Jia Mo, who was helping Qin Qiao deal with his ankle, stopped abruptly in his hand movements, but only stopped for a few seconds, and then continued to wrap the gauze

, "If you have such thoughts, then my kindness will not be in vain, and I will not teach you in the future."

Jia Mo lowered his head and said softly, although he couldn't see his expression, he could feel the relieved emotion in his tone.

"For... Why..." Jia

Mo stood up, stretched out his hand to touch Qin Qiao's head, and said: "Because you are already sensible, you don't need me to be nosy, you can make your own decisions in the future." "

I don't think you're nosy..." Qin Qiao turned her head

and muttered in a low voice, although at first she really didn't understand Jia Mo's approach, and even wanted to stay away from

Jia Mo's psychology, but over time, she also found that she was almost smooth on the road of life, as long as she listened to Jia Mo's preaching, she could take a lot less detours, and at that time, she

could understand Jia Mo's mind a little.

"I'm okay, thank you cousin.

Qin Qiao looked at his ankle, which had been almost handled by Jia Mo, but he couldn't move for the time being, and this was only an emergency, or he had to go to the hospital.

Jia Mo turned around, squatted in front of Qin Qiao, exposed his back to her, and said, "Come up, I'll carry you to the hospital."

Looking at the broad back in front of her, Qin Qiao's thoughts were suddenly pulled to her childhood

, she remembered that when she was a little girl, as long as she saw Jia Mo, she would pester him, shouting "cousin" while wanting him to play on his back.

It is because she relies too much on Jia Mo, so what Jia Mo said, she will also listen very carefully.

Therefore, in the face of feeling that he could feel in his childhood again, Qin Qiao forgot even to push back, and directly lay on Jia Mo's back.

Jia Mo picked up Qin Qiao, looked at the other two, and said, "I'll take her to the hospital first, you guys have fun."

"Well, we will tell Teacher Luo, Teacher Qin, you have to recuperate."

Xu Mengnan looked at Qin Qiao on Jia Mo's back, with a worried look on her face, she was afraid that something would happen to Qin Qiao.

"Well, don't worry, I'll be fine.

Qin Qiao looked at this little girl who had been pestering herself, she used to be the one who was also clingy, and now she could understand her feelings

, "Do you want to go with me, I will also go to help, right? Chu

Yuning was also a little worried, so he offered to help himself

, but whether Qin Qiao and Jia Modou did not want them to delay others, Jia

Mo refused: " It's okay, I'll be alone, don't worry. Then

, Jia Mo carried Qin Qiao down the mountain, Xu Mengnan and Chu Yuning continued to move forward, but with Qin Qiao's matter just now, the two of them were extra careful, for fear that they would also be injured, they didn't have any cousin to take care of them, and then it would be troublesome.

Luo Geng was far ahead, and they didn't know anything about what happened

behind, when they were ready to take a break and wait for the few people behind, Luo Geng took out the water, stood there and took a sip, but saw that there were only Xu Mengnan and Chu Yuning walking slowly below.

"What about Qin Qiao and Lao Jia?"

asked Luo Geng looking at the two people who were coming, he couldn't see the shadows of the two of them.

So, Xu Mengnan told Luo Geng what had just happened, Luo Geng and several of them showed a solemn expression

, fortunately, there was no danger, but he sprained his ankle, if Jia Mo did not catch Qin Qiao, then the whole person would have fallen from the mountain, and it was not just a sprain at that time.

Luo Geng called Jia Mo and asked about the situation on their side, Jia Mo was driving to the hospital, wiped the bonesetting medicine and wine, there was no big problem, but he definitely couldn't come back to climb the mountain.

The two also felt very regretful, but this is also an inevitable thing, Luo Geng can only comfort the two and let them not mind, anyway, there will be many opportunities for this kind of opportunity in the future.

"She's fine, but let's be careful, slow down, safety first."

Luo Geng looked at the others, especially at Chi Xiaoyu, if Chi Xiaoyu suffered any injuries here, then he would especially regret bringing her here.

After the few people rested, they set off together and headed towards the top of the mountain.

With Qin Qiao's affairs, they were more careful, and before reaching the top of the mountain, there were no more accidents.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone successfully reached the top

, "Hey!" An

Ying shouted to the heavy mountains, and the voice spread out, and a faint echo could be heard.

The scenery seen at the top of this mountain is something that can never be seen at the foot of the mountain, and it feels like "it will be the top of the mountain, and the view of the mountains is small".

"Wow-" Chu

Yuning was also the first time to see such a landscape, at this time she was a little regretful, she did not bring the things that were painted, this excellent scenery, not painted down, it was a big loss for her.

Chi Xiaoyu stood behind everyone, while they were all lamenting the charm of the mountain, she didn't care about these scenery, as if in her eyes, there were

more important things, she took out the book, opened it, and after opening it, behind the option of [climbing with Luo Geng], she ticked it, and at the same time, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, for her, this is the more important thing.

After staying at the top of the mountain for a while, everyone planned to take the cable car down the mountain, otherwise it would be evening if it was a little later.

Luo Geng sat next to Chi Xiaoyu, the two sat in the same cable car, Luo Geng supported his chin with his hand, looking at the scenery of the mountains condescendingly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Husband, are you tired?" Chi

Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng's side face and asked with some worry, because Luo Geng's words were very few, Chi Xiaoyu was worried about whether climbing the mountain tired him.

But the fact is that Luo Geng is indeed a little tired, his physical strength is not as good as Chi Xiaoyu, but he feels that it doesn't matter if he is tired, as long as he can accompany Chi Xiaoyu to complete what she wants to do, then everything is worth it.

"I'm okay, do you like hiking, and if you do, we'll come back next time."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked with a smile.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and said softly: "Listen to you, I don't like mountaineering, I like to climb with you, without you, even if it is a gold mountain and silver mountain, I feel meaningless."

"I knew you would say that, but I also wanted to know what you like to do so that I could often take you to do what you loved."

Luo Geng muttered softly, not letting Chi Xiaoyu hear clearly, because he knew that when he said this sentence, the answer he would get would still be the answer "what he likes to do is be with himself".

Luo Geng looked at the cable car in front of him and looked at the others, as if An Ying proposed to climb the mountain, as if Xu Mengnan proposed to visit the comic exhibition, Luo Geng also hoped that Chi Xiaoyu could propose to him what he wanted to do.

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