"Then, then I'll pay you rent, you can't use your studio for nothing, it's okay to live in it, I can rent a house on the other floors of this building, or near here, just a little closer." Chu

Yuning still planned to take out her seniors to pay Luo Geng, because she didn't know how to repay Luo Geng's help, only giving money was the best choice.

"No, it's okay, since we are already a cooperative relationship, this little thing is nothing, everyone is to make money, after cooperation, it is the most important thing to make money together."

Luo Geng waved his hand and rejected Chu Yuning, after all, he just used his own studio, it was really not a big deal, and compared with the sales that would be divided into his hands in the future, he couldn't just look at the small profit in front of him.

Chu Yuning came to disturb Luo Geng once, and as a result, Luo Geng directly helped her solve the problem of the work, studio problems and assistant problems, which made her really a little embarrassed, obviously and Luo Geng had only met once, just the relationship of acquaintance, people helped themselves like this

, she said a little hesitantly: "Then that, then I should say hello to your fiancée, in case she doesn't like me, isn't it here..."

Luo Geng directly interrupted Chu Yuning's words, he knew Chi Xiaoyu very well, and knew that she would not be someone who cared about this kind of thing.

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu also came back from grocery shopping, Luo Geng heard the sound of the door opening next door, she did not come to the studio again, but went directly back to the next door to cook.

Although Luo Geng said so, he definitely had to talk to Chi Xiaoyu, so Luo Geng returned to the next door and saw Chi Xiaoyu busy in the kitchen, so he whispered to her: "Wife

?" "Husband? What's wrong? Are you hungry?" Chi

Xiaoyu turned his head and asked with a slight smile after seeing Luo Geng


Luo Geng shook his head and told Chi Xiaoyu about the things he had just talked about, including letting Chu Yuning work in his studio

, after Chi Xiaoyu listened, there was no reaction, as if this matter was not important at all

, "In this way, then shall we eat with them next door today? Chi

Xiaoyu said while rolling up his sleeves to wash the dishes

, Luo Geng looked at her, staring at her side face, a little lost in thought, because Chi Xiaoyu will always agree with his decision, and will do his best to help himself on top of his decision, it can be said that he is definitely his own benevolent help.

"Then it's hard for you, I'll help you."

Luo Geng laughed shallowly, Chi Xiaoyu was like this, it would make him so obsessed, he also rolled up his sleeves and wanted to help Chi Xiaoyu together.

"Hmm..." Chi

Xiaoyu did not refuse this time, because she really hadn't cooked with Luo Geng for a long time, and she missed this feeling a little, the feeling that the two of them were crowded in the kitchen and cooking together.

"Tie your apron, your clothes will be dirty."

Chi Xiaoyu took an apron, hugged Luo Geng's waist with both hands, and helped him tie it.

Luo Geng smoothly grabbed Chi Xiaoyu's hands, which should not have been stained with spring water, but now there were some traces.

Especially at Chi Xiaoyu's age, it is even more abrupt, which does not match her peerless appearance at all.

Luo Geng stroked Chi Xiaoyu's hand, his eyes showed distress, he let Chi Xiaoyu no longer have to cook for himself more than once, and he didn't have to do housework, with Luo Geng's current conditions, they can go out to eat every day, and housework can even be done by hiring people.

But Chi Xiaoyu refused, she felt that it was not very good to eat outside every day, not very healthy, and she also liked to cook

for Luo Geng, especially Luo Geng ate all the dishes she made every time, which made her extremely happy, as for doing housework, that was Chi Xiaoyu's habit, after all, it was like this before, no one stipulated that she had to do it, but someone had to do it, she hoped it was herself, because Luo Geng was already working very hard because of work, and she didn't want him to do housework or something.

Chi Xiaoyu felt Luo Geng's thoughts, she held Luo Geng's hands with her backhand, and said softly: "Don't blame yourself, I don't blame you, and as early as high school, my hands were already like this." Chi

Xiaoyu didn't lie, after all, after the death of her father in junior high school, she had to stand on her own, and by the time she reached high school, her hands were irreparable.

"Then blame me, blame me for not discovering your mind earlier, if I had found out earlier, I could..." Luo

Geng wanted to say something, but Chi Xiaoyu stretched out a finger and gently pressed his lips.

"Didn't I say it last time, I don't care if I can be with you earlier, as long as it is you in the end, that is the best result." The

corners of Chi Xiaoyu's lips raised slightly, a shallow smile, the smile was like the lingering spring rain in Jiangnan, intoxicating and sensational

, Luo Geng's heart trembled, his throat moved, he didn't control his feelings, directly hugged Chi Xiaoyu and kissed her lips.

After the two separated, Chi Xiaoyu immediately lowered his eyelids, his face drooped immediately, but the roots of his ears quietly turned red, and he muttered in a low voice: "Why, what I said is not

right..." "That's right, I just like the way you looked just now, and I couldn't help but kiss it..."

Chi Xiaoyu knew that this was doing this to Luo Geng before learning her, but she could also understand this feeling, and her heart couldn't help but rise with joy, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise with joy.

In the studio next door, Chu Yuning was visiting Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan working, she had always painted alone, so she didn't know how others painted, which was also an opportunity for her to learn.

"Let's eat, let's eat."

Luo Geng opened the door of the studio and walked in with the food.

After hearing these words, Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan both turned their heads excitedly at the same time, "Can you eat the meal made by Xiaoyu today?!" "

Great, I haven't eaten it for a long time, I really think too much..."

Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan both stood up directly and walked to the dining table, even if it was a step of the work was not important

, Chu Yuning looked at the two of them with some doubts, wondering why they were so excited,

And Luo Geng looked at Chu Yuning, who was standing in a daze in place, beckoned to her, and said, "Come and eat together." "

Ahhh... I..."

Chu Yuning pointed to herself, a little surprised, she didn't expect that she would also be invited, but she thought about it, after all, she was still here, how could she not call herself to eat, but she was also

a little embarrassed, because she wanted to rely here to watch them work, and as a result, she delayed people's meals.

"Thank you, I don't have to, I'd better go first..." Chu

Yuning wanted to pick up the bag and leave, but was pulled by Xu Mengnan by the arm, and she said with a smile:

"Teacher Chu, come on, taste the craft of Xiaoyu, it can definitely amaze you!"

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