Luo Geng and

Chi Xiaoyu went downstairs, ready to drive to the city of Annan, when Luo Geng just opened the car door and did not get into the car

, Xu Mengnan hurriedly chased out, holding a comic book in his hand, and ran to Luo Geng

, "Teacher Luo, if you see the author of this book, can you trouble me to get an autograph?"

Xu Mengnan handed the book in his hand to Luo Geng, his eyes were full of expectation

, Luo Geng took it, glanced at it, and asked, "This one?"

He was a little surprised, because he knew that this book

was still tepid, but in the near future, when the Internet era came, it would be very popular, and Luo Geng also liked to read it in his previous life, but he had not seen the author himself.

"Uh-huh, I like this comic very much, I want an author's signature, please, Mr. Luo, please."

Xu Mengnan clasped his hands together and pleaded with

Luo Geng, and Luo Geng said softly: "I don't think I should have met, I am not participating in a national seminar, and this author is not necessarily a member of the Cartoonists Association, but I will help you pay attention."

"Thank you, Teacher Luo!"

Luo Geng put away the comics and sat in the car, Chi Xiaoyu sat in the co-pilot, just now what they were chatting outside, she also heard

, "If she didn't need to review the make-up exam, you can actually take her with you, I think she should be very happy." Chi Xiaoyu looked at Xu Mengnan who ran back upstairs and whispered.

"She'll have the chance to go to this occasion herself."

Luo Geng started the car and said lightly, his words seemed to be affirming Xu Mengnan's efforts, such a hobby invested in a profession, will definitely make a difference in this field in the future, unless he is a fool.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng and said, "You have to continue to review at night, there are still two subjects that you haven't learned..." "Good, good..." Luo Geng

drove all the way south, drove for about two hours, and arrived at his destination.

According to the address, Luo Geng went to the vicinity of the association, found a nearby hotel, and opened a room.

"Let's stay here for the night, I think we should be able to go back tomorrow."

Luo Geng put the things in the hotel room and said to Chi Xiaoyu behind him.

"Then I'll contact Sister An Ying, and we'll have dinner together in the evening, right?" Do you have a long meeting?

Chi Xiaoyu glanced at the time, it was still around ten

o'clock in the morning, Luo Geng shook his head and said: "No, it should be just a few hours, and it will be over at four or five o'clock in the afternoon." The

seminar started at one o'clock in the afternoon, and Luo Geng planned to report first, after all, he should still be a newcomer now, and it was still necessary to meet some peers or high-level members of the association in advance.

"Then you can stay here for a few hours first, and I'll go to the association first."

Luo Geng changed into a relatively formal dress, a neat shirt, and his head shape was also made early.

Chi Xiaoyu walked to Luo Geng, helped Luo Geng lift his tie with his hand, helped him turn over his collar, and said, "Well, be careful on the road." Luo

Geng held his own comic in his hand, as well as the comic that Xu Mengnan gave him, as well as a notebook and pen to record things.

The creation base of the Cheng'an Cartoonists Association, located in the Cheng'an South Art Museum

, as soon as you walk in, a full artistic atmosphere will come to you, and the paintings displayed in the art museum are extremely valuable

, "Hello, sir."

There are staff responsible for reception

, after seeing Luo Geng, also came forward to say hello, Luo Geng nodded, took out a listing card from his pocket, that is the name tag of his association members

, after the staff saw it, he turned sideways and guided Luo Geng: "Please here."

Luo Geng followed the staff upstairs and came to the front of an

office, "This is the office of the president of the association, and the seminar is held in the conference room at the end of the corridor, you can visit the chairman first, or wait directly in the conference room."

"Okay, thanks."

Luo Geng nodded, and then knocked on the office door,


" "Please come in."

A man's voice came from inside, Luo Geng opened the door and walked in

, the office had no commercial atmosphere, almost all works of art, amazing art could be seen everywhere, ink paintings on the walls, stone carving crafts in the corners.

Behind that desk, stood a middle-aged man holding a brush and drawing something on rice paper.

"Hello, Chairman Chen, my name is Luo Geng, a newcomer who was invited to join the association last year."

Luo Geng looked at the man in front of him, he also did his homework in advance, knowing that the chairman of the association was called Chen Jiayi, and he was also the director of the comic art committee of the Artists Association.

Chen Jiayi put down the brush, raised his head to look at Luo Geng, and after glancing up and down, he narrowed his eyes and laughed.

"Good, good, please sit, Luo Geng, I know you."

Chen Jiayi pointed to the sofa on the side and motioned for Luo Geng to sit down, Luo Geng nodded, walked to the sofa and sat down.

And Chen Jiayi walked out from behind the table and sat opposite Luo Geng.

There was a teapot on the table, Chen Jiayi picked up the teapot and poured tea for Luo Geng, Luo Geng also clenched his five and a half fingers into a fist, fist down, tapped the table, and knocked his finger in return.

Chen Jiayi looked at Luo Geng's own comics, nodded and said: "I have seen your works, I appreciate your drawing level, I think you have epoch-making ability, to be honest, when you filled in the information, I still doubt that you are really so young?" It's really, the afterlife is terrifying.

"You have passed the award, my ability is still far behind, far from the level of epoch-making, and it is limited to the level of comics, like the kind of Chinese painting you just drawn, which is beyond my reach."

Chen Jiayi shook his head and said: "Don't be modest, your age, with such a level, is already a representative of the new era, so, this seminar, I hope you can come on stage to talk, as the idea of your era, we urgently need innovation."

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he was really guessed by Qin Qiao, and he really wanted to give his own speech, and he really didn't prepare.

"Uh... I have no problem if you wish.

Chen Jiayi sighed and said: "Alas - you also know that our comics are relatively weak compared to other painting arts, and I, as the chairman of the comic association, are eager to develop them, so, including you, I have absorbed a lot of fresh blood, that is, young people have joined our association, I think listening to the ideas of young people is the first step in innovation."

Luo Geng nodded and agreed: "You are thoughtful, young people have many ideas, but they are not mature enough, and they still need artists like you to lead them."

"Hahaha, well, if all young people have your level, ideas and consciousness, then our comics can be developed soon."

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