"We have an apprentice here who likes you very much, and I expect to be very excited to come back and see you."

Qin Qiao smiled and said to Chu Yuning, she said naturally Xu Mengnan, she can now imagine what Xu Mengnan will react after seeing Chu Yuning

, "No, I am grateful for liking my works, but it should not reach the point of fans." Chu

Yuning felt that she should not have the point of Luo Geng, there were so many fans, she couldn't even grab a ticket at the signing meeting

, but she was indeed a little happy in her heart, after all, there are people who like themselves, and anyone will be happy.

After a while, several people heard the sound of conversation outside the door

, "Teacher Luo, if this make-up exam is over, can you make me turn positive?"

As soon as Luo Geng's voice fell, he opened the door of the studio and walked in.

"Wife, I'm back!" Luo

Geng couldn't wait to enter the door, shouted, and even excitedly wanted to run to hug Chi Xiaoyu directly.

As a result, as soon as he took two steps, he saw Chu Yuning sitting on the sofa, and immediately stopped and stood in place awkwardly.


Qin Qiao covered his mouth and laughed, then went directly back to his seat and continued to work.

"Uh... There are guests..."

Luo Geng and Chu Yuning looked at each other, he recovered his state and made himself a little more serious, which was completely different from the unorthodox look just now.

"Well, then you guys talk, I should go grocery shopping."

Chi Xiaoyu stood up, since Luo Geng had returned, she didn't have to serve guests instead of Luo Geng, and after looking at the time, she should also go grocery shopping.

"Ah, hard work.

After Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu finished speaking, they looked at Chu Yuning, he didn't expect this person to come directly to his studio

, "Hello, Mr. Luo, I'm sorry to disturb." Chu

Yuning stood up and said with a slight bow.

And Luo Geng waved his hand and said, "It's okay, please sit down, just call me Luo Geng."

Xu Mengnan returned to her seat and whispered in Qin Qiao's ear: "Teacher Qin, who is this?" After

she came in, she saw the guest, and didn't care much, so she went back to her seat, but she was still curious about what was the reason why a very good-looking girl came to Luo Geng.

Isn't she the author of the comic you like, and you still get people to sign it, but you don't know me when I come." Xu

Mengnan gasped, looked at Chu Yuning, and was surprised

, she thought that Luo Geng had said to herself, that the author was a woman, not a few years older than herself, did not expect it to be her.


Xu Mengnan blinked her eyes and stared at Chu Yuning, she had already admired Chu Yuning, and now that she was in front of herself, she did not dare to go over and talk.

Luo Geng sat opposite Chu Yuning, poured himself a cup of tea, and asked: "So, Miss Chu, do you have something wrong?" "

Just call me Yuning, or call me my full name, in fact, since the last time we separated, I have always wanted to come and see your studio and learn it, because I draw it alone, the speed is very slow, and I also want to open a studio and recruit assistants to help me."

"So... But as you can see, I'm not big here, because I have this one work under me now, I don't need a lot of people, if you only have one work to create, then one or two assistants are enough, the studio is actually not so necessary.

Luo Geng glanced at Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan and saw that Xu Mengnan was staring intently at this side, or rather, staring intently at Chu Yuning.

Luo Geng handed over a warning look, and Xu Mengnan pouted and turned around helplessly.

"Well, that makes sense, and... That one... You should know that my work is not outstanding, and there has been no improvement so far, so there is another purpose for coming here, I hope to ask you what went wrong, ah!

Chu Yuning wanted to take out her wallet from her bag, she came here, and this purpose, she has long been ready to give consulting fees.

And Luo Geng quickly stopped her, shook his head, and said:

"You don't need to give me money, I also said before, there is no problem with your work, there is no improvement, but everyone still does not know its existence, my work has the advertising effect of the last weekly serialized work, so the publicity effect is better, everyone knows that there is such a book, otherwise, I must be worse than you."

"Then I should... "

Chu Yuning doesn't know anything about publicity, it's impossible to go to an advertising agency to print an advertisement, and then put up a small advertisement on the street, hand out leaflets on the street, I've never seen any propaganda work that is so publicized, and

you can't learn from Luo Geng to open a signing party, he is not famous, and the signing meeting is estimated to be dead.

She has been drawing since elementary school, and when she grew up, she was not familiar with computers at all, and she couldn't use it at all.

"Hmm..." Luo

Geng frowned slightly, lost in thought, he knew how to publicize, because with his current influence, a little publicity can let many people know her work

, moreover, Luo Geng also knows what effect the publicity will have, and it will definitely make her a lot of money.

Luo Geng stretched out his hand, picked up the comics on the table, and said:

"This is good, I can help you publicize, and then, after publicity, the increased benefits, just share a little with me."

"Divide you half!" Chu

Yuning directly stretched out a finger, his eyes lit up, as if waiting for Luo Geng to say this.

"Half? No, no, no, that's too much, just two eight. Luo Geng shook his head, Erba is actually enough, and he didn't do anything, just simply help her publicize

, after all, her works are popular in the future Internet era, maybe the current aesthetic and the future aesthetic will change, and now the publicity may also be tepid, this is not certain, so Luo Geng does not dare to take half of the benefits.

However, Luo Geng was cautious, and Chu Yuning was not stingy at

all, "Just half, after all, I beg you for help, if you don't help me publicize, I can't earn half of it, so I won't lose anything." Where

does Chu Yuning know what her work will be like after it is promoted, in her heart, it is thankful that sales can increase by 20%.

So give half, she is not distressed at all.

"Ahaha... Well, then I'll do my best.

Luo Geng chuckled, then since she insisted on dividing half of herself, then she should work a little harder, Luo Geng

also saw her thoughts, she didn't help her publicize, she couldn't earn that

half, she would fool herself casually, and if she divided her own half, it was equivalent to pulling herself on the boat, publicizing herself in place, earning more, and making herself contribute a little more.

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