first, and then after the first big slope, she also opened her eyes

, holding Luo Geng's hand has not let go, she did not scream, nor did she hear Luo Geng's voice, after all, the wind is quite strong, can't hear anything

, but she still has a lot of fun, when she looked at Luo Geng on the side, she found that Luo Geng's situation did not seem to be good.

"Husband! What's wrong with you?! Chi

Xiaoyu saw that Luo Geng's hair seemed to soar into the sky, all standing up, I didn't know that I thought it was electrified

, but this is also related to the head shape Luo Geng made in the morning, he used hairspray to set the shape afterwards, and his hair is relatively hard, so he will look like this now.

His eyes were wide open, his face was expressionless, and it seemed that the person who had just played here only had Luo Geng's body, but not Luo Geng's soul.

Luo Geng unfastened his seat belt, pinched his cheek with his hand, moved his chin, and said lightly:

"I'm okay... It's just that the face is a little numb..."

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