"That, I will

be responsible for leading the way, I still have work at the publishing house, I will go first, say hello to Teacher Luo for me, and say that I will visit next time I have time."

After Jia Mo said a word

, he turned and left, he was busy in the publishing house, Chu Yuning directly killed him, and then shouted to find

Luo Geng, Chu Yuning's works he also knew, he guessed whether he was looking for Luo Geng to have comic things, so he didn't dare to delay and sent her here.


Qin Qiao was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, she had been working under Luo Geng for a long time, and she had not seen any fellow friends from Luo Geng.

"Yes, you.... You must be Teacher Luo's fiancée, right?" asked Chu Yuning with a wink and pointed at Qin Qiao.

"Ah?!No, no, don't you dare to talk nonsense, you can't talk nonsense!" Qin Qiao immediately covered Chu Yuning's mouth, with a terrified expression on his face, and then looked at Chi Xiaoyu in the room with his eyes vigilantly

, Chi Xiaoyu's possessiveness towards Luo Geng, Qin Qiao understands, if Chi Xiaoyu hears this, maybe it will be easy to take revenge on himself.

Chi Xiaoyu did hear this, but there was no big reaction, if it was her before, she would indeed be unhappy and unhappy for the first time,

but now, she is not that her possessiveness for Luo Geng has declined, but a little maturer, such a trivial thing, she can't mind.

Chi Xiaoyu stood up, walked to the door, and saw Chu Yuning standing outside the door.

After Chu Yuning saw Chi Xiaoyu, he was instantly stunned, and the next second, he blurted out and muttered: "So beautiful..."

You are!" Chu

Yuning slowed down, she saw Chi Xiaoyu's first glance, in addition to subconsciously feeling that she was so beautiful, she also immediately coincided with an image

in her mind, she took out her bag, the book of Luo Geng's comics, casually turned a page, saw the

heroine inside, she held up the comic, compared Chi Xiaoyu with the heroine in the book, and found that the degree of godlike was beyond her imagination.

"So it is... I'm sorry, you must be Mr. Luo's fiancée, this time must be right, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to recognize the wrong person. Chu

Yuning was not stupid, and Chi Xiaoyu in front of him was Luo Geng's real fiancée.

"It's okay, it's okay, my name is Chi Xiaoyu, you came to talk to my husband about comics, please come in, can you sit for a while?

Chi Xiaoyu looked like a hostess

, Luo Geng was not there, so he entertained Luo Geng's guests, signaled her to enter the door, and did not say that Luo Geng was going to make up for the exam, but just said to go to school to do something.

"Thank you.

Chu Yuning nodded, was invited into the door by Chi Xiaoyu

, she immediately saw the working room, the working area, several tables, on which there were many tools, comics, and a lot of manuscripts, the

best and most comfortable chair in the middle, at a glance, it was where Luo Geng worked, and there were many drawings in front.

"Can I go and

see it?" Chu Yuning knew that some authors were reluctant to let others see their unfinished paintings, or they were also worried that they would leak out, but she really wanted to visit them, so she looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked.

And Chi Xiaoyu also took this into account, a little worried, so he threw the question to Qin Qiao and asked, "Is it okay?" In the

comics, she can't be the master, since Luogeng is not there, the only one who can be the master in the comics is Qin Qiao.

"It's okay, look.

Qin Qiao said lightly, in fact, just looking at the drawing, she felt that it was nothing, and if Luo Geng was there, she would probably agree.

After Chu Yuning got the answer, she walked to the work area and looked at Luo Geng's table, those drawings

, she picked up one and looked at it carefully, it was a semi-finished product, and the steps of painting were only half, but this can also clearly see Luo Geng's situation when he was creating.

"It's really a deserved... He..." Chu

Yuning muttered in amazement, just by seeing this semi-finished product, she could clearly feel how big the gap between herself

and Luo Geng was, she glanced at the side again, Qin Qiao's table, there were also some semi-finished drawings, but they were all the same semi-finished products, Luo Geng's technique was better, or in other words, more natural and smooth,

such a technique can only be practiced after time accumulates and practice makes perfect.

Chi Xiaoyu returned to the next door, took the tea for receiving guests, and made a cup of tea for Chu Yuning.

"Wait a minute, I think I'll be back in a moment."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Chu Yuning, who was still visiting the work area, and said.

"Oh, good. Chu Yuning nodded, looking at Chi Xiaoyu and smiling slightly, but now she also has a problem, that is, Luo Geng's works, in terms of the current degree of popularity, the speed of update and publication

, the studio she imagined should be very large, there will be many employees, but she looked at this work area, it seems that there are only four or five tables, four or five chairs

, just these people, can they draw those works quickly and well?

Chu Yuning scanned the circle and saw a comic on the table, which was her work, and it was also the one that Luo Geng used to sign for himself in the last seminar.

Qin Qiao saw that Chu Yuning had been staring at the book, so he asked, "Is this your work?"

Ah, yes, it was my clumsy work, Mr. Luo gave a high evaluation, but I know that it is far from being comparable to him.

Chu Yuning picked up his own book, although he said so, but how can he not regard his own work as a treasure, no matter how this is also a work that he has worked hard to create, it must be a

work that he is very satisfied with, or in other words, Chu Yuning is thinking, will there be the kind of work that he is not satisfied with at all, does not care at all, and creates a particularly sloppy work?"

Qin Qiao praised her, because Xu Mengnan liked this work very much, so he often recommended it to himself, and he couldn't help it, it was indeed very good

, and Luo Geng's works have their own styles, but if you look closely, you can indeed see that there are many similarities.

"It's because my parents are both painters, I started learning since I was a child, and I went to art academies, don't look at me in my twenties, I've been painting for almost ten years..." Chu

Yuning knew what he had experienced along the way, how long he had learned, how long he had practiced, and how hard he had worked to draw to such a degree

Therefore, she especially admired Luo Geng, younger than her own age, but with such technology and thoughts, it was difficult to imagine what he had experienced, could it be that he was born with a paintbrush?

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