After coming down from the cable car, everyone was ready to go back

, but as soon as they came down, they saw Jia Mo's car parked there, and Jia Mo leaned next to the car, waiting for everyone to come down.

"Lao Jia, why did you come back?"

Luo Geng walked over and asked with some doubt

, "Teacher Luo, I sent Qiaoqiao back, I don't think you can get a car, so I came back to pick them up and go back together."

Jia Mo pointed to Xu Mengnan and them, after all, they brought them by themselves when they came, and they couldn't leave halfway and leave them here.

"Oh, why don't you run back specifically, I can take a taxi directly, you have so much trouble."

Luo Geng saw Jia Mo's intentions, and when he said this kind of thing, he only said it to him, saying so, but he already had some admiration for Jia Mo in his heart, and people who have a beginning and an end, and a sense of responsibility, will always be admired by others.

"Thank you Teacher Jia

, by the way, is Teacher Qin okay?" Xu Mengnan walked to Jia Mo, thanked him, and asked about Qin Qiao's situation by the way

, Jia Mo shook his head and said: "It's okay, let you worry, the doctor has prescribed medicine, and now he is recuperating, it should be fine in about a week."

Chu Yuning also came over and said, "We will go back to take care of her, Mr. Jia Mo, don't worry."

"I'm giving you trouble. Afterwards

, Chu Yuning and Xu Mengnan got into Jia Mo's car again, ready to go back first, while Luo Geng and they were ready to go to eat first.

After saying goodbye, the two cars left separately.

"Let's go to that wild mountain next time, and then we can camp in the mountain." In

Luo Geng's car, An Ying still has some unfinished thoughts, the feeling of everyone coming out to play together, she likes it very much, and looks forward to the next opportunity like this.

"That's dangerous, isn't it... If it rains, it's miserable, and there must be a lot of bugs.

Fan Junzhe looked at An Ying on the side and said a little helplessly.

"Ahhh... In this way, it is okay not to go to the mountains, camping must be very interesting, let's try it next time!" An Ying

stretched out his hand and put his arm around Chi Xiaoyu's shoulder in the front passenger seat, pleading Chi Xiaoyu as if he was coquettish.

However, Chi Xiaoyu did not immediately agree to her, because there was no such project as camping with Luo Geng in her book, and all her actions were centered on Luo Geng.


"Grandma, are you really okay?

Hou Pengyuan looked at the old man in front of him, although she was standing, he always felt that the old man would fall down in the next second.

After a few weeks of recuperation, the old man was discharged from the hospital and brought home by Hou Pengyuan, his condition was very stable, and his physical condition gradually improved, although the age was there, but he was mentally sufficient, and he didn't look like a person who had a serious illness.

"It's okay... It's okay, you hurry back to school, you can't go to college... Wanxin that child, must miss you, go back to her..." The

old man waved his hand, asking Hou Pengyuan in front of him not to worry, she can also manage herself at home, after all, since Hou Pengyuan's grandfather left, for so many years, it has been like this.

"Wanxin..." Hou Pengyuan thought again, when school started, Wanxin kissed his cheek, although it was for his grandmother to make a play, but for Hou Pengyuan, it was also the reason why he didn't sleep at night

, he also kept thinking, what is Yu Wanxin

doing, is he doing well in school, have he ever thought about himself, has he ... Make a boyfriend....

These are all things that Hou Pengyuan thinks about day and night, making him always want to

go back to school, so now even if he is worried about his grandmother, he is also looking forward to being able to go back to school in his heart.

"Then I'll go back to school tomorrow, grandma, you must call me if you have anything, I will be back as soon as possible."

Hou Pengyuan looked at the old man in front of him and said, he went to college in the next city, a few hours by bus, and only two hours by train, in order to be closer to home, grandma can rush back quickly if she has something.

When I go back to school tomorrow, I will be there that morning.

"Okay, well, you know, you can rest assured, I feel more energetic now than before I was hospitalized, and nothing will happen."

The old man patted Hou Pengyuan's shoulder to reassure him

, and then took out a red cloth from his pocket, and she stretched out her hand to open the red cloth, and the bread in it was money.

"Hold... If you buy a ticket, go back and buy something delicious, and buy it for Wanxin..." The

old man took out a few banknotes and handed them to Hou Pengyuan, but Hou Pengyuan did not take it, quickly shook his head, and said: "Grandma, you still keep the money yourself, you can buy whatever you want, I have it myself... With my dad giving me living expenses, it's enough.

"Your dad gave you your living expenses, and this is the pocket money that grandma gave you, take it."

The old man stuffed the banknote into Hou Pengyuan's hand, not allowing him to refuse, and Hou Pengyuan did not shirk anymore, because what he said that he had living expenses was also fake, and

the living expenses given by his father were all used to fill the expenses that grandma spent in the hospital.

"After meeting Wanxin, bring a word and let her come to see me again when she is free, I miss her very much..."


Pengyuan knew that not only his grandmother missed Yu Wanxin, but he missed it anymore, and he couldn't wait to rush back immediately.

He had already thought about it, and when he went back to school, he would go to work part-time, save more money, come back once a weekend, take care of his grandmother, take care of the ingredients he needed for the week, or use wood for the torch, and so on.

He's still young, no matter how tired he is, and although his grandmother may not have a few years left, he also has to do his best in the last days.

The next day, Hou Pengyuan packed up his things, got on the train, and prepared to go back to school.

More than a month has passed since the start of school, and college students have woken up from the atmosphere of the New Year, returned to a normal state, and worked hard for what they yearn for.


" Hou Pengyuan dragged his luggage, pushed open the door of his dormitory, and walked

in, his roommate sat up in shock, looked at Hou Pengyuan with a shocked expression, and said: "Yuanzi, why did you come back?"

Something happened at home. Hou

Pengyuan said lightly, returned to his bed, leaned against

the window, before he had time to pack his luggage, he

glanced at the window, on the road outside, several figures walked by

, one of them, the black and bright black hair, made Hou Pengyuan's eyes brighten, and a familiar feeling instantly surged in his heart.

"Yu Wanxin?"

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