Luo Geng sat in the conference room, at this time there were already many people gathered, sitting in place, and talking quietly with others

, Luo Geng looked around, it was indeed like Chen Jiayi said, most of them are young people, not much older than themselves, and they have heard their names, and they don't know them, proving that they will not achieve anything in the future.

Instead, Luo Geng was sitting here, and many people came to say hello, saying that they had seen Luo Geng's works, and Luo Geng only responded politely and did not talk to them further.

Others thought that Luo Geng was not easy to contact, so there was no one sitting next to him.

Luo Geng didn't think about it, lowered his head to look at the comic that Xu Mengnan gave himself

, this comic he had read before, he felt that it was a pearl dust, the publicity was not done, resulting in many years later, the Internet era developed, only to explode overnight

, he also wanted to meet the author of this comic at that time, communicate, because his work and his own work have many similarities, maybe a rare confidant, but did not contact,

"Hello." Can I sit here? "


At this time, Luo Geng heard a voice that interrupted him from his thoughts in the comic, and he turned his head to look and found that standing next to him was a woman, who looked about the same age as himself.

Under the curved willow eyebrows, there are a pair of clear and clear, starry eyes, fair and flawless skin reveals a faint pink, small lips without makeup and red, delicate

, wearing a beige half-sleeved skirt, small skirt, elegant waist line design, in the details and everywhere there is a playful taste full of youthful

atmosphere, she smiled slightly, dimples looming on her cheeks.

"Ah, please sit."

Luo Geng nodded, motioned for her to sit down, and then continued to read the comics in his hand, not caring about her anymore.

The woman sat down, looked at the comic book held in Luo Geng's hand, and asked, "Are you... Luo Geng? Is the author of "Luo Yu" right?

"Well, yes."

Luo Geng did not raise his face, but nodded slightly

, the woman smiled, and said: "I like your works very much, there are many places in my works that will learn your style, do you see it?"

"Your... Opus? This one?

Luo Geng looked at the woman suspiciously, then picked up the comic and looked at her and asked.

"Yes, my name is Chu Yuning, I am the author of this comic, I didn't expect you to actually read my work, it's really a little nervous."

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, looked her up and down, and muttered, "Ah... This, you are so young..."

Chu Yuning tilted his head and asked suspiciously, "Huh? You should be younger than me, right?

"It's... That's right. Luo

Geng still thought that the author was a man, and he was probably in his thirties, but he didn't expect that it was a woman a few years older than himself, and she looked about the same age as Qin Qiao, and she used a pen name on her work, and Luo Geng didn't know whether it was a man or a woman.

"Then trouble you to judge, I am your fan, I can be judged by people I admire, this time it is not for nothing."

Chu Yuning has a famous tag around her neck with her photos and information, she is also a member of the Cheng'an Cartoonists Association, and like Luo Geng, she did not join the association for a long time.

"Adoring people... It's too exaggerated, I'm just a newcomer, your work is better than mine, it should be you to judge my work.

Luo Geng took out his own comic and handed it

to Chu Yuning, but Chu Yuning did not take it, but went to rummage through his bag and took out a book from the latest issue of Luo Geng.

"Uh..." "

Look, I said I'm your fan, take it with you anytime."

Chu Yuning shook the book in his hand and smiled slightly.

"That's really... Thanks for the support. Luo Geng smiled awkwardly, he brought his own works, they were not the latest issue, but the previous ones, and the results were the latest.

"It's nothing, I mainly want to learn your style, because I like it very much, when you held

a signing party in Cheng'an North, I wanted to go, but I didn't get a ticket..." Chu Yuning scratched her head, she knew that Luo Geng had a signing party, she originally wanted to go, but she didn't get an admission ticket, and it was robbed all at once when it went on sale

, "We are peers, we should learn from each other, you don't need to buy tickets to participate in my signing party..."

"As for your work, I don't think there is anything to judge, it's good, it's just missing an opportunity, sooner or later gold will shine."

When Luo Geng said this, it was very natural, after all, what he said was true, and he would be a mess in the future, and in the comparison of sales, he was Luo Geng's rare opponent.

"Thank you."

Chu Yuning was not so serious, feeling that Luo Geng was flattering him, because no matter what aspect of the comics, he was not as good as Luo Geng.

"Oh, by the way, can you please sign my name?"

Luo Geng opened her work, the blank page of the first page, took out her pen, and wanted her to sign her name

, after all, this is Xu Mengnan's book, and it is also Xu Mengnan to ask herself, originally did not hold the expectation of encountering, but the result was really encountered, Chu Yuning

was stunned, blinked, and looked at Luo Geng in surprise,

"Me? My signature? Chu

Yuning pointed to himself, with an incredulous look, because he is the complete newcomer, a genius like Luo Geng who has achieved little at such a young age, almost nothing, she is not old, she is just starting out, with a work of her

own, the signing meeting can't be opened, and the publicity can't make any waves, in this case, why do you want your own signature? Signing your own signature is not worth much.

"yes, it shouldn't be embarrassing for you, right?"

Luo Geng nodded and asked.

Chu Yuning quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, but... If you want my signature, can you, please sign it for me too?

She held Luo Geng's latest issue of work in her hand, looking at

Luo Geng expectantly, in fact, even if Luo Geng didn't say that he wanted to sign his autograph, he would wait for the end of the meeting, and what Luo Geng wanted, for herself, this is equivalent to chasing stars, or go through the back door to chase stars, and you can get an autograph without attending the signing meeting.

"Of course, no problem." Luo Geng agreed without hesitation, after all, it was just a signature, it was very simple.

After getting the answer, Chu Yuning immediately took the pen, signed his pen name on the title page of his work

, and then returned the pen to Luo Geng, and then handed the book to him.

Luo Geng skillfully signed his work, and Chu Yuning's first signing, serious attitude was completely different, and he seemed more relaxed.

"Thank you, oh yes, I still have a few copies here, can you trouble to sign them all..." Chu

Yuning opened his bag, and there were several more books inside, all of which were Luo Geng's works, works from past issues.

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, smiled helplessly, and said, "

Well, you can..."

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