"One more thing, Teacher Luo Geng, I want to ask..." Chu

Yuning lowered his voice and asked in a low voice: "That... Where are the assistants recruited, can the talent market be recruited?"

Chu Yuning's eyes glanced at Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan in the work area, she wanted to find an assistant to help her a long time ago, but she didn't know where

to recruit people, and her requirements were not high, she could do some simple work as a comic assistant, and it was okay without a foundation, but the salary would be lower, and the

result would be impossible to recruit people at all.

"Uh... I don't know much about this, my assistant is my editor's cousin, and the other is my wife's friend. "

Luo Geng also painted it by himself at the beginning of his previous life, and after the work became popular, many people took the initiative to apply for assistant jobs, and he didn't know where to recruit people, all assistants came to him.

"Ahhh... This one... It's not a secret, the house I rented is about to expire, the house is relatively small, and it is a little crowded as a studio, so I want to find a larger house, but now it seems that if there is no assistant, it seems that I can't use the

studio..." Chu Yuning made a difficulty, now she urgently needs someone to help, and if she recruits help, she must have a studio, but she can't do any of these things,


Luo Geng put his hand against his chin, his eyes inadvertently glanced at Xu Mengnan's side, and found that she was secretly looking at this side again, and after being discovered by Luo Geng, he quickly lowered his head.

"Ahem... That, Xu Mengnan... Come on..."

Luo Geng first covered his hand over his mouth and coughed gently, then stretched out his hand and beckoned Xu Mengnan to come over.

"Ah, oh..." Xu Mengnan was stunned for a moment, then put down her pen, stood up and walked over

, she thought that she was not concentrating on her work, and Luo Geng wanted to criticize herself.

When she walked in front of Luo Geng a little timidly, Chu Yuning looked at Xu Mengnan and was a little puzzled.

Luo Geng pointed at Xu Mengnan and looked at Chu Yuning and said: "Look at her or not, as an assistant, it's okay, and she's still your fan." "


Xu Mengnan and Chu Yuning looked at Luo Geng with a surprised look, especially Xu Mengnan, she didn't react for a while, and when she reacted, she found that she seemed to be given away?

Chu Yuning slowly spoke, "This... "

She's kind of our apprentice here, she's not paid, but we can teach her, no less, if you can, you can hire her, that... If you don't want to, then I apologize, and then when I didn't say anything.

Luo Geng looked at Xu Mengnan on the side, and almost forgot to ask her own opinion, which made her seem to be a commodity.

"I... Can I really be an assistant? If you are willing to use my words, then I can try..." Xu

Mengnan is actually very willing, not that she doesn't like to work here in Luo Geng, but compared to the works of the two, Chu Yuning's works are more in line with her taste, and she also particularly wants to participate in the creation of that work, especially worshiping Chu Yuning herself.


When Qin Qiao heard this, he sighed, turned his head, picked up the pen and continued to draw,

she now felt as if the flower she had cultivated with her own hands was now going to be taken away with the pot.

It's a little bad in my heart.

"Qin Qiao, we don't have a lot of work now, if you will be under pressure, then I better leave her behind."

Luo Geng also asked Qin Qiao's opinion, after all, the relationship between the two is also good, often go out together, and the run-in at work is also good, with Xu Mengnan here, Qin Qiao is also more relaxed, so if Xu Mengnan leaves, Qin Qiao will definitely be the first to be affected.

"Uh... At work maybe... It's okay, it's just a little bit of an impact on me personally, and no one eats with me.

Qin Qiao smiled back, as if jokingly said this sentence

, she really wanted to say that if Xu Mengnan left, she would be under a lot of pressure, if it was her before, she would have said it in her head, but now, she won't say it directly, just listen to Luo Geng's arrangement.


Qin..." Xu Mengnan saw Qin Qiao's appearance, a little stunned, she thought that Qin Qiao would be particularly bored with her, because he often annoyed her, disturbed her work, rested, often pestered her to recommend her favorite comics

, Qin Qiao would reprimand her impatiently every time, so she agreed without a little hesitation, because if she left, Qin Qiao could be clean, it was good.

But now, after seeing Qin Qiao's reaction, she didn't know what to do

, she really admired the author Chu Yuning, and she liked her works, but she also liked Luo Geng's works, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were also very good to her, and the time spent with Qin Qiao was not short, the two were together almost every day, and now she was a little reluctant.

"Teacher Luo Geng, I understand your wishes, but I don't want to be a bad person and break them up." Chu

Yuning could see what was going on in the situation, so he shook his head and looked at Luo Geng with an embarrassed smile

, in fact, when Luo Geng introduced Xu Mengnan to her just now, she was still very happy, she could solve the problem of assistants, and she was still her own fan

, but now it seems that if she really accepts it, she seems to have become a sinner.


Luo Geng nodded gently, he was also aware of the problem, he seemed to be the bad guy who broke them up.

Originally, he thought that since Chu Yuning had given half of his sales to himself, he would make more efforts, but he did not take into account the feelings of others.

"Uh... If you don't dislike it, you can use our studio, the location is available, but there is no room for you.

Luo Geng pointed to the vacant seat in the work area and said to Chu Yuning.

"Really? is it really possible?" Chu

Yuning blinked, looking at Luo Geng with a look of surprise, she liked this kind of studio very much, and she liked this atmosphere

, but she had her own works, painted her own works, and it didn't seem to be good to use other people's studios, so she didn't mention it herself, but now that Luo Geng proposed it, she was very excited.

"Ahhh... Yes, Xu Mengnan, you can continue to work here, and then... You can also draw this Chu teacher's works if you want, or you can draw my works if you want, it's all up to you. Luo

Geng made such a decision, in fact, it was also for Xu Mengnan's sake, which not only solved the problem of Chu Yuning's studio and assistant, but also solved the problem between Xu Mengnan and Qin Qiao, which can be regarded as leveling a bowl of water.

Xu Mengnan smiled when he heard this, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he quickly bowed to Luo Geng and said, "Thank you, Teacher Luo!"

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