
muttered Hou Pengyuan, but his brain was already down, his brain was blank, and he couldn't think at all.

Yu Wanxin nodded and said: "Yes, uh, we can pretend in front of grandma, the rest of the time, let's live your own life, you also have to cheer ah, make a real girlfriend, and bring it to grandma when the time comes."

Yu Wanxin patted Hou Pengyuan's shoulder, encouraging him, but he couldn't feel his mood at this time.

Hou Pengyuan's mouth opened slightly, and after a moment, he closed it

, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his throat moved.

"Ahaha... Yes, of course, of course, I will not delay your life, you are right, I should have made a girlfriend earlier, so that grandma can rest assured, uh... You, you you are busy, I won't bother, I have to go back and pack my bags."

Hou Pengyuan squeezed out a smile, looking as if he was forcing a smile, and after hurriedly speaking, he turned around and quickly left here.

"You..." Yu

Wanxin looked at the back of Hou Pengyuan, who left in a hurry, and before he could say anything, he had already walked away.

Hou Pengyuan's pace was very fast, he didn't dare to look back at all, he didn't want to see a few people behind

, his heart was messy, he liked Yu Wanxin, at this moment, he admitted generously

, but the price of his admission was that it was too late to admit it, it was useless.

He knows that he has no drama, in all aspects, he is not as good as that Li Muze

, and Yu Wanxin has helped himself so much because of the friendship of classmates, a girl of the age of flowers, willing to pretend to be his girlfriend and help himself, should not ask her for anything anymore.

She is also the age when she wants to fall in love, the relationship has just opened, and now people have a boy they like, and they want to pursue their own happiness, what is wrong, she has nothing wrong, but she can't accept it in her heart.

"If I really confessed to her, it should be counted... Hou

Pengyuan smiled self-deprecatingly, raised his head and glanced at the sky, I don't know why, the blue sky suddenly turned gray in his eyes.

In the evening, Li Muze, Yu Wanxin, and Nie Ran waved goodbye.

"Bye bye, I'll go back first, see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow. Yu Wanxin also waved goodbye to him, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

After Li Muze left, Nie Ran looked at Yu Wanxin and said: "Okay, don't look, everyone is far away, let's go eat, I'm about to starve."

"Good, good, eat, eat."

Yu Wan looked helplessly at Nie Ran on the side and sighed, she originally asked Nie Ran to help herself, so that she didn't get nervous, but she didn't help anything today.

The two came to the restaurant and prepared to eat, but just after sitting down, Nie Ran leaned over his head and asked in a low voice: "Wanxin, today's ... Hou Pengyuan, you are really classmates, he should like you, right?" When

she saw Hou Pengyuan's reaction today, she could see that he liked Yu Wanxin, and it was obvious.

Yu Wan was stunned for a moment and said: "Hou Pengyuan, like me? I don't know, maybe, a little, but so what?" "

Then if you are confessed by him, will you refuse? It's that compared with Li Muze, it's a little... He is a little too

ordinary, yes, just too ordinary!" Nie Ran thought of Hou Pengyuan's appearance, couldn't think of any adjectives, if he had to say one, that is, decent, not fat or thin, not handsome or ugly, not tall or short, very ordinary, nothing bright, on the

contrary, Li Muze has many outstanding physical features, these are far from Hou Peng.

Besides, I am also an ordinary person, some people are not as good as ordinary people, besides, your worries are futile, Hou Peng is far from being able to confess to me."

Yu Wanxin concluded that Hou

Pengyuan would not confess to her, even if Hou Pengyuan really liked himself, because she knew Hou Pengyuan, even if he liked it, he did not dare to say it because he was not confident.

"How dare you conclude that what if he sees that you have a play with Li Muze and plucks up the courage to confess to you?

"Okay, don't make fun of my classmates, okay? Especially Hou Pengyuan, he... Ahem, you better not bully him anyway, he's very honest.

Yu Wanxin gave Nie Ran a blank look, and directly interrupted what she was going to say, preventing her from continuing.

Nie Ran pouted and said softly: "Huh--here said that he likes Li Muze and wants to pursue him, and he is still protecting Hou Pengyuan over there? What do you want to do? Want to step on two boats?" Yu

Wanxin gasped, frowned and said:

"Shhh, don't make trouble, why do you think so dirty, I and him are just friends, can't there be pure friendship between men and women?"

I don't know, I don't know, I don't evaluate, whether there is pure friendship, then it depends on what the man thinks..."

"I don't care about you, I'll go to the bathroom."

Yu Wanxin stood up and went to the bathroom, leaving Nie Ran alone in place.

In the bathroom, Yu Wanxin heard a few people walking in outside

the door, went to the sink to wash her hands, she didn't care, just wanted to open the door and go out

, but suddenly heard, a familiar person's name.

"Li Muze, you seem to have been very close to that Yu Wanxin recently, you have a good relationship?" "

Li Muze?" Yu Wanxin frowned, she listened to the voice of a boy outside the door, and also heard Li Muze and her own name.

Do you have an opinion?" At

this time, Li Muze's voice came from outside the door, Yu Wanxin did not expect that not long after they separated, they met again here,

and they were still in the toilet.


Wanxin thought so, and heard the boy outside ask again:

"Do you like her?

She stood inside the door, listening to the voices outside, eager to hear Li Muze's answer.

I didn't expect that she could be here and hear such a key thing directly, and if she heard the answer she wanted to hear, then between her and Li Muze, she would have the lead.

Just when Yu Wanxin was still waiting, fantasizing about what kind of answer she would hear

, outside, there was suddenly a voice from Li Muze scoffing,

"Like? "

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