
Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, looked at Qin Qiao's side, and saw that Qin Qiao also looked helpless, as if he had persuaded her, but it was useless.

"Are you going to work here directly after being dissuaded?"

Luo Geng frowned and looked at Xu Mengnan and asked.


Xu Mengnan nodded repeatedly, she used to just take comics as her first hobby, but after coming into contact with the profession of this industry here, she had great interest

, she didn't think she could be a cartoonist before, engaged in comic work, only felt that it was good to be a hobby, but now she has decided, she will work hard in this aspect, engage in her hobby work, is there anything happier than this?

"Your family agrees? They pay to send you to school here, but they don't want to see that outcome.

Luo Geng's expression was a little serious, he knew that he might have delayed a lot of students, but he couldn't understand that he also delayed Xu Mengnan, her love for comics now, so that Luo Geng and Qin Qiao are a little out of reach, some don't quite understand

, if you really give her time to develop, then she will definitely be able to surpass Luo Geng and become a better cartoonist, her talent in this area is very strong

, but this also has to consider the family's ideas, if her family does not agree with her to do this line, He also delayed school, and Na Luogeng felt that he was a little responsible.

"I'll convince them."

Xu Mengnan's eyes were firm, as if nothing could stop her, or in other words, nothing could change her mind.

But Luo Geng would not let this happen, and she said this sentence to mean that her family did not agree.

"You were dissuaded to quit, you can't work here, you are now an apprentice here, I can let you leave at any time, after all, there is no labor contract between us, but if you want to work here formally, you can't."

Luo Geng shook his head and let her sober up a little

, Xu Mengnan was stunned for a moment, blinked, and asked, "Why?"

Luo Geng glanced at her and said: "Because we have a threshold here, not an ordinary place to work, first of all, there are academic requirements to work here, you must be a college graduate, you are now dissuaded, just a high school degree, I can't ask you." "

Huh? Teacher Qin, is it true? Xu Mengnan was a little surprised, looked at

Qin Qiao behind him, and Qin Qiao also quickly nodded and said: "Yes, of course, otherwise you think.... Why does Teacher Luo keep treating you as an apprentice and not letting you work formally, of course.... You're not there yet. In

fact, Qin Qiao didn't know that there was such a threshold, and Luo Geng had always treated her as an apprentice because he didn't have to pay her.

"That's the thing, so if you want to do the job you like, it's not that simple, and if you don't understand it in college, I can't have this kind of employee."

Luo Geng's words made Xu Mengnan accept the reality, she still thought that even if she didn't go to college, she could work in Luo Geng's studio, study comics more attentively, and finally achieve something in the comic industry

, but now, with the threshold of education, she can't work here at her age anyway, and as an apprentice, she is also because she knows Chi Xiaoyu and is a friend who is special here.

"Then I... After graduating, can I work here directly? Then I still have to be an apprentice for three or four years..."

Luo Geng closed his eyes and nodded, and said lightly: "Of course, if you don't do an apprentice, you can't stay here, if you are persuaded, it's a high school degree, and you can't stay here, because I can't train an apprentice who can't become a regular employee in the future, that's a waste of resources and time, understand?" "


Xu Mengnan said for a while, a little didn't know what to do, her original idea was so firm, now she directly shook the foundation, faltering, only a kick in the door

And Luo Geng continued at this time: "And you don't have to be frustrated, you think about it, you have been an apprentice here for so long, the experience and technology you have accumulated, and the identity of your graduation from Cheng'an University, when the time comes, it is not comparable to Qin Qiao, Qin Qiao also started from an assistant here, and it is possible to become a main writer after three or four years, and you, after graduation, officially take the post, maybe directly on an equal footing with Qin Qiao."

Qin Qiao stood up and asked excitedly, "Really? I can be the main writer in three or four years?! Before

Xu Mengnan could eat the cake that Luo Geng painted, Qin Qiao took it and ate it, she originally thought that she would have to be an assistant for a long time.

Because Luo Geng's strength she knows best, she knows that she wants to be equal to the strength of a demon like Luo Geng, three or four years is definitely not enough, at least ten years.

However, she was particularly excited to get Luo Geng's affirmation.

"Me? On an equal footing with Teacher Qin? Can I also be a comic writer?

Xu Mengnan pointed to himself, a little unable to believe it.

Luo Geng saw that both of them were a little emotional, so he continued:

"Of course, this is not a simple studio in the future, you think about the popularity of our works, I want to open a company in the future, open multiple IPs, you all have the opportunity to represent these IPs, fame and fortune are very simple, after all, you are all veterans."


Chi Xiaoyu lowered his voice and asked

in Luo Geng's ear: "Husband, is what you said true..." Luo Geng replied in a low voice: "I don't know..."

He didn't think so far at all, he is now studying and hanging, can he still consider opening a company or something?

I may be dissuaded and repeated....

However, as a professional in painting cakes, Luo Geng is particularly good at making them look forward to it.

And Xu Mengnan's original idea at this time, as firm as a thick weeping willow with a solid foundation, was now directly plucked upside down by Luo Geng.

The thought that she may not be an ordinary cartoonist in the future, but a veteran of a comic company, and she has gone up several grades in an instant, makes it difficult for her to resist such temptation.

"Then I'll hurry up to review, I will definitely be able to pass the make-up exam, rest assured, Teacher Luo!"

Xu Mengnan rushed directly back to her room, and after such expectations, learning briefly became something she loved as an alternative to comics.

Qin Qiao also continued to work hard, for her future fame and fortune, even if she sacrificed her rest time now, she was willing.

Luo Geng nodded in satisfaction, looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and smiled awkwardly.

Now he also has to hurry up to study, although the leave is down, but if the make-up exam is not passed a week later, the pie he drew for the counselor will be ruined....

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