"Cousin... Why are you here?" Qin

Qiao really didn't understand, but she still got into his car and sat in the back, she didn't

want to sit in the co-pilot and be criticized by Jia Mo.

"Of course, Teacher Luo invited me to come with you, why, you annoy me, will you be very unhappy that I will go with me?" Jia

Mo glanced at the rearview mirror, looking at Qin Qiao's face was indeed a little unhappy, but it was not that he hated Jia Mo, but he hated his attitude towards himself, how could anyone be willing to hang out with people who often lectured on themselves.

"Nope. Qin Qiao shook his head and denied it, but the expression on his face had already betrayed her.

If she had known that her cousin would come with her today, she would not have rushed the manuscript so much expectantly yesterday.

Xu Mengnan also sat in the back, sat next to Qin Qiao, and greeted Jia Mo with a smile: "Teacher Jia, how are you."

"Well, hello. Jia

Mo looked at Xu Mengnan's smiling face, as if he was going out to play, and responded to her with a smile.

And the remaining Chu Yuning, seeing that both of them were sitting in the back, if she also sat in the back, it would be a little crowded.

So, she sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Jia Mo watched Chu Yuning carefully sit in the co-pilot, and he hesitated for a while, because he had only seen Chu Yuning once, that is, she found the publishing house and was brought to the studio by herself.

"Hello, Editor Jia, thank you last time. Chu

Yuning didn't know his name, but still nodded slightly to thank him, saying what Jia Mo brought her last time

, Jia Mo was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded: "Ah, it's okay, just call me Jia Mo."

"Well, then call me Chu Yuning too."

Qin Qiao looked at the two of them talking one by one, and did not drive for a long time, so he interrupted them and said: "Cousin, Teacher Luo has already set off." "


Jia Mo started the car and chased after Luo Geng and their car.

As a result, on the road, several people in Jia Mo's car seemed to be unfamiliar, silent along the way, Xu Mengnan only cared about reading his own comics, Qin Qiao would not take the initiative to talk to Jia Mo

, Chu Yuning was even more so, although she wanted to find someone to chat with, but she didn't know who to talk to and what to talk to, so it was very embarrassing.

Luo Geng's car has a completely different atmosphere, with An Ying there, several people in the car can easily chat together, talking and laughing.

"Xiaoyu, did you spend the New Year together, after all, you are all engaged, whose house are you spending the New Year?" asked An Ying curiously.

She only knew that the two were engaged, but she didn't know what was the situation in their homes, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were also stunned for a moment, embarrassed smiles

, how to explain that the two are actually a family, both spent together for the year, this kind of thing to tell others, should also have a lot of shock.

"Yes... We lived together, in my house.

Luo Geng replied lightly, and did not elaborate on the situation in the two families.

Then Luo Geng glanced at Fan Junzhe in the rearview mirror, and saw that his face was a little ugly, so he asked: "A-Zhe, what about you, how did you arrange it during the New Year?" As

soon as these words came out, An Ying looked at Fan Junzhe on the side, and laughed out loud.

"Alas..." Fan Junzhe sighed and said, "I went to find her around the third year of junior high school, and I wanted to go to her house to pay a New Year's greeting or something... , as a result, was beaten out by her brother.

Chi Xiaoyu asked suspiciously, "Sister An Ying, do you have a brother?"

Yes, my grandfather's brother, who is almost 20 years older than me, first met, thought it was my father, but was kicked out by my brother.

An Ying seemed to think of the embarrassing scene at that time, and laughed heartily.

Fan Junzhe also knew that her brother was joking, but he could mistake her brother and father, and he was really embarrassed to let people find a place to get into.

In the relaxed conversation of several people along the way, they arrived at their destination, looking at the rugged and steep mountain in front of them, making people

feel a simple beauty that stands tall and strives for supremacy.

At this time, at the foot of the mountain, you can already see many climbers climbing the climbing ladder, and the top of the mountain that cannot be seen at a glance is still an unknown location.

Several people carrying backpacks converged at the foot of the mountain, Jia Mo looked at the backpack that Qin Qiao was carrying, and asked: "Qiaoqiao, do you want me to help you carry the bag?"

Qin Qiao shook his head, although she was now preached by Jia Mo and did not speak without her brain like

before, but at the same time, she couldn't tell whether he was speaking the truth or polite words, because she couldn't understand polite words before, so she was often taught by him

, causing her to listen to what Jia Mo said to herself now, as if it were polite words.

Everyone else was carrying their own things, only Luo Geng and Fan Junzhe were still responsible for holding Chi Xiaoyu and An Ying's things.

Although Chi Xiaoyu wanted to take it himself and help Luo Geng share it, he couldn't resist his persistence.

Bought a ticket, walked up the climbing ladder, Luo Geng looked at the top of the mountain that could not be seen, at that moment, the pressure surged up, although a few of them can come to play are very happy

, but after all, most of them are people who sit and work every day, and their physical strength is even worse than ordinary people, maybe not halfway up the mountain.

Instead, Chi Xiaoyu and An Ying, who seemed to have no pressure, walked side by side, climbing and chatting without delay at all, Luo Geng and Fan Junzhe behind them, the two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

After them, there were Qin Qiao, Xu Mengnan and Chu Yuning, and Jia Mo walked at the back, as if he deliberately opened some distance.

Looking at the figure in front of him who did not look back, Jia Mo walked step by step, only one person, silent, I don't know who brought the bodyguard.

The climbing ladder was just right for the two of them to walk side by side, and the three of them seemed a little crowded, so Chu Yuning deliberately slowed down a step and walked behind Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan.

"What's wrong, are you a little tired?"

Jia Mo looked at Chu Yuning, who had fallen off the line, and asked suspiciously.

Chu Yuning shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just want to walk slower, after all, the top of the mountain is so far away, it's good to save a little more physical strength."

"Yes, too. Jia

Mo looked at Qin Qiao and Xu Mengnan in front, the speed did not slow down at all, looking as if they were going to surpass Chi Xiaoyu and An Ying in the front

, but after all, they were still carrying backpacks, and if they went on like this, their physical strength would definitely be the first to be exhausted.

In the end, the two were silent for a while, and Chu Yuning took the initiative to speak and asked, "Mr. Jia Mo... Right, as an editor, or an associate editor, you should be paid a lot of money.

"Uh... This..."

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