"Next, invite the representative of our newcomer, Luo Geng, to the stage."

Everyone began to applaud, looking at Luo Geng sitting behind, especially Chu Yuning next to Luo Geng was particularly cheerful, Luo Geng

straightened his collar, stood up, put what he was holding on the seat, and walked up.

In the front row is the leader of the association headed by Chen Jiayi, holding a pen and a book in his hand, as if recording something

, when Luo Geng walked onto the stage, Chen Jiayi nodded with satisfaction, looking at Luo Geng's eyes with appreciation.

"Hello everyone, I am very happy to share my thoughts on behalf of all of you."

"We all know that the word comic only appeared after the 20th century, our cultural heritage of five thousand years, although from ancient times to the Ming and Qing dynasties, the name of comics has not yet been determined, but if you look at the artistic characteristics of comic satirical and humorous comics, you can find that in ancient times, there have long been art treasures with comic characteristics."

"For example, from the Han Dynasty stone carving portrait "Xia Wei" to the "Jade Dynasty Meeting Map" that appeared in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and then to the paintings "A Ball of Harmony and Qi Map" and "Ghost Fun Map" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, whether it is content or form, they have long contained the characteristics of exaggerated images and profound allegories, and also show distinctive characteristics, in addition, in our traditional ink paintings..."

Luo Geng gushed on stage, he did not need to prepare these contents in advance, after all, he had heard so many speeches, You can say it casually

, but there are many people in the audience who are newcomers and have not heard of these contents, even Chen Jiayi was a little surprised, prepared in advance to be able to say this, that is nothing, but he arranged Luo Geng to speak, it was decided temporarily, there was no time to prepare these, he also wanted to test Luo Geng and

see his adaptability, but he didn't expect to bring him such a big surprise.

"To sum up, our comics, like other art forms, have a lot of development potential, but we need all to work together, make progress together, and innovate together, thank you."

Luo Geng bowed and ended his speech, and the audience also resounded into thunderous applause, among all the people present, Luo Geng was the youngest, but his ability and ideological consciousness far exceeded most of them.

Luo Geng returned to her seat, next to Chu Yuning delivered adoring eyes, she couldn't help but applaud lightly, exclaimed: "Oh, you said it very well, did you really not prepare in advance?"

Luo Geng shook his head and said, "No, I have received the notice until now, it is only an hour, how can I have time to prepare." "

Awesome..., aren't you just in college, how do you feel, older than me

..." "Do you turn a corner and say I'm old..." After

about an hour, the seminar ended, the people in the conference room left one after another, and Luo Geng also stood up, took his things and prepared to leave.

"That... Luo Geng.

At this time, Chu Yuning stopped him, Luo Geng turned his head, looked at her wanting to say nothing, and wondered: "What happened?"

"Can you leave me a phone number?" Do you have time to ask for a manuscript to work with? "


Luo Geng was a little surprised, although his previous popularity as a cartoonist was not bad, but he did not have any friends, let alone a contract,

especially Luo Geng also knew that the other party was the author who would be more popular in the future.

"Oh, good."

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone and exchanged mobile phone numbers with Chu Yuning

, and Chu Yuning, who got Luo Geng's mobile phone number, was like a fan of successful star chasing, and his eyes were full of joy.

Chu Yuning raised his head, looked at Luo Geng and asked, "Shall I invite you to dinner?" Let's talk about the contract? "

Let's skip eating, I'm going back to my fiancée, eating alone with the girl or something, it's a little bad."

Luo Geng shook his head and rejected her, he had to go back to Chi Xiaoyu sooner, if she knew that she and the girl went out to eat alone, she would definitely be angry.

"Ah, you have a fiancée, that's really embarrassing, I don't know." Chu Yuning was a little surprised, and now she especially doubted whether Luo Geng was a college student

, whether it was life or work, what he did was not like what he would appear at his age.

"It's okay, if you have a chance, you can come to my studio, and then we will talk about comics."

"Studio? Okay, okay. Chu Yuning nodded

, and then Luo Geng left here, holding the comics that she had signed her name in her hand, Chu Yuning looked at her bag, those several Luo Geng's comics, were signed by him, she saw Luo Geng, asked for an autograph, and exchanged phones, for her, this trip was not in vain.

Luo Geng left here and returned to the hotel

, "Wife, I'm back."

Luo Geng walked into the room and saw Chi Xiaoyu sitting at the table, seemingly writing something.

Chi Xiaoyu raised his head, the expression on his face was suddenly full of joy, and asked:

"Husband, you are back, how is the seminar, is it still smooth?"

"It's pretty smooth, but it really let Qin Qiao guess correctly, really let me speak on stage, it seems that I also think I'm too young, want to test me."

Luo Geng walked to Chi Xiaoyu's side and looked at her writing something on the table

, "This is..." "This is

your review materials, I have helped you sort them out, as long as you can review these, the make-up exam will definitely pass."

Chi Xiaoyu pointed to the test questions on the paper, all of which had been clearly sorted out by her, and fools could understand them.

"I'm causing you trouble, wife..." Luo

Geng felt that he was really a little useless, and those people in the association probably wouldn't think of him, after giving a speech like that, he had to review the make-up exam when he came back, and he was a person who failed the exam...

"What to say, how can this be called trouble, your business is my business."

Chi Xiaoyu smiled slightly, as long as she can do something for

Luo Geng, she doesn't feel troublesome, and even feels very happy, whether she likes Luo Geng, or Luo Geng is too good for herself and doesn't know how to repay this, it makes her want to dedicate herself selflessly to Luo Geng all the time, and she never regrets it.

"By the way, aren't you still going to find An Ying to eat? Have you contacted her?

Luo Geng suddenly thought of this and asked Chi Xiaoyu.

But Chi Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "I asked her, but she said that she was very busy at work and had no time, so she could only talk about it next time." When

Chi Xiaoyu contacted An Ying, because it was relatively sudden, she happened to be scheduled for the night shift today, and she couldn't take a vacation, so she had to stop.

"So... Okay then, then let's go back tomorrow morning. "

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