"Ahem..." Luo

Geng combed his hair, and Chi Xiaoyu left the area of the roller coaster project

, he didn't have soft legs or anything, just a little unslowed down, feeling that his soul was still on the roller coaster

, "Are you okay, husband, shall we go and rest?"

Chi Xiaoyu stroked Luo Geng's back and looked at him with some worry, because he looked a little absent-minded when he got down from the roller coaster, which made Chi Xiaoyu think that he was a little uncomfortable.

"Ah no, it's okay! I'm fine, keep playing, it's fun.

Luo Geng quickly shook his head, sobered up a lot, to be honest, he still felt quite interesting about the roller coaster just now, not as scary as he thought

, especially the adrenaline rush, which can indeed make him feel the feeling of pleasure,


"yes, where are we going next?"

Luo Geng looked at the nearby projects, it seems that there are many people lining up, even if it is not the most lively time, but there are many tourists.

"It seems that there will be a long queue, is there anything you can play now?"

Luo Geng looked around, it seemed that there was no project that did not need to queue,

and Chi Xiaoyu's eyes were sharp, he saw a place, pointed to the side and said: "Husband, it seems that there is no need to queue there." "


Luo Geng followed Chi Xiaoyu's direction and looked over, and found a house with tourists, but it seemed that there was no need to queue up, and he could enter directly.

"Horror... House? The

corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, there was really nothing to be afraid of the roller coaster just now, but the haunted house was still a little challenging for him.

In particular, I still have some understanding of haunted houses before, because I have to draw comics to take materials, so I personally went to the haunted house that was particularly popular at that time, almost scared to death, and almost beat up the staff who played ghosts inside.

"Go check it out."

Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's hand, walked to the front of the haunted house, and looked at the dense precautions,

"There are no NPCs?" Luo Geng took a brief look and muttered with a frown

, because this is said to be a haunted house, in fact, even if it is a visiting house with horror elements, no one plays a ghost, only some mechanisms and sound effects or something, as long as it is not particularly timid, it can still be accepted.

"Want to go in?"

Knowing that there was no real person, Luo Geng suddenly became emboldened, looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked.

"Okay." Chi Xiaoyu nodded, she held Luo Geng's arm, looking a little scared, but still plucked up the courage and walked in with Luo Geng.

"Oh hehe!"

"Ah-" Chi Xiaoyu exclaimed, hugged

Luo Geng tightly, as soon as she entered, a terrifying laughter startled

her, Luo Geng raised her eyebrows, feeling Chi Xiaoyu who was trembling slightly with fear beside her, inexplicably feeling that she was a little cute.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Luo Geng comforted her and put his arm around her shoulder,

"Hmm." Chi Xiaoyu responded softly and hid in Luo Geng's arms, which made her feel much better.

It was dark inside, only a faint light pointed the road ahead, in the weak light, they saw an ancient iron gate, waiting for their arrival

, "Click-"

Luo Geng pushed open the iron door, the door seemed to be rusting, making a creaking sound, and then, a cold wind rushed in

, and the two walked in, it was like a dilapidated corridor, and the walls were full of strange paintings, There are also blood-red handprints that resemble blood stains.

Luo Geng could feel that Chi Xiaoyu was getting closer and closer, and he could clearly feel that Chi Xiaoyu was afraid

, even if there were no real people playing ghosts here, only some organs and a seemingly terrifying atmosphere

, but for Chi Xiaoyu, who had not been exposed to these, it still made her heart tremble.

The two continued to walk forward until there was a sound of crackling, and under the feet of the two, it seemed that something was squirming!


After Chi Xiaoyu felt something touch his feet, he was so frightened that his feet jumped up, and his two hands wrapped around Luo Geng's neck, and the whole person hung directly on him!

Luo Geng hugged her and comforted her: "It's okay, it's just a rope."

Luo Geng knew that it was just a rope driven by a mechanism fluttering under the feet of the two, and it felt like a snake or something crawling on the surface of their feet,

"Oh... Oh..." Chi

Xiaoyu nodded blankly, got down from Luo Geng's body, stepped on the rope that was still shaking, and was startled again.

"We: Let's go.

Chi Xiaoyu urged Luo Geng, wanting him to take him forward quickly, otherwise she would be alone and almost unable to move here, if Luo Geng

left alone at this time, leaving her alone in place, then she really didn't dare to move.

As the two continued to move forward, except for some slightly frightening decorations in front, there was nothing scary

, seeing that it was about to come to an end, the two walked into a relatively crowded room

, where all kinds of strange dolls were stacked, some looked like zombies, zombies, vampires or something

, after the two walked in, the heads of those dolls slowly turned to them, With those eyes that can't turn, staring

at them, Chi Xiaoyu is still a little scared, but he also knows that these are fake, and after looking at them for a while, he is gradually not so afraid.


Suddenly, with a loud bang, a doll of a female ghost in a white dress fell from the ceiling, with a shawl scattered, and the white dress was full of blood!

Hanging on a rope, he appeared in front of the two of them!


The sudden fright made Chi Xiaoyu throw herself directly into Luo Geng's arms, screaming in his arms, at this moment, she couldn't wait to get directly into Luo Geng's body and wait for the haunted house to come out.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, it's over."

Luo Geng stroked Chi Xiaoyu's head in his arms, wanting to make her better, and then took her out

of the haunted house slowly, ending the journey, after walking out of the haunted house, ushered in the sun, Chi Xiaoyu came out of Luo Geng's arms, under the sunlight, Luo Geng

clearly saw that the corner of Chi Xiaoyu's eyes had overflowed with a drop of crystal clear tears.

"Oh, little pathetic."

Luo Geng bent down, helped her wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and scraped her slightly red nose with his hand,

"The haunted house is not fun at all."

Chi Xiaoyu's lips twitched and he muttered softly.

"It's not fun, it's not fun, we'll never play again." Luo Geng quickly echoed, and then took her hand and left here

, Luo Geng thought to himself, this extent, can make Chi Xiaoyu so afraid, if you go to the kind of haunted house with real NPCs, then I really dare not imagine what it will be like.

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