Near noon, Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu and came to the restaurant in the playground to eat,

because the two of them had not eaten anything in the morning, so they were a little hungry, and now was not the time when there were the most people, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu

were already preparing to eat at the table.

There is a musical performance in the restaurant, and the performers stand on the front stage, playing guitars and singing a cappella songs, adding to the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the performance in front of him, and suddenly thought of Luo Geng's performance at the end of last semester, which was his birthday

, "Husband, I haven't asked you yet, when did you learn the piano?"

A lot of things happened on her birthday, and then Chi Xiaoyu gradually forgot, but now she suddenly remembered that it seemed that on the school list, she could still see Luo Geng's photo...

"Me? I learned a long time ago.

Luo Geng replied a little vaguely, after all, he couldn't say that he was reborn with art.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng and said, "You played very well that day, it doesn't look like you learned it a long time ago, it seems like you learned it for many years."

"yes? Then when I have the opportunity, I will play it for you.

Luo Geng nodded, since Chi Xiaoyu liked it, then he didn't spend so much time participating in the rehearsal

, "Your photo seems to be still hanging on the school's list of popular people..."

When is the matter, how did I not know? Luo Geng was really startled and looked at her with a surprised expression.

He never paid attention to the bulletin boards or lists, but he could indeed feel the gaze of many strangers in school, but he

thought that those were the influence of his comics....

Chi Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said with a chuckle: "Just after that cultural festival, a photo you took while performing was pasted on it, as if it was also given the title of Prince of Piano."

"Watching me with those people, it's not because I know my comics, it's because I'm on the list..." Luo

Geng held his forehead, a little helpless, he originally thought that he was a little famous as a cartoonist, but it turned out to be famous as a school figure.


the two had eaten, they left the restaurant, because they had just eaten, so they decided to take a walk first, digest it, and the flow of customers in the restaurant gradually increased, if it was Luo Geng now they were only ready to eat, it would definitely take a long time

, the two sat on the bench, rested for a while, looked at the sun hanging in the middle of the sky, some couldn't open their eyes.

"What are we going to play in a moment?"

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked, his original attitude towards the playground, the primary purpose is to accompany Chi Xiaoyu well and let her have fun

, but as a result, Luo Geng found that he didn't know if Chi Xiaoyu was happy, anyway, he was very happy.

"It's all right, I'll listen to you."

Chi Xiaoyu was originally very happy that Luo Geng could accompany him to the playground, so he could go to play whatever he wanted, except for the haunted house.

Luo Geng also knew that he couldn't take Chi Xiaoyu to play some horror project like a haunted house, and he also played a lot of exciting things in the morning, and he could actually play a little more relaxing thing in the afternoon.

"Are you going to play with the carousel?"

Luo Geng looked in the direction of the carousel, which was now running and spinning, but the ages of all the guests on it combined might not be enough to be a hundred years old.


Luo Geng looked to the side again, next to the carousel, there was another project, and there were more people playing,

"Let's go play with bumper cars."


Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu and came to the site of the bumper car, just in time for the end of the previous batch and the start of the next batch.

One person and one car, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu sat in the seats of two bumper cars, fastened their seat belts

, after starting, everyone began to crash brainlessly, and Luo Geng drove the car into Chi

Xiaoyu, despite this, he did not dare to step on the accelerator to the end, his idea is very simple, anyway, as long as Chi Xiaoyu is happy

, play this kind of thing by yourself, you will not have so much fun, right?


The two chuckled, and the others were all thinking about how to increase the horsepower and hit it harder, but on the other hand, Luo Geng and their side, it was like two cars kissing, and there was no lethality.


Suddenly, two children drove a bumper car directly into Luo Geng from the side, knocking him out of front of Chi Xiaoyu.

"Aha." The two children laughed loudly and kept hitting Luo Geng, making him unable to turn until they pushed him into a corner.

"Oh, ah, bear child."

Luo Geng smacked his tongue helplessly, constantly stepping on the accelerator, wanting to run out, but these two bear children seemed to be eyeing Luo Geng and were unwilling to let him go.

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu, who was in the distance, looked at Luo Geng, who had been forced into the corner by two children, her eyes narrowed slightly

, and she saw her feet slowly lifted, and then stepped on it fiercely!

"Dare to bump into my husband?!"

Chi Xiaoyu held the steering wheel with one hand

, and stepped on the accelerator to the end, if it weren't for the bumper car without brakes and handbrakes, she even wanted to eject the start.

Different from the attitude that seemed to be a dragonfly just now, the straight line continued to accelerate, and Chi Xiaoyu's car was getting faster and faster, directly crashing into the side of the two children!


The two bumper cars flew out together, and the two children shook their heads, and before they could react, they were already knocked out a few meters away.

Ten minutes later, the game time was over, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu walked out, Luo

Geng's face was a little not good, covered his stomach, muttered: "This group of bear children, the back seems to be staring at the two of us, this hit, my head is still a little buzzing now."

After that, he looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm having a good time." The corner of Chi Xiaoyu's lips raised a smile slightly, she really felt that she was having fun, after all, no matter what she played, it was a new experience for her, as well as unforgettable memories.

"That's good."

Luo Geng nodded and smiled slightly, in his heart, as long as Chi Xiaoyu had fun, it was more important than anything.

"But you're uncomfortable, aren't you? Otherwise, we will play here today, anyway, we are already very happy. Chi

Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng with a somewhat uncomfortable look, a little worried

, after all, it didn't take long to finish eating, plus bumping into the car with the bear child, Luo Geng didn't spit out lunch is already very strong.

Although it is only two o'clock in the afternoon, for Chi Xiaoyu, Luo Geng is more important.

And Luo Geng didn't want to be disappointed, quickly waved his hand, shook his head and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, go on, I'm okay, but.... That one.... Play with the carousel for a while. "

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