"Salary... It's okay, although now is far from the time when I cooperated with Teacher Luo before, that time was really the pinnacle of my career..."

Jia Mo looked at Luo Geng in front of him, his eyes couldn't help but show a look of adoration, he couldn't deny that he could have everything today, Luo Geng's credit was the greatest, and the merit was indispensable.

"Yes, being able to cooperate with Teacher Luo must be an unexpected gain. Chu

Yuning looked at Luo Geng with the same eyes, she and Jia Mo's experience was the same, they were all pulled up by Luo Geng's hand, without Luo Geng, they would not be today.

So, the two have a common topic, that is: Luo Geng.

Jia Mo told Chu Yuning about his shock when he first met Luo Geng, as well as Luo Geng's series of operations, success seemed to be a common thing for

him, this person was like suddenly falling from the sky, to the publishing house selected him, directly let his life to success road to install a fast track.

Therefore, Jia Mo's respect for Luo Geng is something he will never forget.

Chu Yuning also told Jia Mo about his fate with Luo Geng, and as a fan of Luo Geng, he cheekily went to the studio to ask for help from Luo Geng, and was helped by Luo Geng, with the current income, her success has just begun.

With a common topic, the two obviously chatted more, and after the topic was opened, communication became not a problem.

Qin Qiao listened to the two people who were gradually lively behind him, and couldn't help but glance back, feeling a little strange, why the two of them could talk, obviously they were strangers who had only met the second time.

After about two hours, Xu Mengnan was short of breath, holding cold mineral water in his hand, and he was almost drinking to the bottom of the bottle.

"Hah... Teacher Qin, I'm a little out of my way, I'm looking at this now... The ladder is ghosted, the eyes are a little flowered, and the head is a little confused.

Xu Mengnan huffed, his steps became heavier and heavier, and his speed gradually slowed down.

Qin Qiao didn't reply to her, because she wasn't in the same state, but she didn't say it, she regretted it a little now, she already knew that she threw her backpack to Jia Mo at the foot of the mountain, whether he was polite or not, it was better to be lectured than tired to death.

Seeing that the four of them in front of Luo Geng were walking farther and farther, some of the people behind couldn't keep up, so they didn't follow, and they recovered their physical strength, anyway, climbing the mountain is one way, and they won't be lost.

Jia Mo frowned slightly, looking at Qin Qiao in front of her seemed to be a little floating, she was almost the worst physical strength among these people, sitting and working for the longest time, she had not been shopping for a long time, let alone climbing mountains.

"Qiaoqiao, give me the backpack, and Xiao Nan, let me hold everything, and then rest."

Jia Mo shouted to the two in front of him, looking at the physical exhaustion of the two, as the only man among the four, he always had to do something.

"Uh... Teacher Jia, I don't have to, I'm okay..." Xu

Mengnan turned her head and waved her hand, smiled awkwardly, and refused Jia Mo, after all, she didn't have anything serious in her backpack, most of the things were comics, let Jia Mo help take it, she was really a little embarrassed.

"That... I..."

Qin Qiao also subconsciously wanted to refuse, but her body was honest, and the exhaustion brought by her body made her unable to be strong.

"Okay then, then thank you cousin.

Qin Qiao compromised, she unloaded her backpack, ready to go down and hand it to Jia Mo, even if she was lectured by Jia Mo, it didn't matter, because she knew that Jia Mo would definitely help her get something.

Qin Qiao just walked down the stairs, but suddenly his legs were weak, the so-called easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down, Qin Qiao's knees felt the pressure of the whole body, and he couldn't support her body at all

! "Ah!" Qin Qiao exclaimed, her ankles twisted instantly, and the whole person fell down! "

Qiaoqiao!" Jia Mo was startled, and quickly reached out and grabbed Qin Qiao's arm, holding her steady at the moment of a thousand shots.

"Are you all right?" Jia

Mo looked at Qin Qiao with concern, his eyes were full of worry, he looked at Qin Qiao's ankles, he did not dare to land at this time, trembling slightly.

"Didn't... It's okay... Maybe I stepped on the empty just now...

Qin Qiao's face was pale, gritting her teeth and insisting, her ankles hurt so much that she broke out in a cold sweat.

However, she did not show her weak side, and she could not even hear a word "pain" from her mouth.

"Teacher Qin, let's go to the hospital!

Xu Mengnan looked at Qin Qiao's ankle, soon bruised, and her ankle was obviously swollen, she quickly helped Qin Qiao's other side, and helped Qin Qiao to the side to sit down and rest.

Chu Yuning also quickly took down his backpack, rummaged through the contents inside, and said:

"I brought bonesetting medicinal wine, let's wipe it first." "

Ahhh... Thank you..." Qin

Qiao sat on the stone on the side, gasping from time to time, "hissing haha", you can see how much pain she is from her expression.

"I'll do it. Jia

Mo took the bonesetting medicinal wine from Chu Yuning's hand, then put down the things in his hand and squatted in front of Qin Qiao.

"Cousin, give it to me, I'll come by myself, and I won't cause you any trouble."

Qin Qiao wanted to take the medicinal wine from Jia Mo's hand, but Jia Mo ignored her, took off her shoes, and wiped the medicinal wine for her.

"Okay, don't be stubborn, it's not like you at all, when you were a child, you had to cry and cry for a little thing, and now you know that you are stubborn?"

Jia Mo raised his head and glared at

her, with thousands of feelings in his heart, what Qin Qiao looked like, he was very familiar, but to become what he is today, he felt that it was his responsibility, if it were not for his own strict requirements, he would not force her to erase her true self.


Qin Qiao looked down at Jia Mo in front of him, pursing his mouth, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to speak.

"You don't have to say anything, you don't need to understand me, as long as you believe me, do as I say, it doesn't matter if you hate me or hate me." Jia

Mo kept his head down, concentrating on helping Qin Qiao wipe the medicine, and then took the gauze handed over by Chu Yuning on the side, ready to wrap her ankles.

Qin Qiao's heart was mixed, how did she not understand what Jia Mo meant, she slowly spoke, and said softly:

"I know that you are for my good, you are kind-hearted, you know that I have no heart and lungs, and my brain is not enough, I am very grateful to you, cousin, if not for you to help me find a job and teach me the way to behave in the world, I am now... Nothing should be done..."

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