"The last fountain is also very beautiful, I didn't expect it to be good here, it's better for us

next time..." At this time, it was already night, Luo Geng drove the car, ready to go home

, he was originally chatting with Chi Xiaoyu of the co-pilot, but as he spoke, he found that there was no sound, he glanced at Chi Xiaoyu sitting next to him, and found that she was breathing evenly and had fallen asleep.

"I'm tired..."

Luo Geng muttered, the gentle smile in his eyes became stronger, and he was tired today, he didn't expect to go to the playground to play for a day, he was so tired

, but when he thought of having so much fun with Chi Xiaoyu, he felt that everything was worth it.

He himself didn't know how many times he saw Chi Xiaoyu's smiling face in a day today, but it seemed that he couldn't see enough of it, which made Luo Gengbai tired of seeing it.

When he arrived downstairs, Luo Geng parked the car, and then took Chi Xiaoyu directly out of the passenger seat

, although Chi Xiaoyu slept very lightly and woke up easily, but at this time in Luo Geng's arms, she still slept sweetly, you can imagine how tired she is.

Luo Geng carried Chi Xiaoyu back to the room and let her rest well, while he saw the book placed on the drawer on the side.

Luo Geng sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the book and flipped through it, all of them were things he wanted to do with himself

, and a large part of them had already ticked and had already been done, Luo Geng looked at every option, it seemed that he could evoke a memory, and he could remember the scene when he did these things.

"Marry to... Luo Geng..." Luo

Geng looked at the option that had not yet been ticked, it was to marry himself, it was indeed not realized, but Luo Geng also knew that it would not take long to complete this matter.

Luo Geng picked up the pen, ticked the option to go to the playground together, and

then continued to look at the book, but turned it over, and there was no one behind.

"No more?"

Luo Geng turned page by page, as if he was afraid of missing something, until he turned to the last page and

saw the [Growing Old with Luo Geng].

"I said, there must be one difference, and now, it's all."

Luo Geng smiled slightly as if he had guessed, and

then he picked up the pen and added an article under this article -

[Spend the rest of your life with Chi Xiaoyu].

A box was drawn on the back that had not yet been ticked, and then the book was closed and put back in place.

In the morning,

Chi Xiaoyu opened her eyes and saw that sunlight had crept in through the gap in the curtains in their room.

She turned over and saw her favorite person next to the pillow, still asleep, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise slightly

, thinking back to everything we played together yesterday, so happy, happy not from the playground, but from the people who went to the playground together.

Those pictures that he once fantasized about are slowly becoming reality after being with Luo Geng.

"It's time to get up and cook..." Chi

Xiaoyu's biological clock is very punctual, rarely when he wakes up later than Luo Geng, except for being particularly tired.

Every time she got up early, so that Luo Geng could wake up and eat a steaming breakfast, she got up

and carefully walked out of the room, ready to go to the kitchen to cook.

But she stopped and saw the scale that had been set aside to weigh her.

It was bought by Luo Geng, when he was slightly fat before, to supervise his weight loss and pay attention to his weight at any time

, while Chi Xiaoyu almost did not use it, because she knew that her weight did not seem to have changed, and she had always been very thin.

But now, she also wanted to see if

her weight had changed, so she stepped on it, and as the value on it changed, her weight was also displayed in front of her.


" Chi Xiaoyu gasped, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief,

"I... Fat?!

She quickly stretched out her hand and touched her belly, although she couldn't pinch any fat, but she could still feel that she was indeed a little fatter!

"How could it be..." Chi

Xiaoyu still couldn't believe it, stepped on it again, the result was still that value

, there is no doubt, she was a little fatter

, the original Chi Xiaoyu, studying hard, lack of sleep, and doing a lot of housework, although eating on time, but not very good, nutrition is not balanced enough, so has maintained a very light weight, the figure is very thin

Since being with Luo Geng, although he has been cooking for Luo Geng and fattening him, he has slept enough, has not done so much housework, and he has eaten better and better with Luo Geng, so it is inevitable to be fat.

"What to do... What to do, will my husband dislike me for being fat? Probably not... But what if he likes me a little thinner? Chi

Xiaoyu was anxious, she herself actually didn't care about weight, and she didn't care so much about her figure

, but she was afraid that Luo Geng would care, she glanced at the room, Luo Geng hadn't woken up yet

, she quickly ran to the kitchen, pretending that nothing had happened, ready to start

cooking, but when cooking, she was always absent-minded, thinking about what went wrong

My appetite seems to be a little bigger, and I eat a little more, but I don't get fat, right?

She was cooking, thinking at the same time, did not hear at all

, Luo Geng walked out of the room, after Luo Geng came out, saw Chi Xiaoyu busy in the kitchen, smiled slightly, walked over gently,

and then, when she didn't react, hugged her from behind.

"Ah! ... Husband, you're awake, it's scared me to death..." Chi

Xiaoyu was startled, trembled, turned his head, and saw Luo Geng's head on his shoulder.

"Early, wife."

Luo Geng whispered in her ear, and then put his arms around her body, or rather, put his arms around her stomach!

Chi Xiaoyu's pupils shook, and he quickly closed his abdomen and smoothed out his little belly!

She didn't want Luo Geng to feel it and gain a little weight!

"Huh? Have you lost weight again? Still hungry, how to feel a flat stomach.

As a result, Luo Geng felt Chi Xiaoyu's action, directly touched her lower abdomen with his hand, and asked with some doubt

, after all, he felt like he had lost a little weight to the touch.

"I don't know... Possible... Sort of.

Chi Xiaoyu replied ambiguously, chuckled a few times, pretended to be calm, and did not forget to insist on his belly tucking.

Luo Geng frowned slightly, and said seriously: "That's not okay, you have to eat more, you are already thin enough, no, I have to take you to eat something delicious, there is no need to cook at night, we will go out to eat." "


Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he was self-defeating, he originally thought of eating less in the future, but now he was mistaken by Luo Geng to lose weight, and he had to take himself out to eat?

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